A Muslim schoolboy of African origin beat a 12-year-old girl at a school in Italy because she was wearing a crucifix around her neck.

According to ANSA news agency, the African boy “punched the girl violently in the back at the entrance to a middle school in the town of Terni on Thursday [May 14] and the girl’s mother caught the boy, who subsequently told Carabinieri paramilitary police he attacked the girl because she was wearing a crucifix, police sources said.”
The boy, who had only started to attend the school approximately three weeks earlier, began to bully the Christian girl—“insulting her and picking on her in other ways all because she was wearing the crucifix”—before he finally assaulted her.
Islamic history and doctrine is full of condemnation of and violence against the Christian crucifix. Islamic prophet Muhammad himself reportedly “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it.” He also once ordered someone wearing a cross to “take off that piece of idolatry.”
Italian police refused to charge the boy with any offense citing that he is a minor.
Italian police refused to charge the boy with any offense citing that he is a minor… and now had seen that a tiny female wearing a piece of jewelery was not doing so to as a threat to his twelve year old manhood. It should be noted that it is not a crime for these (coincidentally muzlum) boys until the have hair upon their pubic region, at which time the italian judicial system deem him a man!!!
If he doesn’t like it go back to afica
In my day the Christian kids would have ganged up on that little camel piss drinker and kicked him to a pulp.
His parents might have told him that he is in a Catholic country and most women wear crosses even if they are not strongly Catholic. No they most ;likely told him to hate Christians