One of the worst atrocities committed by Azerbaijan against Armenia during the former’s raid last week concerns the rape, savage mutilation, and slaughter of a woman who served in the Armenian forces.
In the words of Army Chief of Staff Edward Asryan, speaking last Friday at Jermuk, one of the sites heavily shelled by Azerbaijan:
They committed atrocities in our combat positions against our servicemen, including women soldiers. I cannot find words to describe how they dismembered a female soldier, cut off her legs, fingers and stripped her naked. This is unheard of cruelty.
A video of these atrocities, apparently made by the Azeri soldiers themselves, which was emailed to me, shows piles of mutilated and decapitated Armenian soldiers, including the woman in question. She appears naked, with both of her arms and legs cut off. One of her eyes is clearly gouged out. A severed finger appears sticking out of her mouth, and another appears to be sticking out of her private parts.
It is a truly disturbing if not diabolical image. The Azeri soldiers videotaping their handiwork, which included several other mutilated and beheaded Armenian men, can be heard laughing and joking in the background.
The murdered woman was identified as “Anush Apetyan, 36, a mother of three children [who] was reportedly captured alive in Jermuk and then raped, tortured and dismembered by Azerbaijani soldiers.”
The severing of this woman’s fingers is a telltale sign that jihadist motives were behind the mutilation.
After all, Islamic scriptures are full of calls to terrorize, mutilate, and massacre infidels (non-Muslims). After declaring “I will cast terror into the hearts of infidels,” Allah calls on Muslims to “strike off their heads and strike off their every fingertip” (Koran 8:12). Similarly, “It is not for a prophet to have captives [of war] until he inflicts a massacre in the land” (Koran 8:67). Other penalties for infidels who “spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides…” (Koran 5:33).
It is also worth noting that the ancestors of modern day Turkey and Azerbaijan—especially the Ottomans, whom they venerate and seek to emulate—heavily relied on such psychological warfare tactics in the context of their prophet Muhammad’s well-known boast: “I have been made victorious with terror”—which included atrocities just like this.
Nor is the recent mutilations of this Armenian mother and her comrades an aberrant war crime. It has been on display since war first broke out between the two nations in late 2020. For example, Azeri soldiers “tortured beyond recognition” a mentally disabled Armenian woman by sadistically hacking off her ears, hands, and feet, before finally executing her.
Similarly, video footage showed camouflaged soldiers overpowering and forcing down an elderly Armenian man, who cries and implores them for mercy, as they casually try to carve at his throat with a knife.
Meanwhile, back in the West—where full and self-sacrificial support for Ukraine is deemed a “sacrament” of sorts—few if any media and politicians are saying a word about these ongoing atrocities against the Armenians.
Thanks Raymond – As I’ve mentioned before. I am no longer surprised at any of this. The problem we have now is to convince our leaders, political and military to stop the inbound flow and beef up our defenses.
The impetus for an appropriate response will come from the ground up or not at all..
Have you ever tried to talk about this problem with average American citizens? I have.
It[s so horrific most people short circuit with even the mention of it.
I tried to get a movement going to rescue the UK teens being abused by the “grooming gangs” for nearly 3 decades – despite having some BBC videos reporting on it and a gentlemanly Times of London reporter braking the story (he can be seen in video), people just don’t want to hear it.
I tried talking to business owners I have known for years, private citizens with some influence, rugged construction workers I’ve worked with over the years, etc., no takers.
I’m now trying to talk to journalists, retired military, politicians with courage to form a quiet movement behind the scenes that at some point can breakout with powerful proofs by respectable people.
The progressive left is our great enemy within. Not the grouped who is fooled and well meaning – but the group who are trying to “fundamentally change America”.
The reason for the quiet group is to keep everyone alive who is willing to form a resistance movement. These guys are here already, growing in numbers, and they mean business.
30 plus years Rushdie was in hiding for a book he wrote. He came out for what, a matter of months(?), before he was almost assassinated and I’ve not followed the story so not sure if he’ll make it.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders and his wife live permanently in secret. The Wilders have on occasion been rushed out of their residence to a jail cell for safety, spending some amount of time in lockup for their protection.
The ground up can only happen when a reputable group of influential people, Dems and Republicans together, with impeccable credentials, presents evidence that can break through the mainstream media blockade on this problem and wake up the west to defend itself.
That is my not at all humble opinion. Appreciate everyone’s sentiments and thoughts but can’t see any other way to break through.
Best to all here.
“to convince our leaders” Don’t you realise that they are part of the atrocities against the West? Only by electing parties opposed to this madness can anything be done.
And always praying for our brothers, with all the other help.
DS, read my long reply to Terry Gain which answers you as well. Not all politicians are part of the problem. We have to work in the system we have. Find the open people and get them together in the background…you’ll see my ideas in the reply to Terry.
Best to you
I find it almost impossible to read this and even more difficult to understand such atrocities can take place, in the worship of a God Allah and in accordance with his instruction. Says a lot about him and his religion.
Read Mr. Ibrahim’s SWORD AND SCIMITAR and you will completely understand why these atrocities are taking place.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim. You are the best source extant concerning Muslim atrocities. The level of ignorance in America concerning Islam is disturbing. I saw a headline yesterday on either Hot Air or Red State that ignorantly said “Azerbaijanis and Armenians at it again”.
The ignorance Terry is not confined to America but the whole of the world but whether the ignorance is genuine or fake is difficult to assess. I read recently that in Norway they are printing a ” sanitised ” version of the Koran but why does the world, especially religious leaders not raise the alarm of the truth re Islam. In fact one could put forward a strong case in saying the Koran should be banned as a ” hate ” issue, not only advocating but ORDERING millions of people to carry out acts of extreme brutality and for which they will be rewarded with 80 virgins in Heaven ! Why is the Pope not blasting Islam but even cosying up to Imams. The difference between Judaism/ Christianity and Islam is staggering, and how is it the last emergence and utterances of God changes totally from those previous.
No wonder why the leaders of Islam sided with the Nazis in WW11, birds of a feather ?
For the victorious leaders in World War II are aligned with these people.
The Muslims I know would be horrified if they knew the TRUTH of the Koran, so the sooner it is made known, the better. Sweden seems to be waking up to the danger in their midst. The sooner other countries follow suit the better, France ?.
More martyrs … may God forgive us for allowing this to go on.
The only way to respond to these atrocities and avert them in the future, is to use their own same tactics, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and you will see a dramatic drop in Islamic terrorism. Just like when the seikth population started beheading Muslims in India, immediately Muslims in India stopped beheading seikths. Enough of this turning the other cheek , this only works with civilized people not evil animals. We need an international judeo christian militia as Rapid responders to fight evil anywhere in this world publicly!
This both saddens and horrifies me . Again the world turns it back on the Armenians because of Energy related money =Petro -dollars and hush funds of paid off politicians . Live Armenians ,live …!!!
I cant almost read this colums anymore why does the western world and pope etc keep silence
Why is it so difficult to log into this site, I am told I don’t exist but here I am!
How do you share this in Retalk?
Dear Raymond it happened in the center of Paris at the Bataclan Club!!! Mutilations so hard that the first policeman arrived vomited uncontrollable ! But the did not show the Public the photos and they did not even describe the horror..Because the western citizens are to soft to see this things!! We are soft-bellied c… u ..nts! So we open the door to the butchers of the middle-est..the Muslims.!!!
And we turn away when Armenians Indians or Copts are mutilated!!!
Spot on Bk, and I agree completely – but hey – leave out the expletives please, ladies here too.