Four Muslim migrants from North Africa gang-raped a 36-year-old woman on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, after she stopped to ask how she could help them. According to the March 3 report,
The alleged victim is believed to have lived on the Canary Islands, whereas the suspects are thought to have arrived only recently on a boat…. [T]hey were given initially government-provided accommodations managed by the Red Cross but later kicked out for breaking the rules. They are then thought to have set up camp in the park where the woman was allegedly attacked after enquiring about their situation. The woman had asked if she could help them with anything, but within ‘a matter of seconds’ this had led to her being assaulted…
This woman, who was described “as either an Irish expat or coming from a Nordic country,” joins countless other European women—especially those “from a Nordic country”—to be raped by Muslim migrants.
Why is this ongoing phenomenon not being checked? One of the reasons revolves around the specter of “racism.” The “woke” establishment tends to see European women accusing Muslim men of raping them through a skeptical light.
For example, in Sweden—the rape capital of Europe—studies continue to reveal that migrants, mostly from North Africa, the Middle East, and Muslim sub-Sahara, account for the overwhelming majority of rapes, as captured by the following headline: “Report: 9 in 10 Gang Rapists In Sweden Have Foreign Origins.”
To neutralize these findings, on March 9, 2021, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (“Brå”) said that “Immigrants’ sharp over-representation in rape statistics may be due to the fact that Swedish women are more likely to report immigrants for rape than they are to report Swedish men.” Stina Holmberg, a research councilor at Brå, elaborated:
It may be that you are more inclined to report something you [a Swedish women] have been exposed to, if the crime was committed by someone you feel more alien to, and who has low social status.
Skepticism for rape reports against non-white males turns to open hostility whenever this issue is forthrightly discussed, as Sarah Champion, a Labor politician and MP for Rotherham (the epicenter of sex grooming), learned last summer, when she was accused of “fanning the flames of racial hatred” and “acting like a neo-fascist murderer.” Her crime? She had dared to assert that “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.” (The same elements that accused Champion of being a “murderer” also, and rather unsurprisingly, characterize the UK’s anti-extremism program, Prevent, as being “built upon a foundation of Islamophobia and racism.”)
Perhaps most telling is an April 220 article, titled, “I was raped by Rotherham grooming gang—now I still face racist abuse online.” In it, a British woman (alias, “Ella”) revealed that her Muslim rapists called her “a white c*nt, a white whore, a white b***h,” during the more than 100 times the Pakistani grooming gang raped her in her youth.
“We need to understand racially and religiously aggravated crime if we are going to prevent it and protect people from it and if we are going to prosecute correctly for it,” Ella said in a recent interview:
Prevention, protection and prosecution—all of them are being hindered because we are neglecting to properly address the religious and racist aspects of grooming gang crimes…. It’s telling them that it’s OK to hate white people.
That there are “racial” and “religious” aspects to the epidemic of Muslims raping European women is an understatement. According to Dr. Taj Hargey, a British imam, Muslim men are taught that women are “second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority.” The imams, moreover, preach a doctrine “that denigrates all women, but treats whites with particular contempt.” Consider a few earlier examples:
- Another British woman was trafficked to Morocco where she was prostituted and repeatedly raped by dozens of Muslim men. They “made me believe I was nothing more than a slut, a white whore,” she recollected. “They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex. I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”
- Another British girl was “passed around like a piece of meat” among Muslim men who abused and raped her between the ages of 12 and 14. Speaking now as an adult, a court heard how she “was raped on a dirty mattress above a takeaway and forced to perform [oral] sex acts in a churchyard,” and how one of her abusers “urinated on her in an act of humiliation” afterwards.
- A Muslim man explained to another British woman why he was raping her: “you white women are good at it.”
- A Muslim man called a 13-year-old virgin “a little white slag”—British slang for “loose, promiscuous woman”—before raping her.
- In Germany, a group of Muslim migrants stalked a 25-year-old woman, hurled “filthy” insults at and taunted her for sex. They too explained their logic—“German girls are just there for sex”—before reaching into her blouse and groping her.
- Another Muslim man who almost killed his 25-year-old German victim while raping her—and shouting “Allah!”—afterwards inquired if she liked it.
- In Australia, a Muslim cabbie groped and insulted his female passengers, including by saying “All Australian women are sluts and deserve to be raped.”
