Wherever U.S. leadership has helped Islamic jihadis topple secular autocrats in the name of “democracy and freedom,” indigenous Christian minorities are being forced to convert to Islam or die.

Many are accepting death.
Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured, mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians for saying “they would never renounce Christ” for Muhammad.
The jihadis took one group in front of a large crowd. They cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy, who steadfastly refused to submit to Islam. They “severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam.” He refused, so they “also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”
According to a Christian leader associated with the martyrs, “They were left on their crosses for two days. No one was allowed to remove them.” A sign saying “infidels” was placed next to their crosses.
The other eight Christians, including two women aged 29 and 33, were also ordered to renounce Christ and embrace Islam before a large crowd. They refused:
The Islamic extremists then publicly raped the women, who continued to pray during the ordeal, leading the ISIS militants to beat them all the more furiously.
As the two women and the six men knelt before they were beheaded, they were all praying.
“Villagers said some were praying in the name of Jesus, others said some were praying the Lord’s prayer, and others said some of them lifted their heads to commend their spirits to Jesus,” the ministry director said. “One of the women looked up and seemed to be almost smiling as she said, ‘Jesus!’”
After they were beheaded, their bodies were hung on crosses, the ministry director said, his voice breaking.
The same is happening in the two other Arab nations where the U.S., under the pretext of “freedom and democracy,” overthrew the secular dictators who had long kept a lid on the jihadis: Iraq and Libya.
Late last year, Andrew White, an Anglican priest known as the “Vicar of Baghdad,” recounted the horrific atrocities Christians in Iraq are suffering—including seeing their children chopped in half for refusing to embrace Islam. One of his anecdotes follows:
ISIS turned up and they said to the [Christian] children, “You say the words [shehada, convert to Islam], that you will follow Muhammad.” And the children, all under 15, four of them, they said, “No, we love Jesus. We have always loved Jesus. We have always followed Jesus. Jesus has always been with us.” They [ISIS] said, “Say the words!” They [children] said, “No, we can’t.” [White starts sobbing] They chopped all their heads off. How do you respond to that? You just cry. They’re my children. That is what we have been going through. That is what we are going through.
It should be noted that the targeting of Christian children in Iraq goes back soon after the ousting of Saddam Hussein. In June 2008, a Canadian parliamentary committee heard about how “militant Muslims” were crucifying Christian children: “Since the war began in 2003, about 12 children, many as young as 10, have been kidnapped and killed, then nailed to makeshift crosses near their homes to terrify and torment their parents.”
In one of his Facebook postings, White, who regularly posted pictures of Christian martyrs, wrote:
Today’s Pictures are too awful to show. You know I love to show photos but the photo I was sent today was the most awful I have ever seen. A family of 8 all shot through the face laying in a pool of blood with their Bible open on the couch. They would not convert it cost them their life.
White also told of how Islamic State members came to a Christian man saying, “Either you convert to Islam or we kill all your children.” The desperate father declared the words, the shehada, that “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,” thus becoming a Muslim.
Contrite at heart, he phoned White crying, “Father, father, I said the words! Does that mean Jesus doesn’t love me anymore? I’ve always loved Jesus but I said those words because I couldn’t see my children being killed!”
White responded: “No Elias, Jesus still loves you—he will always love you.”
Aside from the numerous historic accounts of Christians slaughtered for refusing to renounce Christ for Muhammad—whether 100,000 Georgians beheaded or burned alive, or a “mere” 813 Italians decapitated—even in the very details, precedents abound: for example, remorse at converting out of fear. Consider the following account from Medieval Egypt:
In 1389, a great procession of Copts who had accepted Muhammad under fear of death, marched through Cairo. Repenting of their apostasy, they now wished to atone for it by the inevitable consequence of returning to Christianity. So as they marched, they announced that they believed in Christ and renounced Muhammad. They were seized and all the men were beheaded one after another in an open square before the women. But this did not terrify the women; so they, too, were all martyred (Crucified Again, pgs. 113-114).
Speaking of Egyptian martyrs, we come to the third “liberated” Arab nation where Christians are now being put to the sword for refusing to renounce Christ: Libya.
