The secretary of the United Kingdom’s Home Office, which regulates immigration, recently caused a scandal by referring to the nonstop immigration of mostly Muslim migrants as an “invasion.” On Oct. 30, 2022, Suella Braverman said:
The British people deserve to know which party is serious about stopping the invasion on our southern coast and which party is not… Some 40,000 people have arrived on the south coast this year alone, many of them facilitated by criminal gangs, some of them actual members of criminal gangs. So let’s stop pretending that they are all refugees in distress: the whole country knows that that is not true…. I’m utterly serious about ending the scourge of illegal migration and I am determined to do whatever it takes to break the criminal gangs and fix our hopelessly lax asylum system…
Needless to say, such frank assertions “sparked an instant backlash from all sectors of the globalist establishment in Britain, from the legacy media to politicians in both the Labour Party and the Conservatives.”
Meanwhile, and seemingly confirming Braverman’s concerns, outrageous numbers of migrants, the overwhelming majority arriving from the Muslim world, have indeed flooded the UK. According to one report, in just the first half of 2021, “an astonishing 1.1 million visas [were] granted for people to come and live in the UK… It is the highest number of visas for people to come and live here ever issued in one year, suggesting that, despite repeated promises to control and reduce immigration, the government are delivering the opposite.”
Then there is the huge “number of applicants awaiting decisions on asylum” in the UK, which has risen by 300% in four years.
According to yet another source, “In 2021, the top five most common countries of nationality of people who applied for asylum in the UK were Iran, Iraq, Eritrea, Albania and Syria.” With the exception of Eritrea, which is roughly half Muslim, half Christian, every one of these nations is overwhelmingly Muslim majority.
Incidentally, these numbers are separate from the pre-existing Muslim population of the UK, which, in 2017—before the recent migrant influx—was well over four million, or 6.3 percent of the entire, formerly Christian, population.
Little wonder that the name “Muhammad” is the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England; little wonder that Muslims in the UK and other Western European nations with large Muslim populations, regularly boast of demography as destiny. As one report explained in 2008, “Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion… The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim.”
Despite all of this, is it correct to refer to what is happening as an invasion?
In fact, it is not. Consider some authoritative dictionary definitions of “invasion”:
- Merriam-Webster: an “incursion of an army for conquest or plunder… an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. … an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain.
- Cambridge: “an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country.”
- Oxford: “the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it.”
Now, to be sure, and as chronicled here and here, Muslims have, for over a millennium, launched countless military invasions into Europe that very much conformed to these definitions. They came as an “army,” used “force to enter and take control” of various nations, and all “for conquest or plunder.”
While some of these invasions saw the long term conquest of European nations—Spain, the Mediterranean islands, the Balkans—jihadist invasions that did not lead to conquest but acquired much by way of booty and slaves were habitually launched against virtually every corner of Europe, as far as Iceland. Indeed, from 1627 to 1633, Lundy, an island off the west coast of Britain, was actually occupied by Muslim pirates from North Africa, who pillaged England at will.
Moreover, many of today’s Muslims who migrant to Europe harbor the same motives of “conquest and plunder,” which in Rotherham, England, for example, saw thousands of young British girls turned into sex slaves.
Even so, the all-important ingredient that would qualify what is happening today as an “invasion” is missing: Muslims are not entering the UK by “force,” against the UK’s will. They are being welcomed in by the government and authorities of the UK—those most charged with protecting and maintaining the national character of the UK.
This is why, Eastern Europe—which, thanks to its geographic proximity to Islam, has historically bore the brunt of and suffered from invading Islam—is not suffering now. Unlike the UK and many other Western European nations, Poland, Hungary, and their like have simply said no to migration from Muslim nations; and their native citizens are thanking them for it.
In short, if you’re invited in, you cannot be called an “invader”—regardless of your intentions. Thus, and at the risk of appearing to quibble over semantics, what is happening today all throughout the West in general and the UK in particular must be seen and called out for what it actually is: not an unstoppable invasion, but an assisted suicide.
As the scholar of Islam Raymond Ibrahim well knows Muslims accepting the invitation to invade are fulfilling a religious duty to spread the religion. As bad as the situation is in England it is much worse in Canada which has half the population and can therefore be conquered with fewer people. About 9 months ago I pointed out to a former relative that about 30% of Trudeau’s Liberal Party caucus are Muslims. My former sister was unfazed. She called me a bigot.
