One of the oldest apologias for Islam is making the rounds again. According to a Feb. 27, 2024 report,
New York City teachers were told that “jihad” means simply “struggle” — not holy war — in training sessions against “anti-Muslim bias” run by the Department of Education. Educators were even given the example that it could simply mean “my jihad to get fit” … ignoring its history of being used to justify violence, including terrorism by groups such as Hamas, al Qaeda and ISIS … “The literal meaning of Jihad is ‘struggle’ or ‘great effort’. Jihad is the Muslim concept of striving in the path of God,” the host said. Examples she gave included, “My jihad to never settle short”; “My jihad to not judge people”; “My jihad to build friendships”; and “My jihad is to stay fit despite my busy schedule.”
Some teachers naturally took umbrage with these claims:
One teacher said the webinar host ignored them when they messaged to say that the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of jihad included war. Another compared the way it redefined language as “straight from the Joseph Goebbels handbook,” while a third said it was a brazen attempt to use semantics to avoid discussing Islamic extremism.
While all of these criticisms are accurate, truth be told, the claim that jihad literally means “struggle” — not “holy war” — is absolutely correct.
However, this only leads to an even more problematic irony: those who insist on translating jihad only as “struggle” do so thinking they are exonerating this notorious Arabic word from the extremism surrounding it. In reality, it is only when one understands that jihad literally means struggle that one truly comes to appreciate just how dangerous, multifaceted, and subversive it truly is.
Inherently Radical
Let us start with its etymology. Here is how the authoritative Hans-Wehr’s Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic translates the root j-h-d (whence the word jihad is derived):
to strive, endeavor, labor, take pains, and exhaust on behalf or for the sake of something [namely Islam].
Published in 1961—that is, before the current age of political correctness — the academically rigorous dictionary also makes it a point to place under the j-h-d entry the word “jihad,” which is translated as “fight, battle; jihad, holy war against the infidels, as a religious duty.”
There is a very good reason for this subcategorized entry. Historically, jihad always manifested itself as a “holy war against infidels.” It revolved around expanding and (occasionally) defending the borders of Islam.
Century after century, the only way for Muslim empires to expand into non-Muslim territory was through offensive warfare. Because pre-modern Europeans were still zealous over their faith and culture, and thus not about to submit to Islam without a struggle, force — Islamic invasion and conquest — was the only way to effectively practice jihad.
Massaging the Language
Times have changed. With the modern, meteoric rise of the West, a lax if not gullible attitude has come to prevail, allowing some Muslims to exercise the root meaning of jihad. If they can no longer subjugate the infidel through conventional war, they can at least, to quote from the aforementioned dictionary, “strive, endeavor, labor, take pains, and exhaust on behalf or for the sake of something” — namely, empowering Muslims over (and in) the West.
This striving (jihad) takes many forms. One of the most obvious is known in Arabic as jihad al-lissan — literally, “jihad of the tongue, or propaganda. This jihad takes the form of apologetics for Islam and polemics against the West — many of which consist of out-and-out lies. It emanates from Muslim academics, activists, journalists, politicians, and others.
Even the Islamic State, which embodies the concept of jihad as “holy war” more than any other organization in the modern era, regularly reminds its followers not to neglect the jihad of the tongue. According to a 2022 report,
The Islamist terrorist group Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP) has urged its supporters and recruits to emphasize media warfare in addition to military combat. “Fighting with the tongue is as important as fighting physically,” ISKP stated in a new issue of their magazine.
Breed Them Out
Another form of striving, recommended both in the Koran and Hadith, is known as jihad al-mal — the “money jihad.” Instead of physically participating in jihad, a Muslim supports it financially or materially.
This used to be the caliphate’s responsibility. Nowadays and in its absence, everyday Muslims — including those living in the West —finance the jihad with their zakat, or “alms.” For example, in 2001, the U.S. government designated the Holy Land Foundation (once the largest Islamic charity group in the United States) as a terrorist front dedicated to financing Hamas’s jihad/terrorism against Israel.
Yet another is the demographic jihad — the “baby-jihad” (jihad al-wilada). Muslim men “strive” to breed with as many women as possible in order to increase the ranks of Islam vis-à-vis increasingly sterile infidels. This is not just a lusty rationalization for illicit sex. Islamic clerics laud this “endeavor” as a legitimate jihad. Its success can be seen in Western Europe, where some of the capitals — including Amsterdam, Brussels, and Oslo — now have more newborn babies named “Muhammad” than traditional, European names. Muhammad is the most popular name in the UK.
