Al Azhar—arguably the Islamic world’s most prestigious Islamic university—continues to incite Egypt’s Muslims against Christians. Most recently the university was exposed distributing a free booklet dedicated to discrediting Christianity, shock full of direct attacks on Christianity in general and the nation’s Coptic Christians in particular.
Christianity is referred to as a “failed religion,” while Islam is hailed as the true and superior religion.
Because the “seeds of weakness” are inherent in Christianity and the Bible, says the booklet, Islam was easily able to supplant it in the Middle East.
Perhaps Mr. Ibrahim or someone else could give more details about the attacks on Christianity in the booklet.
I looked at the Google translation of the linked-to page, which is an article describing the booklet. The site is a Christian site. Aware that I’m working from a Google translation, I tentatively conclude that the page does not describe what I would call “incitement” but rather it summarizes claims of various kinds that Islam is superior and that Christianity is flawed and inferior and has failed. It would be good to have specifics, or even a PDF of the book if possible.
Al Azhar is the voice of official state approved Islam in Egypt. Anything they print is approved by the government which is supposedly protecting the Christians.
The Booklet Should Add The Beautiful Works Muslims Have Done In The Last Few Years For The Sake Of Allah:
Garissa University College Massacre of 147 Students in Kenya were Muslims (al-Shabaab Group).
Charlie Hebdo Shooting: 12 Killed at Muhammad Cartoons Magazine in Paris were Muslims
The Peshawar (Pakistan) School Massacre Of 134 Children were Taliban Muslims.
The Massacre of 45 Hostage Burned to Death on February 17th 2015 were Muslims (ISIS Group)
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Bali bomb Attacks were Muslims.
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-am Flight #93 Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover was by Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S. Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks Bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The First World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The Bombay and Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
The Airport Bombers In Southern Thailand were Muslims
The Portland Christmas Tree Bomb Plotter was a Muslims
The American Airlines Flight #77 Hijackers were Muslims
The Nyanya Motor Park Bombers in Nigeria were Muslims
The Westgate Kenya Shopping Mall Attackers were Muslims
The Volgograd Train Station & Bus Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Failed Car Bomb Plotter In NY Times Square in 2010 was a Muslim
The Failed Plot To Derail A Via Rail Passenger Train In Toronto, Canada were Muslims
The Failed Toronto [Canada] 18 Bomb Plotter In 2006 was a Muslim
The Beheading of The British Soldier In The Street Of Woolwich was a Muslim
The Bus #405 Suicide Attack was a Muslim
The Mehola Junction Bombing were Muslims
The Beit El Car Bombing was a Muslim
The Afula Bus Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Hadera Bus Station Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Dizengoff Street Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The Netzarim Junction Bicycle Bombing was a Muslim
The Jerusalem Binyanei Hauma Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Beit Lid Massacre were Muslims
The Kfar Darom Bus [Suicide] Attack was a Muslim
The Ramat Gan Bus #20 [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Ramat Eshkol Bus [Suicide] Bombing was a female Muslim
The Ashkelon Bus Station Bombing was a Muslim
The First Jerusalem Bus #18 Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Second Jerusalem Bus #18 Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Dizengoff Center Suicide Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Café Apropo Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The 1st Mahane Yehuda Market Attack in Jerusalem was a Muslim
The Ben Yehuda Street Bombing in Jerusalem were Muslims
The 1st Kfar Darom Bombing was a Muslim
The Jerusalem Double Suicide Bombers in 1998 were Muslims
The Egged Bus #960 Bombing was a Muslim
The Haifa Central Bus Station Bombing was a Muslim
The Gaza Bombing in 2000 was a Muslim
The 2nd Mahane Yehuda Market Attack was a Muslim
The 2nd Kfar Darom Bombing in Gaza Strip was a Muslim
The Hadera Main Street Bombing was a Muslim
The Mehola Bombing in Northern Jordan Valley was a Muslim
The Netanya Centre [Car] Bombing were Muslims
The Tayibe Bridge Bombing was a Muslim
The Beit Yisrael Bombing was a Muslim