‘bigot’ … in this context means you’re over the target and dropping truth bombs …
Not sure how she can be a ‘former’ sister, but I wouldn’t have anything to do with people who hate others even if they are family.
God bless you and yours …
Britain joined the world’s troublemaker USA in wars around the world and recently in particular many muslim countries – Iraq, Libya, Syria etc – in what the US called the Arab Spring! Well, its time to suffer the consequences of present and past. The lives of these people were destroyed by such actions. Well, time to taste some of their own medicine.
Nonsense Muslims have been at war with each other and non-Muslims for 1400 years.
Destroying more secular governments and helping out jihadi rebels didn’t make matters better
Christians have been targeted in those nations mentioned above but by and large are not welcomed into Europe and the US, unlike the population of which Raymond speaks. The Christians (the most widely targeted group today) are left to suffer in their native countries where they tortured, forcibly converted or both.
Thanks for this timely reminder, Pat.
As the scholar of Islam Raymond Ibrahim well knows Muslims accepting the invitation to invade are fulfilling a religious duty to spread the religion. As bad as the situation is in England it is much worse in Canada which has half the population and can therefore be conquered with fewer people. About 9 months ago I pointed out to a former relative that about 30% of Trudeau’s Liberal Party caucus are Muslims. My former sister was unfazed. She called me a bigot.
‘bigot’ … in this context means you’re over the target and dropping truth bombs …
Not sure how she can be a ‘former’ sister, but I wouldn’t have anything to do with people who hate others even if they are family.
God bless you and yours …
Britain joined the world’s troublemaker USA in wars around the world and recently in particular many muslim countries – Iraq, Libya, Syria etc – in what the US called the Arab Spring! Well, its time to suffer the consequences of present and past. The lives of these people were destroyed by such actions. Well, time to taste some of their own medicine.
Nonsense Muslims have been at war with each other and non-Muslims for 1400 years.
Destroying more secular governments and helping out jihadi rebels didn’t make matters better
Christians have been targeted in those nations mentioned above but by and large are not welcomed into Europe and the US, unlike the population of which Raymond speaks. The Christians (the most widely targeted group today) are left to suffer in their native countries where they tortured, forcibly converted or both.
Thanks for this timely reminder, Pat.
The Norman Invading army of 1066, consisted of 4000-7000 warriors.
The Norman Invading army of 1066, consisted of 4000-7000 warriors.
I would say that “an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain” is exactly what is happening on our south coast. And I would add that it is, to my knowledge, very much unwelcome by the majority of the British people. Maybe they are welcome by the majority of the British Government but, to my knowledge, the government is elected to execute the will of the people not the other way round, as some members of parliament seem to think. What’s more this “unwelcome intrusion” is costing us, the British taxpayers, 7000 pounds a day. They are put up in 3 and 4 star hotels, can be seen by a doctor twice a week when we are expected to wait weeks on end to see a doctor and sometimes die in the process, not to mention the countlesss homeless people on our streets and the charities who are trying desperately to get some of our money to house them and give them a proper meal at least on Christmas Day. It seems to me that the duty of a government is to its own people first. Forgive me Raymond, I don’t remember ever disagreeing with you on anything but on this matter, yes, it is an “invasion”, as Suella described it.
PS. Costing the British taxpayer 7million pounds a day. Apologies for my mistake.
I would say that “an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain” is exactly what is happening on our south coast. And I would add that it is, to my knowledge, very much unwelcome by the majority of the British people. Maybe they are welcome by the majority of the British Government but, to my knowledge, the government is elected to execute the will of the people not the other way round, as some members of parliament seem to think. What’s more this “unwelcome intrusion” is costing us, the British taxpayers, 7000 pounds a day. They are put up in 3 and 4 star hotels, can be seen by a doctor twice a week when we are expected to wait weeks on end to see a doctor and sometimes die in the process, not to mention the countlesss homeless people on our streets and the charities who are trying desperately to get some of our money to house them and give them a proper meal at least on Christmas Day. It seems to me that the duty of a government is to its own people first. Forgive me Raymond, I don’t remember ever disagreeing with you on anything but on this matter, yes, it is an “invasion”, as Suella described it.