Earlier this year, the Islamic State released a video depicting 21 Egyptian Christians being decapitated in Libya. While holding their victims’ bodies down, Islamic State members shoved their fingers in the Christians’ eyes, craned their heads back, and sliced away at their throats with knives. As with the recent public rape, beheading, and crucifixion of those 12 Christians near Aleppo, some of the Egyptian Copts were also seen praying to Christ. One Coptic priest later described the scene as follows:
The name of Jesus was their last word…. With that name, whispered at the very last, their martyrdom was sealed.
Over one month before the video appeared, the BBC had falsely reported that the majority of those now slaughtered Copts were “released.” Sadly, such downplaying of Muslim persecution of Christians is standard for the BBC.
When the Islamic State released another video in April of more Christians in Libya being massacred, a masked IS spokesman addressed “Christians everywhere”:
We say to Christians everywhere, the Islamic State will expand, with Allah’s permission. And it will reach you even if you are in fortified strongholds. So whoever enters Islam will have security…. But whoever refuses will see nothing from us but the edge of a spear. The men will be killed and the children will be enslaved, and their wealth will be taken as booty. This is the judgment of Allah and His Messenger.
The next scene portrays captive Ethiopian Christians being shot in the back of the head or having their heads carved off.
The ongoing slaughter of Christians by the Islamic State and the destruction of churches and antiquities must be laid at the feet of those Western nations that, intentionally or unintentionally, paved the way for the Islamic State.
As Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said before the United Nations, while addressing those nations that supported the “Arab Spring,” chief among them America:
Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?
Whether they realize it or not, they continue to do it in Syria—with Christians paying the highest price.[i]
[i] Aside from the Islamic State’s slaughter of Christians who refuse to convert to Islam, Muslim individuals, mobs, terrorists, and governments all around the world have been known to try to force Christians to convert, sometimes on pain of death. Some anecdotes follow:
- Palestine: Christians in Gaza protested over the “kidnappings and forced conversions of some former believers to Islam.” The ever-dwindling Christian community banged on a church bell while chanting, “With our spirit, with our blood we will sacrifice ourselves for you, Jesus.”
- Pakistan: In 2004, a-two-year old child was raped because her Christian father “refused to convert to Islam.” Another “devoted Christian” was butchered by Muslim men “with multiple axe blows [24 per autopsy] for refusing to convert to Islam.” In April 2014, A Muslim security guard murdered a Christian worker who refused to convert to Islam.
- Uganda: After a gang of Muslims brandishing machetes stormed a church during service, hacking one 18-year-old woman to death and leaving three others, including a one-year-old baby, injured, the pastor explained that the attackers belong to a local “group of Muslims” which seeks “to transform [Christian-majority] Uganda into an Islamic nation and would kill anyone who refused to convert.”
- Nigeria: A Christian teenage girl told of how Boko Haram came to her household and slaughtered her father and brother because they refused to convert to Islam. After abusing her, they tied her up and left her in a state of shock between the two corpses.
- Bangladesh: After shutting down the construction of a church, a local government official threatened Christians with eviction from their village unless they renounced their faith and embraced Islam. Said one of the Christians: “Their threats chilled me to the bone. That is why I pretended to accept Islam, but faith in Christ is the wellspring of my life.” Another said: “The chairman is clipping the wings of our faith. I do not know how long we can grin and bear it. We want religious freedom. We want to practice our religion freely.”
- Russia: In Tatarstan, a Muslim-majority republic in Russia, seven churches were burned and “increased pressure on Christians to convert to Islam” was widespread.
- Uzbekistan: A 26-year-old Christian woman, partially paralyzed from youth, and her elderly mother were violently attacked by invaders who ransacked their home, confiscating “icons, Bibles, religious calendars, and prayer books.” At the police department, the paralyzed woman was “offered to convert to Islam.” She refused and was accordingly fined almost two years’ worth of her wages.
And they said that the accounts of the Maccabees were over-stated
I wish my church would come out with an unequivocal public stance against this.
Raymond, do you know of any reputable, responsible and effective groups who are specifically helping Christians in these places and are worthy of your readers’ financial support?