The Mei Ami Junction Bombing was a Muslim
The Netanya [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Talpiot Industrial Zone Bombing were Muslims
The Egged Bus #6 [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Mifgash Shalom Attack was a Muslim
The Kfar Saba [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Or Yehuda Bombing were Muslims
The Nablus School Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The HaSharon Mall Suicide Bombing in Netanya, Israel was a Muslim
The Hadera Mall Bombing was a Muslim
The Hadera Bus Station Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Jerusalem Center Bombing were Muslims
The Jaffa Road Bombing was a Muslim
The Netanya School Bombing were Muslims
The Dolphinarium Discotheque Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Dugit Bombing were Muslims
The Yehud Suburb Bombing in Tel Aviv were Muslims
The Kissufim [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Binyamina Train Station Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Moshav Beka’ot Bombing was a Muslim
The Sbarro Restaurant Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Wall-Street Restaurant [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Russian Compound Bombing was a Muslim
The Jerusalem Car Bombings were Muslims
The Hanevi’im Street [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Nahariya Train Station Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Beit Lid Junction Bombing were Muslims
The Talpiot Neighborhood Bombing were Muslims
The 1st Erez Crossing Attack was a Muslim
The Kibbutz Shluhot [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The 2nd Erez Crossing [Suicide] Attack was a Muslim
The 1st Egged Bus #823 [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Ben Yehuda Street [Two Suicide] Bombings were Muslims
The Haifa Bus #16 Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Hilton Mamilla Bombing was a Muslim
The Check Post Junction Bombing was a Muslim
The Neve Dekalim [Two Suicide] Bombings near Gaza Strip were Muslims
The Tel Aviv Outdoor Mall [Double Suicide] Bombings were Muslims
The Jaffa Street [Female Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Tayibe [Bus] Bombing in Tel Aviv were Muslims
The Karnei Shomron Mall Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Maale Adumim – Jerusalem Road [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Efrat Supermarket [Suicide] Bombing Attack was a Muslim
The Maccabim (Checkpoint) [Female Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Yeshivat Beit Yisrael Massacre in 2002 was a Muslim
The 2nd Egged Bus #823 Bombing was a Muslim
The Ariel Hotel Lobby [Suicide] Bombing in Samaria was a Muslim
The Café Moment [Suicide] Bombing in Jerusalem was a Muslim
The Egged Bus #22 [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The 3rd Egged Bus #823 [Umm al-Fahm] Bombing was a Muslim
The King George Street [Suicide] Bombing in Jerusalem was a Muslim
The Passover [Seder] Massacre at the Park Hotel in Netanya, was a Muslim
The Kiryat HaYovel Supermarket Bombing was a Muslim
The Allenby Street Coffee Shop Cafe Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Baqa al-Gharbiyah Bombing was a Muslim
The Matza Restaurant Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Efrat [Emergency] Medical Center was a Muslim
The Jerusalem Roadblock Bombing was a Muslim
The Yagur Junction [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The 3rd Mahane Yehuda Market Attack was a Muslim
The Rishon LeZion Bombing was a Muslim
The Netanya Market [Suicide] Bombing in 2002 was a Muslim
The Afula Road Bombing was a Muslim
The Rothschild Street Bombing was a Muslim
The Pi Glilot [LPG Depot] Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Studio 49 Disco Bombing was a Muslim
The Petah Tikva [Suicide] Mall Bombing was a Muslim
The Megiddo Junction [Suicide] Bus Bombing in Israel was a Muslim
The Herzliya Shawarma Restaurant [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Patt Junction Bus [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The French Hill Junction [Suicide] Massacre was a Muslim
The Immanuel Bus No.189 Attack were Muslims
The Neve Shaanan Street Bombing was a Muslim
The Nevi’im Street Bombing was a Muslim
The Hebrew University Massacre was a Muslim
The Meron Junction Bus #361 Attack was a Muslim
The 1st Umm al-Fahm [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The 2nd Umm al-Fahm [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Allenby Street Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The Geha Road Bombing was a Muslim
The Karkur Junction Suicide Bombings were Muslims
