Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in this country is meekly submitting to the sexual grooming and indoctrination of schoolchildren.
Earlier this week, on June 6, 20203 in Glendale, CA,
A huge fight [video] broke out outside the Glendale School Board meeting in Los Angeles as parents, many of them from the Armenian-American community, came to protest the school’s pride events. Naturally, the left-wing zealots—read “Antifa”—showed up in force, and as you will see, some serious punches were thrown on both sides. A heavy police presence attempted to stop the fighting, violently pulling apart combatants to prevent serious injury.
A similar incident took place last October, when Muslim parents expressed their outrage at and vociferously condemned Dearborn school board officials for including books in school libraries that promote sexual deviancy (masquerading under euphemisms such as “pride,” “inclusivity,” etc.).
When the Dearborn outburst occurred last October, some observers thought that Muslims were somehow uniquely placed to stand against the lgb-whatever agenda—that Muslims, due apparently to some “innate” conservatism, could become the natural leaders of a coalition of concerned parents.
And yet, what the Armenians did yesterday—not just shout down but engage in an all-out brawl against the alphabet mob in defense of their children—was even more dramatic.
So it’s not about religion. Indeed, if anything, contrary to the widespread belief that “true” Christianity is all about being a welcome doormat to every conceivable vice, some of history’s most stalwart fighters and defenders were hardcore Christians. Western Christians were, in fact, once the epitome of honorable masculinity—remember that word, chivalry?—and would have done far more than what Muslims in Dearborn or Armenians in Glendale did if someone had dared corrupt or harm their children.
Instead, the question is about who has been living longer under and therefore (negatively) influenced by Western cultural norms. Who, in short, has been longer subjected to nonstop propaganda and indoctrination in sexual immorality.

Muslims in America, being naturally insular and wary of “infidels” and their “corrupt” ways, are already safe in this regards.
While Glendale’s Armenians are Christians—indeed, Armenia is the oldest Christian nation in the world (301 AD)—and therefore amenable to assimilation, they have not been here long enough to be paralyzed before increasingly aggressive leftist incursions. Having, moreover, survived a few genocides, they have few qualms about being “confrontational” where their children are concerned.
In short, standing up against those who are openly trying to sexualize and mutilate children is not based on race or religion, but common sense, decency, and, above all, courage.
Such are the profound effects of indoctrination, which most “longtime” Americans are suffering from: decade after decade, generation after generation, from cradle to the grave, they have been repeatedly drilled and indoctrinated in falsehoods—some of which defy sanity.
But perhaps the greatest falsehood of all that has been pounded into their brain is that they must always show “tolerance,” including for those who are openly grooming their children—those who will never show tolerance once they’re in complete control, which is not far off.
For all these reasons, kudos to the men and women from Glendale to Dearborn who have simply had enough.
Not only would the Christian crusaders have halted the sexualization of children, they would stand against the rape of minors by Muslims, who have no problem with that so long as it’s someone else’s kids.
This needs to be the wedge issue for the 2024 elections. Ethnic minorities will support Republicans who fight against the perverts on the Left grooming and assaulting school children with graphic porn images and performances. We saw it in the Rio Grande Valley in 2020 and 2022, and it needs to spread throughout the US.
Raymond, do you know anything about the religion of this (last) Syrian who attacked children in France? Could it be taqiyya?
Stay tuned: currently writing something on it.
I have imagined it. Thank you very much.