Pope Francis wants any and all walls, real or figurative, that stand between the West and Islam broken down immediately — or so he’s constantly saying.
Most recently, on Sunday, June 13, 2021, he called for the “growth of a more supportive humanity that tears down the wall of indifference.” This was spoken in the context of urging Europeans to take in more illegally arrived Muslim migrants.
Earlier, in March 2019, when asked “a question about migration in general and about U.S. President Donald Trump’s then-threat to shut down the southern border with Mexico,” the pope pontificated in platitudes. “Builders of walls,” he said, “be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build. … With fear, we will not move forward, with walls, we will remain closed within these walls.”
Less than a week before that, Francis lectured the mayor of Rome about the need to be more welcoming to Muslim migrants. “Rome,” he declared, “a hospitable city, is called to face this epochal challenge [floods of Muslim migrants demanding entry] in the wake of its noble history; to use its energies to welcome and integrate, to transform tensions and problems into opportunities for meeting and growth.”
“Rome,” he exulted, “city of bridges, never walls!”
The grand irony of all this is that Pope Francis lives in the only state to be surrounded by walls — Vatican City — and most of these bastions were erected to ward off ongoing Islamic invasions.
In 846, for example, a Muslim fleet from North Africa consisting of 73 ships and 11,000 Muslims, landed in Ostia near Rome. Muslim merchants who frequently visited Italy had provided them with precise intelligence that made the raid a success. Although they were unable to breach the pre-existing walls of the Eternal City, they sacked and despoiled the surrounding countryside, including — to the consternation of Christendom — the venerated and centuries-old basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul. The Muslim invaders desecrated the tombs of the revered apostles and stripped them of all their treasures.
Pope Leo IV (847-855) responded by building many more walls, including fifteen bastions along the right bank of the Tiber River, the mouth of which was forthwith closed with a chain to protect the sacred sites from further Muslim raids and desecrations. Completed by 852, the walls were in places 40 feet high and 12 feet thick.
Further anticipating the crusades against Islam by over two centuries — and thus showing how they were a long time coming — Pope Leo (and after him Pope John VIII) offered the remission of sins for those Christians who died fighting Islamic invaders. Such was the existential and ongoing danger Muslims referred to in contemporary sources as “Sons of Satan,” caused for Europe — more than two centuries before the First Crusade was launched in 1095.
Indeed, just three years after the initial Muslim invasion of Rome, “in 849 the Muslims attempted a new landing at Ostia; then, every year from around 857 on, they threatened the Roman seaboard,” explains French medieval historian C. E. Dufourcq:
In order to get rid of them, Pope John VIII decided in 878 to promise them an annual payment [or jizya] of several thousand gold pieces; but this tribute of the Holy See to Islam seems to have been paid for only two years; and from time to time until the beginning of the tenth century, the Muslims reappeared at the mouth of the Tiber or along the coast nearby.
Today, many Muslims, not just of the ISIS variety, continue to boast that Islam will conquer Rome, the only one of five ancient apostolic sees never to have been subjugated by jihad (unlike Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Constantinople).
Similarly, many Muslims all throughout Europe continue exhibiting the same hostility and contempt for all things and persons non-Islamic, whether by vandalizing churches and breaking crosses or by raping “infidel” women as theirs by right.
And that is the point that Pope Francis — whose own ancient city would never have lasted to the present if not for walls — misses: walls should go down and bridges should be extended only when both parties are willing to live in amicable peace. Otherwise, they serve only to make the destructive work of those who have for centuries been trying to conquer and destroy in the name of Islam that much easier.
Raymond, you show that most cannot see the forest for the trees. As you truthfully show in history what true, valid Popes did and would do. Please do not refer to “Francis” as “Pope”..Since 1958 after the death of Pope Pius XII Rome and the Chair of Peter have been usurped, stolen by the enemies of the Catholic church. This is why the last 60 years the Catholic church has been so anti-Catholic in its actions, words and deeds. Those in control at the Vatican are clearly heretics and do not represent the true faith. The fish rots from the head. They use the buildings once Sacred but now Profane. They abuse and mock the name of Catholic. The fruit does not fall far from the tree. Best wishes, Respectfully………… JM
Catholic Queen Isabella of Spain, is rolling in her grave! Look at the vestments of Catholic clergy online, in some pictures their ribs are bordered with the symbol of child predators, the triangle with its line swirling inward to smaller triangles, to the center.