The Sonol Gas Station Bombing was a Muslim
The Kfar Saba Shopping Mall [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Kiryat Menachem Bus [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Tel-Aviv Central Bus Station Massacre were Muslims
The Haifa Bus #37 Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The London Cafe Bombing in Netanya was a Muslim
The Kfar Saba [Nordeau] Train Station [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Mike’s Place Suicide Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Gross Square [Suicide] Attack was a Muslim
The Jerusalem Bus #6 [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The 3rd Kfar Darom [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Afula Mall Bombing was a Muslim
The Netzarim Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The Davidka Square Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The Sdei Trumot Bombing was a Muslim
The Kfar Yavetz Bombing was a Muslim
The Ariel Bus Station Bombing was a Muslim
The Rosh HaAyin Bombing was a Muslim
The Shmuel HaNavi Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The Tzrifin Bus Stop Attack was a Muslim
The Café Hillel Bombing was a Muslim
The Maxim Restaurant Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Tulkarem [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Beit Hanoun Junction Bombing was a Muslim
The Azzoun Bombing was a Muslim
The Geha Interchange Bus Stop Bombing was a Muslim
The 3rd Erez Crossing Attack was a Muslim
The Gaza Street Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The Liberty Bell Park Bus Bombing was a Muslim
The 4th Erez Crossing Attack were Muslims
The Ashdod Port [Double Suicide Bombings] Massacre were Muslims
The 5th Erez Crossing Attack was a Muslim
The Deir al-Balah Suicide Attack was a Muslim
The Beka’ot Checkpoint Bombing was a Muslim
The Tel Aviv Bus Stop Bombing was a Muslim
The Kalandia Checkpoint Attack was a Muslim
The Beersheba Bus Line 6 and 12 [Double Suicide] Bombings were Muslims
The Baka al-Sharkiyeh Checkpoint Attack was a Muslim
The Kalandia Gate Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The French Hill Junction Bombing was a Muslim
The Sinai Peninsula Bombings [in Egypt] were Muslims
The Carmel Market Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Karni [Border] Crossing Attack were Muslims
The Morag Attack was a Muslim
The Karni Border Crossing Attack was a Muslim
The Gush Katif Checkpoint Attack was a Muslim
The Stage Club [Suicide] Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The 1st HaSharon Mall Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Beersheba Central Bus Station Bombing was a Muslim
The Hadera Market Bombing was a Muslim
The 2nd HaSharon Mall Suicide Bombing was a Muslim
The Tulkarem Roadblock Bombing were Muslims
The 1st Rosh Ha’ir [Shawarma] Restaurant Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Kedumim Bombing [in the West Bank] was a Muslim
The 2nd Rosh Ha’ir [Shawarma] Restaurant Bombing in Tel Aviv was a Muslim
The Eilat Bakery [Suicide] Bombing in Israel was a Muslim
The Dimona [Suicide] Bombings were Muslims
The Kerem Shalom [3 Palestinian] Suicide Bombings were Muslims
The 2011 Abuja United Nations [Suicide] Bombing was a Muslim
The Urumqi Car and Bomb Attack in a Market In China were Muslims
The Fish Vendor Massacre In Nigeria were (Boko Haram) Muslims
The Northern Kenya Bus Attack were (Al-Shabaab) Muslims
“WHEN YOU MEET THE UNBELIEVERS, SMITE THEIR NECKS, then when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds, then set them free, either by grace or ransom, until the war lays down its burdens”. Quran: 47:4
“Prophet! MAKE WAR ON THE UNBELIEVERS [Non-Muslims] and the Hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate”. Quran 66:9
The weakness of Christianity is that the Battle for the earth is not the true battle. The earth is Satan’s domain, yet Satan has no power to kill anyone on earth, so his followers must do the killing. The weakness of Islam…The battle for Heaven is already settled and God cannot only destroy the body, but destroy the soul, so after the appearance of an earthly victory by the followers of Satan, God will have the victory as Jesus returns to conquer the earth. Regardless of our years on this earth, 10, 50, or 90, they are but a wisp compared to eternity with the one who created the universe and will cleanse the earth before allowing his Children to return to re-inhabit it. If you are not a Christian, decide and believe, for as you can see, the battle is being joined.
Well said, JohnB, and without the hated and invictive being used by too many, so-called Christians!