I recently had an excellent, all-encompassing interview with Hank Hanegraaff (author most recently of MUSLIM). Few stones were unturned in the 90-minute interview below:
They hate Christianity more than the idea of being killed by adherents of islam. History is repeating. Thankfully, the demise of islam will be the end of this round. Jesus said that this “time of the end” would be “cut short or no flesh would be saved.” He will put an end to the evils; He will bring an end to the persecution and slaughter; He will rid the earth of those who hate Him and His followers.
Thank you for this important information, the truth of which no honest person can deny.
Great discussion. The point I liked best is the idea that you can’t put a lion in a cage with a zebra and expect it never to act like a lion. There’s a lot of truth to that. Even if you feed and care for the lion extremely well, sooner or later it will do what lions are genetically programmed to do, and we all know what that means for the zebra. By the same token, as reported to the United States Congress by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and John Jay in 1786, Muslims apparently believe in a certain type of jihadist ideology which guarantees them a trip to paradise if they die while making war against non-Muslims. Unfortunately, life on earth is tough for everyone, and even under the best of circumstances, sometimes it can seem rather bleak and hopeless no matter who you are. Therefore, it is probably unrealistic not to expect that sooner or later at least some percentage of Muslims will prefer to act on their chosen belief system and move on to the paradise promised by the ideology of Islamic jihad, rather than remain to suffer in this world, no matter how well they are treated by everyone else. The result? A surprise suicide attack against non-Muslims who had no idea it was coming. So where does that leave Western Civilization at this point? Are we now living among lions? Should we regard ourselves as zebras waiting to be slaughtered? Is this the new normal?
Excellent interview Raymond Ibrahim.
Thanks for this interview.
They hate Christianity more than the idea of being killed by adherents of islam. History is repeating. Thankfully, the demise of islam will be the end of this round. Jesus said that this “time of the end” would be “cut short or no flesh would be saved.” He will put an end to the evils; He will bring an end to the persecution and slaughter; He will rid the earth of those who hate Him and His followers.
Thank you for this important information, the truth of which no honest person can deny.
Great discussion. The point I liked best is the idea that you can’t put a lion in a cage with a zebra and expect it never to act like a lion. There’s a lot of truth to that. Even if you feed and care for the lion extremely well, sooner or later it will do what lions are genetically programmed to do, and we all know what that means for the zebra. By the same token, as reported to the United States Congress by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and John Jay in 1786, Muslims apparently believe in a certain type of jihadist ideology which guarantees them a trip to paradise if they die while making war against non-Muslims. Unfortunately, life on earth is tough for everyone, and even under the best of circumstances, sometimes it can seem rather bleak and hopeless no matter who you are. Therefore, it is probably unrealistic not to expect that sooner or later at least some percentage of Muslims will prefer to act on their chosen belief system and move on to the paradise promised by the ideology of Islamic jihad, rather than remain to suffer in this world, no matter how well they are treated by everyone else. The result? A surprise suicide attack against non-Muslims who had no idea it was coming. So where does that leave Western Civilization at this point? Are we now living among lions? Should we regard ourselves as zebras waiting to be slaughtered? Is this the new normal?