This Bergoglio is ignorant of history! I have lived with mohammedans in my country and know by experience their deceptive ways!! I invite this pope to live in mindanao with them!
Should the Islamists breach the walls of the Vatican, I have no doubt that the first person to convert would be the present ‘Pope’.
The current “Pope” has washed the feet of Islamic immigrants. You can find the photos online.
Yes, indeed! I’ve seen those photos as well as that of his meeting with the head of the Al-Azar University with whom he signed that ‘one world religion’ agreement. The man’s a fool to himself!
The horror of it is that he also is a danger to his faith, to its followers and so many others.
But did he say anything about those poor Christians who are being abused, raped and murdered in Muslim majority countries all over the world?
Francis is a complete fraud – a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a traitor to the Catholic faithful. They need to look to God in scripture for the truth, as they will not find it in this pope.
The love for Islam, however, lies not only with this pope, but has taken over the minds of all people who have expelled God from their hearts. In this way they are assisting Islam in it’s march to conquer the world for Allah.
Those of us in Canada who do not kowtow, as does the prime minister, to radical Muslims are accused of being ‘Islamophobic’.
It has become an issue included in the woke culture.
All a part of the coming “New World Religion” which is spoken of in the book of Revelation. Whether it is THIS Pope, or another to follow, it WILL happen, according to the Word of God, which cannot lie! This Pope has done everything in his power to turn his back on the God of the Bible, including but not limited to, his stand on abortion.
The so called ‘pope’ is a two faced BACKSTABBING old paedo bastard …
I wonder if the Pope recognizes that Islam uses demographics as the weapon of choice. As long as Muslims produce 4+ children per woman, they will ultimately win Europe.
Gaddafi himself said they will conquer Europe by the womb, while we are helping them by killing our own future population in the womb.
They are having problems with Joe Biden receiving Eucharist while he is pro-abortion , as is Nancy Pelosi.
‘How could a Muslim survive in an Orthodox traditional Catholic Eucharistic community?
Partition was made precisely because Muslims and Hindus, Sikhs, etc cannot get on. In 1947 600,000 Hindus and Sikhs died in just one week of bloodletting.
Yes, we need Mary Queen of Peace.
She did come in Zeitun, and was televised and photographed, and a bloodletting planned was averted.
The Holy House of Loreto, was moved also, a major pilgrimage site today. right in the path of oncoming Muslims. If God permits such things to happen, surely they are for a reason.
And yet, two churches in France are desecrated EACH DAY.
Integration of Islam in Europe can never happen. Austria has effectivel6y reduced the risk of radical terrorism and continues by stifling the growth of mosques, Imam influence, while Denmark has checks in place for reducing crime caused by migrants who are not Lutheran orientated like the rest of the law-abiding citizens in Denmark.
Canon law itself has been put in place for a reason. It also is a set of laws.
ALL churches must respect the state to carry out its functions to preserve the ethos of the country, and not invite disruptive elements to somehow become assimilated when they will never do so, under pain of being beheaded.
The EU is a farce. It should respect the ethos of its member states. It does not do this, even insulting the Polish by openly seeking funds for abortion, when the Polish have made abortion illegal again after the Soviets left (who made it legal).
Hungarians voted en masse, 85% against willy nilly immigration. But the EU planted a foot on their nation, threatening and trying to defuse their ethos within that member state. This is an act of tyranny.
History shows the impossibility of “controlling Islam” except by force.
Islam is an enormous cult, a political will with the appearance of religious elements, but it is very very distant from any Christian endeavor.
No golden rule in Islam, none at all.
Thanks Hamish. So true. And thanks a million to Raymond. You have our deepest appreciation. God bless and protest you and your family.
I meant “protect”.
He’s quite close to becoming the False Prophet of Revelation. The Anti-Christ will allow him to play his cards. The great apostasy will follow. Thanks for exposing his heart Raymond.
Because Bergoglio is not a Pope, but a traitor.