Shoebat dot com
rescuechristians dot com
The Syrian government and Syria army with the help of Hezbollah actually…We, the Christians of the US, need to grasp this basic truth – that under Assad the Christians are protected and respected. They fight IN the Syrian Army and they are feeling betrayed by US Christians and our lack of understanding and support. Wake up and call your congressmen to stop the immoral US support of the Islamist revolution in Syria we’ve called a ‘freedom and democracy movement’. It’s all lies and the Christians in Syria will tell you so.
That is exactly true. And I may add, for Christ’s sake, let us unite in one important prayer together. Let us pray for the complete defeat of the barbaric and genocidal Syrian islamic jihadists and their American backers in Syria. Please pray for this objective in the next three weeks. Remember, as you pray for this objective, you could be saving the lives of millions of innocent Syrian Christians through your simple prayer. Please share this prayer request with others who are willing to pray for the fulfillment of this noble objective.
Interesting comments.
But I would never do anything to support Hezbollah.
thanks for reading 🙂 I used to think that same way until i spent 3 years many hours every day learning the facts in the ME – often from Christians there on the front lines who live in direct threat of ISIS and al Qaeda/Nusra. Hezbollah is not the organization it once was. It’s main purpose is to keep Israel from taking over Lebanon as Israeli leaders have proclaimed was their goal since David ben Gurion announced it in 1948. The Zionists’ plan was to take Lebanon and set up a puppet Christian government in order to create a giant refugee camp for the Christians they intended to displace as they went on to take Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. It really has been Hezbollah in the mountains between Lebanon and Syria that have been fighting alongside the Syrian Army (that has many Christians in it) and Christian National Defense Force units. You might find this article interesting http://www.christianpost.com/news/they-accept-us-as-we-are-christians-join-forces-with-muslim-group-hezbollah-to-fight-isis-in-lebanon-138975/
Interesting link. I’ll look into that some more.
That is propaganda Lancelot. Look into more of Raymond’s articles on Hezbollah, as well as articles in the Middle East Quarterly.
There’s no way I could support Hezbollah.
And I’m sure Hezbollah would turn on the Christians in a flash if ISIS was not in the picture. They certainly went after the Lebanese Christians.
But I checked out the link Jan Fearing posted anyway, just out of curiosity. Interesting viewpoint, but I’m not buying it. Hezbollah are still a terrorist outfit which I can’t support.
HOGWASH. This is propaganda Jan and you are spreading lies.
But they are emerging as part of a concerted push by Syrian Christians to get the U.S. to stop its support for rebel groups fighting Syrian president Bashar al Assad. “The US must change its politics and must choose the way of diplomacy and dialogue, not supporting rebels and calling them freedom fighters,” says Nalbandian. http://swampland.time.com/2014/01/30/syrian-christian-leaders-call-on-us-to-end-support-for-anti-assad-rebels/
[Assad] opened the country up to foreign trade, to tourism within the country and from abroad, to freedom of movement and of education for both men and women. Before the protests started, the number of women in the professional world had been constantly increasing, the university was open to all, and there was no discrimination on the basis of sex. The country was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us http://www.catholicworldreport.com/Item/3570/isis_assad_and_what_the_west_is_missing_about_syria.aspx
I found a place of beauty, peace, and coexistence in a Syria that is now almost never acknowledged, and which risks being forgotten about. But Syrians themselves will never forget. https://medium.com/news-politics/a-marine-in-syria-d06ff67c203c#.t6jz7le2b
But they are emerging as part of a concerted push by Syrian Christians to get the U.S. to stop its support for rebel groups fighting Syrian president Bashar al Assad. “The US must change its politics and must choose the way of diplomacy and dialogue, not supporting rebels and calling them freedom fighters,” says Nalbandian.
