Once again, the Islamic State (IS) performs an atrocity that boggles the Western mind, and once again the Islamic State points to its namesake—Islam—to justify its depravity.
IS has just released a video showing captive Jordanian pilot Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh in a cage being burned alive (image above). It also posted a fatwa on various jihadi websites that permits the immolation of human beings.
The brief fatwa argues that “the Hanafis and Shafi‘is [two of Sunni Islam’s four orthodox schools of jurisprudence] permit burning” people. It also cites the tafsir, or exegesis, of Muhalab ibn Safra (d. 702) concerning a statement attributed to the prophet of Islam: “Only Allah torments with fire.” According to the tafsir, Muhammad’s assertion is not meant to ban jihadis from using fire to torment people but is rather a reflection of “humility”—pointing out that Allah alone can truly torment.
Next the fatwa quotes the eminent Hafiz ibn al-Hajar (d. 1449) who comments that “the deeds of the companions [of Muhammad] evince the permissibility of burning, and the prophet put out the eyes of the men of Urayna with heated iron [he also cut their hands and feet off], and Khalid bin al-Walid burned some of the people who apostatized.”
As for Khalid—the revered “Sword of Allah”—I wrote about him here, including how he once beheaded an “apostate,” raped his beautiful wife, and then set the man’s severed head on fire before cooking his dinner on it.
None of this is surprising. As discussed in “The Islamic State and Islam,” every atrocity IS has committed—whether beheading, crucifying, raping, enslaving, or now immolating humans—has precedents in Islam, whether in the deeds of Muhammad, that most “perfect” and “moral” man (Koran 33:21, 68:4) or his revered companions.

This Heart Breaking and evil of Obama supported ISIS!!
We are in End Times!!
Prayers Go Up as Blessings come down!!
Am Yisrael Chai, YSIC o/
May God’s(the only real God) curse be on anyone who condones this hideous act! I pray that God relieved the poor man’s suffering immediately. Islam is an ideology of PEACE? Bunk. John.
John, do you still believe that Islam is an ideology of peace? I only wish you search for the truth which is just out there in Islamic books. An increasing number of Moslems do recognize that Islam is not a peaceful religion and ask for a different interpretation of the books!!!!.
Islam provides all the necessary tools for being brutal person with non-Moslems, it only can be peaceful when its base is weak and in no position to launch war, for Moslems; DECEPTION if allowed and encouraged for the protection and enlargement of Islam.
For your personal peace of mind and heart, search for the truth and you will find it, hopefully!!!!!
Andro Athan- I do not now believe, nor have I ever believed, that Islam is a peaceful ideology. John.
Did you not spot the question mark?
The King of Jordan has commented on this brutal killing of the soldier; he says it has nothing to do with Islam. Case Closed! From Canada.
This is the best SOLUTION ever heard of.
I wish to hear from the King the following “Salmonella (Bacteria) has nothing to do with DIARRHEA”.
You can not see the bacteria but you can feel, see, identify and prove its presence but you just need a microbiologist to demonstrate its presence and effect.
It is abundantly clear that NOT ONE world leader understands anything about Islam!!!
Will a translation of the fatwa be available?
Taking the risk of moving forward to the Islamic sites… they are stating this was “staged” as a “Professional” movie stunt… As I have not actually viewed the immolation video, and given I have already viewed enough of them to know this is ENTIERLY feasible, I don’t doubt that this poor Man… in the hands of ISIS et al; that his life is doubtless none the less forfeit… Whether he expired in said video, or has in some other gruesome manor been murdered as they are want to do; I find the King of Jordan’s comments beyond the pale… he knows full well this IS about islam… and his long enduring support of the west.