- In Austria, an “Arabic-looking man” approached a 27-year-old woman at a bus stop, pulled down his pants, and “all he could say was sex, sex, sex,” prompting the woman to scream and flee.
In short, there certainly is a “racist” aspect to the rape of European women by migrants—though in reverse: non-white Muslim men tend to see white women as nymphomaniacs that are “hot” for being degraded and abused—a stereotype that, incidentally, stretches back to the very beginnings of Islamic history.
Even so, Ella’s attempts to highlight these “religious and racist aspects” that fueled the abuse she and other European girls and women experienced—that is, her attempt to connect the dots in an effort to help eliminate this phenomenon—led only to “a lot of abuse from far-left extremists, and radical feminist academics,” she said. Such groups “go online and they try to resist anyone they consider to be a Nazi, racist, fascist or white supremacist.”
They don’t care about anti-white racism, because they appear to believe that it doesn’t exist. They have tried to floor me and criticise me continually and this has been going on for a couple of months. They tried to shut me down, shut me up … I’ve never experienced such hate online in my life. They accuse me of ‘advocating for white paedophiles’ and being a ‘sinister demonic entity.’
Such is the price for speaking unpopular truths—especially those that directly challenge the official narrative.
Nobody talks about this kind of racism because it goes counter the official narrative of systemic racism attributed exclusively to white supremacy … at least in the US.
I believe systemic guilt of past colonialism is the reason for silence in Europe.
Overall, systemic white stupidity will be the reason of our doom in the hands of those with long-term goals of dominance, both Islamic and Communist.
To Marta: Why should we feel guilty for colonialism. Islam started it. They occupied bit by bit all the Christian Middle East and North Africa which was also Christian and used to capture slaves – from the famous Barbary Coast and also kidnap white girls from the coasts of Europe – and when asked why they said it is in our Koran, which it is. The white sex slave trade by far outnumbers the black slave trade and didn’ t stop until the occupation of Algeria. And we are the ones who abolished slavery which is still going on in parts of Africa and elsewhere. Do they have any guilt? No, they carry on doing it in our own countries to our own young girls because they think white women are trash. They are the big big trash.
I absolutely agree with you! Why should you?! But what other explanation can you find for the leniency Italy, Spain, France, Germany, GB show to the hordes of invaders who arrive in Europe with intelligent phones and are interested to be “refugees” only in countries with the best social networks? These countries accept to break their own laws, allowing a “refugee” to have multiple wives and give them social benefits for all of them, including their multiple broods …
If you are a European, I recommend a book by Jean Raspail “The Camp of the Saints” written in 1973 at the time of the 1973-1974 oil embargo, when Europe sold its soul to Satan in order to ensure the flow of the precious black gold. The book is truly disturbing and was immediately labeled xenophobic, racist, etc. But M. Raspail had a glimpse of what the future of Europe would be like … For obvious reasons he substituted the invading Arab immigrants for a different ethnicity … Still, the usual labels applied …
To Marta: I have ‘Le Camp des Saints’. I have also apart from all the books by Raymond Ibrahim, many books by born Moslems, M.A. Khan ‘Islamic Jihad’, Hamed Abdel Samad ‘Islamic Fascism’, and many others. And I just read one by a non Moslem ‘Leo Hohmann, Stealth Invasion’ pub.2017 paperback 2021. In Ch4 he tells us that the powers that be want to erase borders make each nation interdependent on the whole and governed by mostly unelected bureaucrats, which they think will solve the world’s problems. But the one bulwark they find in their way is Christianity and its Judeo-Christian values. Which is why I presume Christians are abused and killed all over the world without the world’s press uttering a word.
One more thing: Though European I was born and grew up in one of their Middle East Moslem-occupied countries and I know for a fact that these so-called refugees do not have thousands of Pounds to pay black marketeers to bring them to Europe so who pays for them to come?
I understand that “the man who broke the Bank of England” is behind the huge wave of illegal aliens entering the US, and would not be surprised he is also behind the European wave …
For years the “conspiracy theories” regarding the motivations behind the powers that be and their New World Order were just that: conspiracy theories to be discarded as the lunacies of some crazies. Not any more. The powers that be are no longer operating in the shadows. Now they openly talk of the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the utopic world their illuminated minds have for us, less gifted souls, in a not-too distant future, where “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy” (While Oligarchs Own Everything) according to the World Economic Forum’s cute video The truth is that after less than 2.5 centuries government of the people, by the people, for the people has become old, and the powers that be, the new oligarchs, want to concentrate once more the power in the hands of the all knowledgeable few. But if they I believe, in their totalitarian minds, they will able to manipulate totalitarian Islam to act in their behalf, they are wrong. Religious fanatics will always trump the will and power of secular, faithless minds.