The group is the first delegation of its kind to visit Washington since the crisis began three years ago, and its five members represent key different Christian communities in the country. Awad, Toumeh, and Nalbandian were joined by Rev. Riad Jarjour, Presbyterian pastor from Homs, and Bishop Dionysius Jean Kawak, Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church. The Westminster Institute and Barnabas Aid, two groups that focus on religious freedom and relief for threatened faith communities, sponsored their trip. http://prayersforsyria.com/syrian-christian-leaders-plead-with-the-usa-to-stop-arming-the-rebels/
oh stop!!! for heaven’s sakes how dare you just accuse me of something like that. For 3 1/2 years I have been in contact with people in Syria and Iraq. And I have discovered something… that my brothers and sisters in Christ…in America…are among the most clueless, delusional, ill informed, brain washed group of people on this planet. WAKE UP…how much more carnage do you need in the Middle East to get a CLUE that something is wrong??? PLEASE read some of these links I have posted here and YOU start learning the truth. As Christians we are supposed to tell the truth in love…well its hard when you are trying to convince the so-called body of Christ who continually whip, accuse, crucify anyone who dares. We are bringing the very wrath of God down upon us for our arrogance and ignorance that has been manipulated into supporting some of the most evil forces on the planet for greed and lust for power.
I am not spreading lies – I am sharing the words and concerns of Christians in the Middle East as they have shared with me.
The terrorists told you that and you believe it? The murderers? It’s amazing just how convincing they can be. They are just like ISIS. Now go and research them. How foolish to believe such lies.
If you are calling Christians in the Middle East who are getting slaughtered ‘terrorists’ than yes, I guess I’ve been listening to terrorists… I used to be a Christian Zionist myself and believed the words of ambitious, greedy, lying leaders of Israel who, it turns out, not only do not care how many thousands of Christians are killed, but who, in fact, are directly aiding and abetting al Nusra terrorists in the Golan Heights – terrorists who have wiped out entire villages of Christians and Alawites and Shiites.
“It’s simple,” said Father Elias Hanout, 38, who led the prayers at Sunday’s service. “If the West wants Syria to remain a country for Christian people, then help us to stay here; stop arming terrorists.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11247798/Syrian-Christians-Help-us-to-stay-stop-arming-terrorists.html
Hezbolla has terrorized the Christians for decades in their own land. Their favorite quote is ” First the Saturday people then the Sunday people.” Well Sunday has arrived just as I real has been trying to warn the world of all these years. And the fight is about land? What about Kosovo that was taken from the Serbs- that was a trick, and Bill bombed the wrong people and Bush did the wrong thing. And Kashmir? And Greek lands? Pakistan really should never have been a country- it was India. And Lebanon was carved out of the Middle East because Muslims, yes Muslims were persecuting CHRISTIANS! Ever notice it’s the 2nd smallest country next to Israel. And the reason Israel is SO SMALL IS BECAUSE 80% OF ISRAEL WAS CARVED OUT AND GIVEN TO JORDAN FOR THE SO CALLED PALESTINIANS. In fact, the leader at the time announced it, that the people now had their state. Look in the UN RESOLUTIONS. THEY GO BACK TO 1947, YOU WILL FIND IT THERE IN BLACK AND WHITE.
Suzanne – are you a Christian?
[Assad] opened the country up to foreign trade, to tourism within the country and from abroad, to freedom of movement and of education for both men and women. Before the protests started, the number of women in the professional world had been constantly increasing, the university was open to all, and there was no discrimination on the basis of sex. The country was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us. http://www.catholicworldreport.com/Item/3570/isis_assad_and_what_the_west_is_missing_about_syria.aspx
A Syrian Catholic archbishop has accused the United States of joining forces with al-Qaeda in an attempt to topple President Bashar Al-Assad.
Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo of Hassaké-Nisibi said he believed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was arming and training rebel groups in Syria which were al-Qaeda under “a different name”.
He said it was misleading for Western politicians to speak of support for “moderate rebels” in Syria “because such groups simply did not exist”.
So let’s arm our fellow Christians so they can protect themselves without having to rely on Hezbollah.
I just can’t support Hezbollah under any circumstances. They’re a Islamist terrorist group allied with Iran, nothing more. They support Iran’s goals, which do not include safe havens for Christians.
Hezbollah is only protecting Lebanese Christians at this point because Hezbollah fears ISIS and the threat ISIS poses to Shia Muslims.
I’m an Israel supporter. I’ll support Israel over Hezbollah, anytime, no questions asked.
Our fellow Christians would be far better off with Israeli protection than they would be with Hezbollah “protection.” Read Sura 9 of the Koran if you have any doubt about Hezbollah’s true attitude toward our fellow Christians.
