“I will burn you all. I will cut your throats. I will rape you and your mother because I have the right to do so.”
Such were the recent words of a Muslim man to a minor girl in France, who had been chatting with him on Facebook. After she refused him, he defaulted to irate terrorist threats, at one point also texting, “Soon we will cut your throats and play football with your heads.” The communication was accompanied by a video showing a beheading scene.
Based on the name the French report gives—Fabio Califano—it appears that the terrorist, who was subsequently arrested, was a convert to Islam.
Responding to the fear and terror he and his family lived with, the girl’s father, who was described as “devastated and angry,” said “Islam is not what I have been hearing [it is]… Religion is peace, tolerance, respect […] We have been living in fear for a year!”
There is much continuity here: whether the ongoing “irony” of non-Muslims being repeatedly assured that Islam means peace—only for them to experience the exact opposite—or whether yet another Western convert to the “religion of peace” suddenly and inexplicitly turns terroristic.
Even the assertion that “we will cut your throats and play football with your heads” echoes through the ages. As one example, Mu‘izzi, an eleventh century Persian poet, once tried to incite an emir to butcher all Christians in the Middle East:
For the sake of the Arab religion, it is a duty, O ghazi king, to clear the country of Syria of patriarchs and bishops, to clear the land of Rum [Anatolia] from priests and monks. You should kill those accursed dogs and wretched creatures. . . . You should … cut their throats. . . . You should make polo-balls of the Franks’ heads in the desert, and polo sticks from their hands and feet.”
Even so, and despite all of the continuity redolent in this recent terroristic outburst, the one line that truly stands out is: “I will rape you and your mother because I have the right to do so.”
In fact, this is hardly the first time that a Muslim man insists that it is has “right”—given by Islam—to enslave and rape non-Muslim women. Such men routinely cite the same hadiths and verses from the Koran. Verses 4:3 and 4:24, for instance, permit Muslim men to have sexual relations with as many women as “their right hand possesses,” meaning as many women — all non-Muslim, of course — as they are able to take captive during a jihad.
The Koran further uses language, discussed here, that presents such women as things, not persons. Literally translated, Koran 4:3 permits Muslims to copulate with “what” —not who—“your right hands possess,” as captured by Shakir’s translation.
To understand how such scriptures and terminology inform the jihadist mind, consider the following excerpts from a New York Times report titled, “ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape”:
In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.
He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.
When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.
“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity. [Emphasis added.]
The report continues:
One 34-year-old Yazidi woman, who was bought and repeatedly raped by a Saudi fighter in the Syrian city of Shadadi, described how she fared better than the second slave in the household — a 12-year-old girl who was raped for days on end despite heavy bleeding.
“He destroyed her body. She was badly infected. The fighter kept coming and asking me, ‘Why does she smell so bad?’ And I said, she has an infection on the inside, you need to take care of her,” the woman said.
Unmoved, he ignored the girl’s agony, continuing the ritual of praying before and after raping the child.
“I said to him, ‘She’s just a little girl,’” the older woman recalled. “And he answered: ‘No. She’s not a little girl. She’s a slave. And she knows exactly how to have sex.’’’
“And having sex with her pleases God,” he said.
Are such perverse beliefs confined to ISIS and other fanatical jihadists—who have “nothing whatsoever to do with Islam,” as maintained by mainstream liars and fools—or do they permeate Muslim society in general? Evidence indicates the latter.
In Pakistan, for example, three Christian girls walking home after a hard day’s work were accosted by four “rich and drunk” Muslims—hardly ISIS candidates—in a car. They “misbehaved,” yelled “suggestive and lewd comments,” and harassed the girls to get in their car for “a ride and some fun.” When the girls declined the “invitation,” adding that they were “devout Christians and did not practice sex outside of marriage,” the men became enraged and chased the girls, yelling, “How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing: the pleasure of Muslim men.” They drove their car into the three girls, killing one and severely injuring the other two.
Or consider the words of human rights activists speaking about another Muslim man’s rape of a 9-year-old Christian girl:
Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war. [Emphasis added.]
Most recently, after a June 3, 2023 report details the sufferings Hindus experience as “infidels” in Pakistan, it quotes some who fled saying,
In Pakistan, there is no difference between meat and women…. Had we stayed back, our women would have been torn to shreds.
Once relegated to third world countries like Pakistan and ISIS-controlled areas, the subhuman treatment and sexual abuse of “infidel” women is becoming a common fixture in the West—as the aforementioned young French girl and her family recently learned.
In Germany, for example, Muslim migrants regularly act out on their conviction that all “German women are there for sex.” In just one instance, 2016 New Year’s celebrations in Cologne, migrants molested a thousand women.
Similarly, in Britain, where a large Muslim minority has long existed, countless British girls in various regions have been sexually abused and gang raped by Muslims who apparently deemed it their Islamic right. Said one rape victim: “The men who did this to me have no remorse. They would tell me that what they were doing was OK in their culture.”
A Muslim imam in Britain confessed that Muslim men are taught that women are “second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority” and that the imams preach a doctrine “that denigrates all women, but treats whites [meaning non-Muslims] with particular contempt.”
Another Muslim convicted of rape in a separate case told a British court that sharing non-Muslim girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and “a religious requirement.”
In short, whether seen by “pious” Muslims as a “religious requirement”—as cited by an ISIS rapist to his 12-year-old victim—or whether seen as part of Pakistani (Asian), Somali (African), or British-convert culture—in a word, Islamic culture—the subhuman treatment and sexual degradation of non-Muslim women and children by Muslim men who deem it their “right” is apparently another “exoticism” the West must embrace if it wishes to keep worshipping at the altar of multiculturalism.
The only one who gives radical Muslims or otherwise the right to violate and abuse non-Muslim women and girls, is Satan. Their beliefs are totally juxtaposed to Christianity.
Only when westerners turn back to follow God’s Word will they realise how rotten and poisonous Islam’s fruits are.
I was going to add that multiculturalism is a failure, but Raymond had already pointed that out. The violent riots in France can give one an indication of the potential violence that can overtake us, in spite of the socialist rhetoric I listened to from a European about France not helping Muslims assimilate into the culture, teaching them job skills and other social benefits, due to the reluctance of the ‘right’!
Take heart – God is always in control.
Tershia – i agree with everything you say. And as I am sure you know, Muslims do not assimilate because the Koran instructs them NOT to assimilate whatever this socialist you mention claims. They are in our countries until their numbers increase to the point when they can forcibly convert us or murder us – which includes the leftists who no doubt think they can get rid of them once they are of no use to them, – including the idiot socialist you mention above. These people have no idea and greatly underestimate what hordes of ignorant barbarian Muslims inspired by religious zeal can do to them and to the much fewer educated Muslims who will have to submit to them otherwise their families and their children will pay a heavy price. As an example, look at the Middle East and North Africa countries that were Christian and how Islamised they are now, the last one perhaps being the Lebanon where I spent seven years during the late 50s and early 60s when it was still a majority Christian country.
I do not believe this terrorist is a convert as his last name (Califano) seems to be derived from Caliph, which means the “Successor”, the overall Islamic ruler .
That is exactly the type of name a convert would take if he wanted to get rid of his Christian name.
Thx Raymond
Excellent article, thanks Raymond!