Dumbed Down and Dangerous
In short, the word “jihad” does not simply indicate waging traditional “holy war” to empower Islam over infidels. It means any “endeavor,” any kind of “striving” or “labor” — in a word, any struggle — that empowers Islam over infidels. Citing this fact, as the apologists often do, should not create less but more apprehension concerning the jihad.
Yet here is the New York Department of Education doing everything to give jihad a Western — that is, soft and secular — veneer, so that its targets, including young and impressionable minds, let their guards down. As one Jewish teacher who attended the NYC training session put it,
They are trying to normalize jihad but we have to address the elephant in the room: that for many radical Muslims it means violence. It’s a form of subliminal messaging and brainwashing. By changing the terminology it becomes easier to say and repeat, especially for children. It’s like “genocide” doesn’t mean genocide anymore, and “terrorist” means “freedom fighter.” When someone hears a word like jihad, they now associate it with a struggle to go to the gym rather than violence. How will they be able to spot dangerous and violent ideologies? The Department of Education is promoting this twisting of terminology.
Ada Taiber says
Ban Islam before it is too late…. (maybe it is already too late… because of the stupid ignorant left and Merkel)
LogansWarning says
I fully understand. Unfortunately so called experts like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are against banning Islam. Making them part of the problem.
Christoper Logan says
I agree. Unfortunately so called experts such as Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are against banning Islam. Making them part of the problem.
Christoper Logan says
So called experts Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are AGAINST banning Islam. Making them both part of the problem.
Christoper Logan says
Raymond deletes the truth in order to cover for double talking Robert $pencer.
Olivier Knowles says
Hitler titled his manifesto: :”Mien Kampf” which translate into English as: “My Struggle”.
I presume these leftist would have a difficult time accepting that Nazism could be categorized as simply a struggle to be accepted and strive for excellence.
End PC says
Today there is an odd alliance between the Left & Islamists.
“One of the seeming paradoxes in modern American political life is the alliance between the Unholy Left and recrudescent militant Islam. It does not seem to matter that a worldwide Muslim caliphate under barbarous sharia law would mean the executions of homosexuals, the removal of women from the public sphere, the extinction of art and musical culture—all things the Left professes to care about passionately….
“What the Left and Islam have in common is the only thing that matters to either: a will to power and a desire for submission on the part of their enemies. Doctrinal differences (and there are many) between two innately totalitarian movements can be sorted out later. What matters is that the Principal Enemy first be defeated, since he—us—represents an immediate moral and mortal threat. The swiftest path to victory for both lies not in confrontation, but in our unilateral cultural disarmament.”
– From “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace” by Michael Walsh (p97).
Hamish says
White anting of Christianity has been going on for centuries.
It has resulted in splits in Christianity, with whole countries following various religious pursuasions, Germany and Denmark with Lutheran, instead of Catholic and so on.
The new enemy is a political ideology with religious overtones that uses and misuses the local colour purely for Islamic gain, nothing more.
The insideous nature of the movement is purely within a religious patriarchy, no holds barred. This means that in western culture any objection is treated the same way, to over-ride the conversation and practices and gain higher moral ground, with the result that reality also changes and behavioural responses nearly always favour Islam.
The only people to recognise this and apply a simple technique which they term “re-education”, are the Chinese, with their apt description of Islam as a “mental disease”.
Pope saint John Paul II saw in a vision to confidante Mons Longhi and said simple that Islam was worse than Nazis or Communists. Unfortunately his church has not understood this implication, nor have they appreciated that the base line is birthrate. Every country in Europe has a birthrate lower than 2. In most Muslim dominant countries it is higher.
This subtle tactic of using each moment as an opportunity for Islam needs to be matched by the same approach by Christianity, and if it must be said other religions including Hinduism.
Historical evidence is all to clear. Pakistan/ Malaysia , once Hindu, now Muslim. Afghanistan once Buddhist, now Muslim. Iraq, North Africa, Turkey, once Christian now Muslim.
Europe may effect a conservative change- but it needs to oust the European union, and promote pro-life. Hungarians who have four or more children are tax-free for life. Polish do not have trouble with illegals (terrorists), because they have border control, and are clearly men and women of integrity.
SIGN IT Salute Marine -Wingnut says
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FJB
Tershia says
“Islamic invasion and conquest” is already a fait accompli in many cities and countries in the West. Imo it is a perversion of Westerners who have rejected the living God and His moral law.
End PC says
To most moslems I’m sure Jihad means “struggle” just like “Kampf” in Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”, a book admired by a great many moslems.
Distinguished author and mid-East historian Prof. Bernard Lewis informs:
“Some Muslims, particularly in modern times, have interpreted the duty of jihad in a spiritual and moral sense. The more common interpretation, and that of the overwhelming majority of the classical jurists and commentators, presents jihad as armed struggle for Islam against infidels and apostates.”