PS. Costing the British taxpayer 7million pounds a day. Apologies for my mistake.
The migrants see any Christian kindness as a weakness.
“Islam and the suicide of the west”, by L.S.Solimeo.
Birthrate of Afghanistan is 4.0
Birthrate of the UK is 1.75
Now go figure…
“The migrants see any Christian kindness as a weakness” is correct. Not because I read Solimeo which I have along with countless others, especially Raymond Ibrahim, whose books are a must, but because of my own life experience, which is similar to Raymond’s parents experience.
As for birthrate, you may be right but the problem, as I see it, is not so much birthrate. Most of them are ignorant anyway and we cannot have children as they do and leave them to grow up ignorant and uneducated as they do. My father once asked one of them how was he going to provide for, let alone educate, all his brood along with the new one that was coming and he replied “Allah will provide”. Easy!
The problem, as I see it, is that our governments are traitors to their country and to their people in allowing this Trojan Horse to enter the country. And if you vote for the opposition it’s even worse! Suella is trying to stop this invasion, yes invasion (forgive me Raymond) but will they let her? She already resigned once. Will they force to resign again?
PS. BTW I’ve just been watching Mark Steyn on GB NEWS the only channel worth
watching for news and current affairs and pointing behind him to the Houses of Parliament he called them “”these charlatans across the river” , which goes to show.
Hi Mary, hope you are well. Agree completely with all you have said in this string of comments.
Islam was a problem and a threat, the largest and longest lasting threat to the West since its inception in the 7th century.
Though some possibly mistaken or errant policies from Western countries may have caused temporal problems that may not have occurred without them,
sooner or later, as some of the African countries now experiencing troubles, i.e. Nigeria especially, with what human rights orgs are calling a genocide, when Islam increases in population the tensions begin.
You know the story Mary, I just wanted to say hi and support your commenting.
I’m trying to get at least a phone call from one of our young Senators concerning the problem. Never give up.
Hi Don,
Thank you so so much for your support. Many people blame the UK because they don’t know what we are going through here. I heard from GBNEWS this morning – our new conservative channel started June 2021 – that the Labour council (socialist left wingers) in our beautiful university City of Oxford has decided that its inhabitants are not allowed to leave their city without permission. This is communism.
I wonder when the revolution! If I wasn’t 95 with very bad knees I would have started it myself.
I am fuming and many others with me. Something’s got to give soon. We need all your prayers.
The migrants see any Christian kindness as a weakness.
“Islam and the suicide of the west”, by L.S.Solimeo.
Birthrate of Afghanistan is 4.0
Birthrate of the UK is 1.75
Now go figure…
“The migrants see any Christian kindness as a weakness” is correct. Not because I read Solimeo which I have along with countless others, especially Raymond Ibrahim, whose books are a must, but because of my own life experience, which is similar to Raymond’s parents experience.
As for birthrate, you may be right but the problem, as I see it, is not so much birthrate. Most of them are ignorant anyway and we cannot have children as they do and leave them to grow up ignorant and uneducated as they do. My father once asked one of them how was he going to provide for, let alone educate, all his brood along with the new one that was coming and he replied “Allah will provide”. Easy!
The problem, as I see it, is that our governments are traitors to their country and to their people in allowing this Trojan Horse to enter the country. And if you vote for the opposition it’s even worse! Suella is trying to stop this invasion, yes invasion (forgive me Raymond) but will they let her? She already resigned once. Will they force to resign again?
PS. BTW I’ve just been watching Mark Steyn on GB NEWS the only channel worth
watching for news and current affairs and pointing behind him to the Houses of Parliament he called them “”these charlatans across the river” , which goes to show.
Hi Mary, hope you are well. Agree completely with all you have said in this string of comments.
Islam was a problem and a threat, the largest and longest lasting threat to the West since its inception in the 7th century.
Though some possibly mistaken or errant policies from Western countries may have caused temporal problems that may not have occurred without them,
sooner or later, as some of the African countries now experiencing troubles, i.e. Nigeria especially, with what human rights orgs are calling a genocide, when Islam increases in population the tensions begin.
