My speech from the Coptic Solidarity event that took place in June in D.C. … [Read more...]
The New Muslim ‘Conquest’ of Europe and the Role of Ribat
The Stream Muslims are apparently taking over parts of the United Kingdom. According to an August 22 report, “Mobs of armed Muslims, many waving Palestinian flags, took over swathes of Birmingham, England’s second city, on Monday, and pursued journalists from the areas under their control ‘for miles.’” One reporter on the ground, Fraser Knight, said he was “chased out of an … [Read more...]
Islam’s Forgotten Victims: Enslaved Child Soldiers and Suicide Bombers
PJ Media An old jihadist tactic meant to deplete the ranks of non-Muslims while simultaneously augmenting its own recently received minor media coverage. According to the report, “an ISIS-affiliated armed group in northern Mozambique is recruiting boys as young as 13 to participate in [armed] raids against Mozambican authorities and villagers in the region.” Not only is ISIS … [Read more...]
The Global Left Shares a Playbook with Islam
The Stream Once again, the “Left” and Islam are exposing their extreme similarities — including the similar ways they defend their similar weak points. The examples are coming in fast and plenty — from Islam, from Western Europe, and from right here in the good ol’ United States. Islam Cancels the Truth First, from the Islamic world: a Muslim convert to Christianity, who … [Read more...]
Who’s to Blame? Historic American Church Transformed into a Mosque
The Stream A large, historic Catholic church in New York is on its way to becoming a mosque, following its purchase by a Muslim organization. On August 11, Fr. Ronald Vierling drew attention to the sale in a social media post: “St. Anne’s Church, Buffalo, NY. Permanently closed. Sold to the Islamic community for $250,000 who are converting the historic church into a … [Read more...]