The only way for Europeans to protect themselves against muslim aggression and the governments that abet the rape and murder of its citizens is on the street and the ballot box.
European men need to be men and protect their communities against this filth at every level….no more backward steps or compromising….
Aggression needs to be confronted head on, with not equal but overwhelming force, we are the majority….time to take our nations back…they belong to US……
France appears to start reacting. Better late than never. But I am unaware of steps being taken by other countries. I know that both Poland and Hungary have been very vocal on their rejection of this kind of “immigration”. They seem to have a better national memory of their suffering under Islamic hordes …
In reply to Marta’s comment above 2/4/2024: The ‘man who broke the bank of England’ (BTW I’ve lived in London now for over fifty years but spent a lot of time in the US where I have family) does the same here too. He even paid for crowds to demonstrate against Brexit, and plans to become the ‘power behind the throne’ using the Islamists to realise his plans. But he couldn’t stop Brexit because the North of England which is solid socialist labour, but didn’t want 75 million Turks invading their territory, voted for Boris Johnson who promised Brexit. And I agree with you entirely when you say that “religious fanatics will always trump the will and power of secular, faithless minds”. What these people don’t seem to realise is that not everyone and everything can be bought and that no amount of money in the world will deflect hordes convinced they are killing for Allah and that their death will lead to 72 houris in paradise.
PS: In case you haven’t seen it already, the idea of a “New World Order” which is very old and supposed to be a fantasy, as you say, can be downloaded free of charge from the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy under “World Government”.
I think there’s more to it in UK Marta. Besides being afraid of the Muslims, the Brits need their vote – and most terrible in my thinking – is I have to wonder if Brits in high places have been given young women and men to engage in sex acts with, therefor being able to blackmail the elites who have indulged in these crimes and will not fight against them, leaving the grooming gangs untouched and continuing their abuse of the Brit, teen, underage, mostly white, young girls – with impunity.
I discovered this in 2016, and can never rest in trying to expose it. I think only retired military people will have the authority and influence to begin an action to destroy the gangs. Not much the common citizen can do.
Best to you.
I am originally from Latin America, and been in the US for over 50 years. I say this because I´ve lived a pretty sheltered life, and only fairly recently I became aware of the ugliness in other parts of the world, and even in this US of A, where authorities look the other way when Muslim males abuse their women, and honor killings are not even recognized as such. They are simply “accidents.” Also, here in the US, just like in the UK, the Muslim community is excused of any abuses by politicians in power because of the need of their votes … Years ago, when I first learned of how the grooming of young white British girls by Pakistani men was ignored by authorities, even punishing social workers daring to raise the issue, I simply could not believe it. My disbelief was based on my ignorance of the social issues in the UK. It was just a few weeks ago when I began to understand the workings of British society in what relates to women in general. You may laugh, but the TV series “Call the midwife” were a real eye opener in the expectations poor white women were allowed to have … Apparently things have not changed that much …
I wonder when you mention the military having the power to deal with these gangs, are you talking about the UK or the US? I’m not familiar with the UK military, but as for the US, we definitely would have to rely on retired military. During the Obama presidency a clean up of the upper echelons of our military took place, and many officers who did not agree with what was then the current dogma were forced into retirement …
The application of RACIST to an individual is primarily to gain leverage for the accuser
who nearly always is part of the SOCIAL LEFT.
When this is introduced into the church, it means extra funds for the church from the government as the approach of the church is a “justified” moral approach, and while essentially comfortable has done very little else to promote sanctification (Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Trojan horse in the city of God).
This is the Pelosi ploy, calling out unfairness that will destroy democracy, while she herself is on track to lower the birthrate below 2 and raise the chances of theocracy instead.
The shallow vindictive approach is to destroy the conservative (difficult to appreciate why this is a “revenge” stance), but social justice is never for unborn, only “blacks”.
The idea is supposed to favour marginalised. Actually marginalised exist in many places almost next door to churches. But these are ignored for a “bigger picture” which targets “wealthy”, at the expense of largesse gleaned from the unskilled workers in many cases,
who simply give up trying to build a family. France has reached a point where anger is high, and civil war likely. Politicians like Macron are in trouble.