You know the story Mary, I just wanted to say hi and support your commenting.
I’m trying to get at least a phone call from one of our young Senators concerning the problem. Never give up.
Hi Don,
Thank you so so much for your support. Many people blame the UK because they don’t know what we are going through here. I heard from GBNEWS this morning – our new conservative channel started June 2021 – that the Labour council (socialist left wingers) in our beautiful university City of Oxford has decided that its inhabitants are not allowed to leave their city without permission. This is communism.
I wonder when the revolution! If I wasn’t 95 with very bad knees I would have started it myself.
I am fuming and many others with me. Something’s got to give soon. We need all your prayers.
Britainistan is well under way … and we have not yet found a way to deal with any of the criminals and traitors running everything in the so-called ‘West’ …
God help us all …
Our enemy within is enabling our outside enemies to enter en masse and is weakening our country and the west generally both militarily and financially.
Trouble ahead dan, never give up.
Same here Don.
Thanks for the reply Mary. Having guessed at your decade from your comment of being a “teenage girl on the Romanian ship filled to twice its capacity when WW2 was declared, 1938?, I have always been interested in your health and wellbeing, sounds like you’re doing well despite the knees.
Also, I am both inspired and amazed at your capacity to look at the absolute worst conditions and activities in both politics and international horrors, especially those attributed to “our friends”.
I always pay attention to your comments and often learn from them. They are always well written and based on fact, experience, and reading reliable historians.
I think I told you I’m now slowly crawling through “The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise” by Dario Fernandez-Morera.
Recommended by Raymond it is a fascinating read. I recommend it highly.
At some point I hope to go to London or maybe we can trade emails and communicate off site in case I never get there.
All the best, Don
3rd of September 1939 Don. I was 12 years old in a Romanian ship the Bessarabia with my parents in the middle of the Med when we heard the declaration of war on the radio. It’s etched on my mind. We were a few hours away from Alexandria and I remember the screams of joy of all the passengers when we finally saw the shore. We were home at last.
I did read The Myth I have the book should read it again sometime. If you do come to London do let me know. It would be a pleasure to meet you. Anytime you want my email Raymond can give it to you.
Britainistan is well under way … and we have not yet found a way to deal with any of the criminals and traitors running everything in the so-called ‘West’ …
God help us all …
Our enemy within is enabling our outside enemies to enter en masse and is weakening our country and the west generally both militarily and financially.
Trouble ahead dan, never give up.
Same here Don.
Thanks for the reply Mary. Having guessed at your decade from your comment of being a “teenage girl on the Romanian ship filled to twice its capacity when WW2 was declared, 1938?, I have always been interested in your health and wellbeing, sounds like you’re doing well despite the knees.
Also, I am both inspired and amazed at your capacity to look at the absolute worst conditions and activities in both politics and international horrors, especially those attributed to “our friends”.
I always pay attention to your comments and often learn from them. They are always well written and based on fact, experience, and reading reliable historians.
I think I told you I’m now slowly crawling through “The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise” by Dario Fernandez-Morera.
Recommended by Raymond it is a fascinating read. I recommend it highly.
At some point I hope to go to London or maybe we can trade emails and communicate off site in case I never get there.
All the best, Don
3rd of September 1939 Don. I was 12 years old in a Romanian ship the Bessarabia with my parents in the middle of the Med when we heard the declaration of war on the radio. It’s etched on my mind. We were a few hours away from Alexandria and I remember the screams of joy of all the passengers when we finally saw the shore. We were home at last.
I did read The Myth I have the book should read it again sometime. If you do come to London do let me know. It would be a pleasure to meet you. Anytime you want my email Raymond can give it to you.
PS. i have investigated the reason why
the inhabitanta of Oxford were advised (not actually banned) not to leave the city which is due to a very serious outbreak of Covid 19 reaching highest levels since the start of the pandemic. So there you are. Lenin wasn’t the culprit this time. My apologies!
PS. i have investigated the reason why
the inhabitanta of Oxford were advised (not actually banned) not to leave the city which is due to a very serious outbreak of Covid 19 reaching highest levels since the start of the pandemic. So there you are. Lenin wasn’t the culprit this time. My apologies!