Hopefully this doesn’t impede his long & staunch support of the west. Although of late he’s been leaning more and more to the east… as pressure in his own country is being exerted against his dominion… In the end, islam is the PLAGUE we all face, East West… North South… They are on the march, and believe me when I state… It will be ONLY by force of Arms, and the Willingness of the West to send their Son’s into the caldron of battle… to shed their blood, stand up and say ENOUGH… “you want a war, you have it…” Call it the New Age Crusades; A New Centuries Call To Arms of ALL those who will not be slaves to islam and their ilk…! For if you do NOT stand up NOW.. you will be forced to bow down later… The West MUST wake up from the coddled slumber its been for the past 400 plus years while islam has been on the march… “They” are coming, and in many cases they are ALREADY ‘here’ in neighborhoods and enclaves near your homes today… arming, training, planning, and preparing. If you don’t believe & understand that by now, you had better awake before its your neck at the edge of their sword…
I hear Jordan has executed “Two” terrorist for the Jordanian Pilot they murdered… I say its About Time someone gave them an Eye for an Eye… if the executions are factual… Justice has finally been done, Amen…!
I hope the Jordanians follow up on their promise to HANG their ISIS prisoners if the young Jordanian pilot was killed Just be sure they do it the same way ISIS did to this young pilot. BURN THEM.. I saw a recent sermon on MEMRI TV delivered by an IMAM stating their is no rules that Islam has to foll in TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT with the enemy. OK. So Islam wants a war with NO RULES. Everyone is the enemy. Even those in Western Society. Tit for tat.
Athens fell, once and for all, ‘when its people didn’t want to hear or believe unpleasant things’: Helen MacInnes The Unconquerable.1944, Fontana, p. 150. That, it seems to me, is why the West is falling: we simply try to whitewash/don’t want to hear or see the horror of true islam.
I totally agree! John.
Thank you, John: now I feel less like a tiny lunatic fringe out here on my own!!
ISIS is Islamic and, as such, is following the teachings of the Koran? Gee, I didn’t know that. Did you, Barry?
… because here they’re NOT following the Koran?
Time to load the bombs of napalm and target all Isis camps and burn the lot of them. If the Geneva Convention says they can’t do it well bad luck the gloves are coming off and treat these pigs the same way they treat us all.
Several incidents are recorded of massacres on Jews from the 12th through 16th centuries in which they were burned alive, often on account of the blood libel. In 1171 in Blois, for example, 51 Jews were burned alive (the entire adult community). In 1191, King Philip Augustus ordered around 100 Jews burnt alive.That Jews purportedly performed host desecration also led to mass burnings; in 1243 in Beelitz, the entire Jewish community was burnt alive, and in 1510 in Berlin, some 26 Jews were burnt alive for the same “crime”. During the “Black Death” in the mid-14th century a spate of large-scale massacres occurred. An often imputed crime was that the Jews had poisoned the wells. In 1349, as panic grew along with the increasing death toll from the plague, and rumours from tortured Jews confessing to be responsible for the “poisoning of wells” and similar murderous behaviour, general massacres, but also, specifically, mass burnings began to occur. 600 Jews were burnt alive in Basel alone. A large mass burning occurred in Strasbourg, where no fewer than 2000 Jews were burnt alive
So the caliph isn’t admitting Ibn Ishaq as a credible source. That means all he’s got from the Prophet is the blinding of the men of Urayna.
And from the Companions, not all of them are implicated. Khalid and I’ll add Ali (Ali’d burned a “zindiq”, probably an astrologer or warlock) – yes. Ibn al-Abbas, no. Al-Muhallab bin Abi Sufra (lern 2 spel dood), no.
when will the leaders of the so called “christian countries” ( they have all but lost their religious beliefs) wake up and see what is in front of them. for years our countries welcomed all what ever the colour what ever the religion, and these immigrants got on with it they assimilated while at the same
time keeping their heritage and not trying to force it on us.
One of the main issues is that none have read the Koran and
the advisors they go to are muslims so they do not tell the truth, as lying to
an apostate is halal.
The insidious way they try to undermine out systems and
beliefs is frightening in its simplicity, little by little they chip away and
get more of what they want.
If they want an Islamic country why come here in the first
place, all they try and do is to turn it into the hell hole they left.
It is all to do with world domination that is what moo
wanted and they are trying to get it for him.
What about firing children and women in ( syria … Borma … Centeral africa … …….)
Waiting for that Impossible article !!!!