I would much rather see Israel arm and train the Lebanese Christians, Druze and other minorities than see them rely on Hezbollah for protection
I hear you but please consider this: I supported everything Israel’s leaders did and said…for decades. Problem is, what Bibi is actually doing is just like Herod, “Oh, tell me where the Christ child is that I might worship him too.” Except the FRUIT of Bibi’s policies and advice that literally define OUR foreign policy in the ME is death to Christians just as Herod meant death to the Child. Please Lancelot, its a hard thing to deal with…but please understand….your support of all of Israeli leaders’ wickedness and murder is slaughtering Christians. Bibi personally has given al Nusra terrorists succor at a hospital. This terrorist group has massacred entire villages of Christians, Alawites, and Druze. Brutally massacred I might add – every bit as bad as ISIS. Just as in 99% of Israel/Judea’s history, with their evil kings and hypocritical religious leaders, they are playing us like a violin to appease their hatred and their greed. No kidding, you don’t know these radical Zionists and their spirit – they truly believe you and I aren’t humans. It’s not all of them of course, but it is the ones who have a great deal of pull in both Israel and the US. Hezbollah has morphed over the years…their crime is that they keep Israel from invading Lebanon and Iran takes infinitely better care of both Christians and Jews than Israel’s allies in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the second largest population of Jews in the ME is in Iran and even after repeated offers and bribes from Israel, refuse to leave their country… I hope you will consider reading this article: https://faithandheritage.com/2013/08/assad-a-modern-cyrus-the-great-for-christians/
That is smart LB. Hezbollah is, and has always been a terrorist organization in concert with Iran.
Sadly Christians in the Middle East are safest under dictatorships and secular governments. They still suffer but not as bad.
The distant thud of rockets can be heard in the Lebanese border town of Ras Baalbek. Local Christian residents here fear that the spread of militant Islamist groups, who are simultaneously fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and rebel groups in Syria, could eventually spill over into Lebanon.
Militant Sunni groups like the Islamic State (IS) and Jabhat al Nusra, al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, have made impressive gains throughout the last year, often slaughtering minorities along the way — including Christians, Shia, Alawites, and others.
This fear has prompted locals in Ras Baalbek to start stockpiling weapons, and hundreds of them have launched an armed volunteer group to patrol at night. The Lebanese military has also significantly bulked up its presence here and in other border areas. https://news.vice.com/article/well-die-before-they-make-us-leave-lebanese-christians-are-ready-to-face-the-islamic-state-on-syrias-border
I wouldn’t have either, until you learn the actual facts of the situation. But if you care about the Christians who are getting slaughtered, I would suggest listening to them instead of oil/gas greedy leaders in Israel who could not care any less about how many Christians die or suffer. In fact, we Christians have been supporting a Herod-wanna be and the Pharisees while turning dear ears and blind eyes our brothers and sisters who have been crying out for help.
Two-thirds of Lebanon’s Christians believe Hezbollah is protecting Lebanon from the threat of takfiris (extremist groups), a recent survey by the Beirut Center for Research and Information revealed.
The survey asked people about Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria, replacing Hezbollah fighters with UN peacekeepers on Lebanon’s eastern borders with Syria, Hezbollah’s efficacy in foiling infiltration attempts by the extremist groups, and the goals of the US-led airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/22129
“[Assad] opened the country up to foreign trade, to tourism within the country and from abroad, to freedom of movement and of education for both men and women. Before the protests started, the number of women in the professional world had been constantly increasing, the university was open to all, and there was no discrimination on the basis of sex. The country was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us.” http://www.catholicworldreport.com/Item/3570/isis_assad_and_what_the_west_is_missing_about_syria.aspx
Coptic Solidarity International. Despite name, they focus on all Mideast Christians, including under IS domination: http://www.copticsolidarity.org/
Thanks Raymond. I’ll send a contribution.
Perhaps you could do an article, or even post links on your website, about groups like this along with any other practical measures for assisting beleaguered Christians in the Middle East and other areas. There are a lot of groups out there soliciting funds for this purpose but I’ve never heard of many of them. I’d like to send my contributions to a group which will use them effectively so any information which helps separate the wheat from the chaff would be useful.