Those who have any doubts about islam and its intentions should read Raymond Ibrahim’s book “Sword and Scimitar” and they will understand what this is all about. I am not saying that all muslims are behaving in such an arrogant manner, but even silence is an encouragement to such actions. Most of these so called “refugees” that are flooding Europe are not real. The children and women perhaps most of them are, but the rest are the :”trojan horse” of islam to bring Europe and generally the Western civilization to its knees. Always remember Gadhafi’s statement “Islam will Conquer Europe without Firing a Shot” – And that is from inside. If the western civilization doesn’t wake up on actions by countries like turkey, Qatar, Pakistan etc that openly support ISIS terrorists, the day will come that they will wake up to the biggest surprise of their lives. Unfortunately most of the leaders of the Western countries are giving more importance to the temporary financial gains from export and low production costs for their products that are manufactured in these countries, than the long term well being of their own countries and their civilization. They should also read “Sword and Scimitar”. May be they will open their eyes to the reality.
True, Danos. Turkey, Qatar and Pakistan are the islamic “Bermuda Triangle”. These states are aligned with the communist China. Despite all of the mistreatment of Uighurs by the Chicoms, Turkey is allied with China and it is the EU and the USA who cares about them. But also sadly, nor the EU nor the US says a thing about the growing human right abuses in Turkey, especially against the non-muslim population, and recently Turkey has withdrawn from the pact that aimed to prevent violence against women, and still the EU were silent. I heard Russia and Belarus being sanctioned by the EU but there is no sanction to Turkey, a terrorist state that imports islamic terrorism. Spain is now finishing an aircraft carrier for Turkey… Hungary supported Azerbaijan against Armenia politically…
About me, Danos, and thank you again for your reply to me a few weeks ago, I am soon thinking to moving to Russia or Poland, to work there, at least better than this islamic bigoted country, Turkey. I hope you have a good day.
Thank you Oskar for your response, very much to the point. Pity only a few take what you called “the islamic Bermuda Triangle” (by the way a spot on name!!). And as you very rightly also pointed out, Europe, US etc do not take these matters as seriously as they should, purely for the sake of TEMPORARY financial gains. Let us hope that when they do, that is IF they do, is not too late. I am glad to read you have taken a decision to move to a better place. I sincerely hope that you feel good about it and that you will be happy on your move. Those that dare Oskar win. Believe me my friend. And you will win, because you dare and you are determined to achieve in life what you want. It sad though that our “mother” countries fail to do this. Good luck my friend. Keep well, safe in touch.
Thank you so much for your kind words dear friend Danos. I hope the future will be bright and the humanity will get rid of the evil things that is harming them. There is hope and we must be hopeful.
And I agree with your reply to Sunev below. Some people are trying the whitewash this evil crime of sexually assaulting women and they just blame the victim instead of blaming and condemning the perpetrators. It is clear that the islamic texts, the qur’an and the hadith are encouraging believers to commit crimes. They should read these texts in their own main language as I did and left this cult. Glad that I had never commited such horrible crimes when I was believing in these texts but I was not aware its content. Everybody should read these islamic texts to find the source of the problem. Greetings, have a good one.
Good luck from me too Oskar. You’re one of the good ones. I’ve been following your exchanges with Danos. Let’s hear from you again and keep safe.
If all these alleged rapes took place, why haven’t the victims pressed charges and taken the rapists to court? The parents of these raped girls must have realised that something has happened to their daughter. A teenager or a young woman can’t put on a straight face and pretend that nothing happened after just being raped.
Sunev – How do you know they haven’t reported these rapes and assaults? An d what can the police do? These people live and ghettos and even the police don’t dare to go in these. Do I take it that you are disputing the facts stated in Raymond’s article? If you live in Europe, I am sure you must seen or witnessed the aggression by these people.
2014 and 2015 BBC hour long spots on the Rapes. A link follows:
Another link:
Thanks Danos – Raymond – all the good people who comment here. And those willing to challenge what we say. Hope you can admit there is Truth here.
Never give up.
To Sunev: Go to Wikipedia ‘Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal” and/or read Jayne Senior ‘Broken and Betrayed’. She got an MBE for her work in 2016. If our men won’t protect our daughters and granddaughters who will?Shame on our governments and on our police force. The prison sentence these men got was nothing. I would have brought back hanging and the guillotine . Lost my compassion a long time ago. And they are still doing it it.