Keep up the good work.
Instead of wishing, provide the articles and videos, demand that this be addressed and don’t stop until they listen to you. You will find, so be prepared, that you either belong to a Christian Church or a Pagan Church. Most Churches are now Pagan institutions.
I have been quite vocal about this at my church. Some agree, many do not, others avoid the issue completely. It’s definitely an uphill battle.
Few Christian churches in the US are addressing this issue.
“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.” – Hebrews 13:3
Open Doors has free downloads to use during the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
Voice of the Martyrs and Open Doors are two good organizations that you might check into.
I’ll check into them as well.
Do it through Israaid. Don’t trust others
These Islamist pigs need to be crucified.
So much for the “peaceful religion” BS.
Deuteronomy 32:35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
“They” will fail ! Christ will overcome and destroy the evil Satan !
I find it interesting that while yes, everything you’ve said here is true – there is NO acknowledgement of the defense of Christians by the Syrian Arab Army which is 90% Muslim or the help Hezbollah is giving Christians along the Lebanon border in Syria. Truly, Syria is an exceptional country where Christians are not just “protected” but respected and many Christians fight side by side with their Sunni and Alawite brothers in arms AGAINST the US backed Islamists we call ‘moderates’ yet the US – with full backing by conservatives Christians have been calling for the overthrow of their legitimate, popular and positive president that has done very well for our brothers and sisters. Shame on us.
Do muslims actually think that Christians are seriously believing Mohammed’s crappy ‘religion’?
Christians in Europe and the U.S. must stand up for their faith in this instance! Please!
The injustice and suffering is undeniable.
Christ will never overcome…he’s already here,… can you feel?
Do you talk with him? You don’t need…but can you hear talk to you.
Do you call him?
Do you recognize him in a strange’s face?
Because there’s so many fake christians as beligerants…
Thanks again to Brother Raymond Ibrahim for sharing this information. To look back few decades ago, British and American navies were anchored off shore from the Greek- Armenian city of Smyrna while Turks slaughtered the entire Christian population and burnt the city to the ground. The Turks could have EASILY been stopped cold by just a token of western intervention. The U.S. CIA ousts the legitimate secular government in Iran allowing the Shah to grant us special drilling
rights who’s corrupt government was overthrown by Islamists. Now we will get a
nuclear Iran. The US encourages Turkey to invade Cyprus so they can establish a military base in the occupied area. We call for a phony arms embargo to make it look like we are shocked at the aggression. The republican neocons ( McCain – Graham) and the retarded but evil Obama administration are backing a Sunni take over of Syria from its legitimate government. Assad without foreign intervention would have crushed this uprising in its infancy and only hundreds and not a quarter million people may have died and there would be NO ISIS. ISIS is the baby of the house of Saud, USA, Turkey and Qatar. Saudi petro dollars influence all US
administrations be they democrat or republican they serve the EVIL islamic jihadists that are murdering and crucifying thousands of Christians in the Middle East. Shame on America!
Here’s a link to Steve Croft’s recent 60 Minutes interview with President Obama. It doesn’t inspire confidence…..
YOU have a pro-Moslem usurper in the White House. He is setting the tone and I ain’t talking about his skin color.
Here is an organization that sends all donated funds to help persecuted Christians in these regions: http://www.kofc.org/en/christianRelief/index.html
Brilliant analysis, comprehensive and influencing.
Increasing pleasure to read the author – greetings, Raymond.
Increasing attention to matter at higher levels necessary.
What a heartwrenching and horrible story! The look of the Christian martyr’s face – above – moves me deeply! How I wish that someone would eradicate islam and the millions of moslem terrorists… There are just too many of them now. I will try to spread your article, Raymond. You do such great and important Work.
I wish all American’s would place their cross hairs on a Muslim and then………….
And yet that same Church refuse these people Martyrdom, preferring to pander to the death cult. What is the difference with the Christ suffering and what these innocents go through? Pope Paul is receiving sainthood yet was one who tried to hide the disease of paedophilia, so inherent in the church under the carpet.
What of these people’s. Israel has the fastest growing Christian community there where they live as equal citizens. Yet we are told to hate Israel??? The Devil really is busy