Sunev, that is for me where the crux of this matter lies – parenthood. Parents rearing responsible children which understands the dangers of real life, and who is taught to take responsibility fo their lives – no matter in which society they live.
No politician or political system can guarantee the safety of it’s citizens if the citizens themselves do not take charge of their own lives, that of their children and the children of their own lives too.
If the mother and father were present in the lives of those hurt victims, they would not only have done their utmost to prevent such occurrences, and they would, as you have indicated, immediately have notciced that something is wrong with their child… which would have been too late, anyway.
The point therefor is good upbringing… and if the parents can not be present with the child the whole day, which is understandabl, the children should have been brought up to take responsibility themselves.
To start with, these gangs are very careful as to who they choose to groom. The chosen are very young girls with troubled family lives, who are less likely to have relatives who protect them. And when the rapes and abuses are reported, the authorities always chose to ignore the reports and protect the perps. I remember reading one case when one social worker was seriously admonished by her superiors when she pressed the authorities to listen to the charges. In my view … it’s a rotten society. As for the possibility of “high-society” types being blackmailed, I have no doubt. Just look at the names in the Epstein/Maxwell black book of contacts …
Thank you, Raymond, for being the voice of those who are shut down from speaking. Thank you for speaking the truth and for helping expose this massive, continental-level of this horrible crime. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, excellent article.
In South Africa I’ve seen during the passed 65 years of my life, that the only solution to any such challenge is a good upbringing – adhering to the sound principles your parents and families taught you, and rearing your children to make sound choices and to stay away from dangerous places, and at home, away from the threats and any place holding the slightest danger.
To try and stop Islam from spreading all over the world is not the solution – and to wish these Muslims-on-the-move away, and curse them, or hate them, will not stop this spreading of Islam all over the world.
In South Africa, our White Government had, before 1994 – when democracy brought freedom for all, tried to do exactly that… while we as “whites” were brought up to make sound choices, at the same time we, the white people tried to lock out all other races and religions, and in so doing tried to secure our future… what a disappointment!
The only one of these two options, which delivered a lasting solution, was the good rearing we were given, and which we gave our children, so as to make good choices and to adhere to responsible principles, like staying off the streets… the rest has all been replaced by our truly wonderful democratic election in 1994, and our successful Constitution.
So, if I could give only one solution to Raymond and whomever else is pointing out the treat of Islam-on-the-move… start preaching and teaching, to all that would hear, to bring up their children with sound principles and responsibilitiy, so that they could keep themselves out of trouble.
And I must add, in South Africa, our peaceful and loving Muslim population, which are mostly part of the “non-white population,” as well as all the other “non-white” races, had done the same over the years… so that which ever threat would come, those who have been armoured with a good upbringing, are surviving, and would be surviving any threat…
I fully agree on the importance of a solid family upbringing. It is vital for the development of an individual healthy in mind and soul. I don’t know the situation in South Africa as to how the social fabric has developed in the last thirty or forty years, but one of the main problems the West has is the slow but steady deterioration of the family unit. The secularization of Europe, the spread of “no fault” divorce in the US, the decades-long work of Margaret Sanger’s eugenics Planned Parenthood, the high percentage of births out of wedlock with the corresponding disappearance of the father figure in many homes, have all worked to undermine and destroy what for centuries was the backbone and strength of society.
In South Africa the white minority was a tiny speck surrounded by a continent of multiple races, ethnicities and religions. Families and community had to stay fast to survive. And so did Muslims minorities all over the world. But world-wide, the Ummah is a fervent community of 1.8 billion or about 24.1% of the world population. It is estimated that between 15 and 25% of the Ummah are radical, violent extremists. And even if we consider these numbers too high, a 10% would translate into 180 million religious fanatics fighting the “infidel” West, and a mere 5% would give us 90 million haters. In other words, unless the West wakes up and puts aside its present mental state that all is well and that history came to a screeching halt at the end of the Cold War … we are doomed, and 2050 will look very different of what it looks now.
[In short, there certainly is a “racist” aspect to the rape of European women by migrants—though in reverse…]
“In reverse” to what? To the Hollywood / “woke” version of what “racism” is?
Seems like STRAIGHTFORWARD racism to me. You dropped the ball here, Mr. I!