Laila Bint Abdul Muttalib Basim, a Burmese woman who resided in Saudi Arabia, was beheaded by sword on Monday after being dragged through the streets of Islam’s holy city of Mecca and held down by four police officers.
VIDEO HERE: Woman Beheaded in Saudi Arabia
She was convicted of the sexual abuse and murder of her seven-year-old step-daughter.
While being held down the woman screamed the Islamic shehada — “There is no god but Allah!” (in an effort to safeguard her life) and the word “haram!” (i.e., it’s a sin to kill her, based on her claim that she is innocent), and “You are unforgiven!” The rest of her constant yells consisted of “I did not kill!” and “this is unjust!”
Although those beheaded in the Arabian kingdom are often given drugs and painkillers to numb the pain (and hamper their wails), this woman was not given that luxury. You can hear her final scream as the first sword blow hits her (the executioner hacked at her neck with his sword three times in total to make sure she was dead).
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
Savages practicing a draconian 7th century political-religious ideology. Their final reward will be many times more painful than the “punishments” they meted out on Earth.
But we do not lose heart or hope:
The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
To the choirmaster. Of David.
In the LORD I take refuge;
how can you say to my soul,
“Flee like a bird to your mountain,
for behold, the wicked bend the bow;
they have fitted their arrow to the string
to shoot in the dark at the upright in heart;
if the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do?”
The LORD is in his holy temple;
the LORD’s throne is in heaven;
his eyes see, his eyelids test the children of man.
The LORD tests the righteous,
but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.
Let him rain coals on the wicked;
fire and sulfur and a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup.
For the LORD is righteous;
he loves righteous deeds;
the upright shall behold his face. (Psalm 11 ESV)
Yet there is no god because if truly compassionate all powerful being existed islam would have been eliminated as soon as it started.
This is planet earth not paradise, satan is the ”god” here, until The Lamb of God returns.
I cannot help by drawing parallels with the Abdul Rahman Bin Ghulam Qadir case. He confessed and was let free within months while Laila Bint Abdul Muttalib Basim’s cries of innocence until the moment of death struck me to believe her case should be investigated. What were the proofs convicted her guilt? What are the prospects of getting clarification in this case?
Islam will not investigate a woman’s claims. You do not understand this feudal 7th century cult. There is no object, except a pig, that is below the level of a woman.
Beheadings and bullying women is an Islamic sport
It is more to it——–they need to do it to show how much more power and they are in charge and much, much more they want to keep the power. (ok) tell me I am wrong). . ..
None Maria….the deed is done.
Agreed Jacqueline, but a dangerous feudal cult which breeds fanatic elements who believe in world domination and the destruction of all who disagree with them.
In a worldly sense what has restrained Islam is their constant battling one another. To each faction of Islam all others are heretics, apostates and the command to massacre them is of greater importance than enslaving and murdering kafirs (non-Muslims).
EVIL. These vile Saudi/muslim scum get a kick out of murdering women. Their shocking casual attitude towards the beheading of this woman beggars belief. May she be at rest and in peace.
What happened to the ICC ?
Islam founded by a war monger, and is built on primitive Neanderthal thinking.
Agreed Noah. I am utterly despairing of our silent so-called world leaders and the world’s Christian community. I personally feel so deeply for women such as this poor soul, whatever her religion, but especially because she is muslim over which she has no control. Saudi Arabia is a country where expats leave the country wearing T Shirts emblazoned with ‘This may not be hell but you can see it from here.’ From personal experience that is so true.
the ICC should look into this and investigate Saudi Arabia. Then they should investigate: Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Qatar, Yemen, Hamas/Humus, Hezbollah, ISIS. This should keep them busy for the next 200 years.
They’re to busy investigating Israel for “war crimes”
Well put
These people are mindless barbarians…
Had she been in the UK she would be out within 5 yrs, guilty or not. Sufficient reason IMHO to nuke Mecca if only to rid ourselves of these fat barbarians. The irony here is that this is probably the just treatment for the rapist groomers of young girls who receive(if any punishment) minimal gaol sentences.
Mecca will be nuked by God ,read rev 17
yes but the 1st nuke will be dropped into Michelle’s panties
This is not some radical extremists, this is the Saudi (Muslim) GOVERNMENT.
But they have plenty of petroleum. Oh wait, we’d better pretend nothing happend, isn’t it?
And you my friend is what one calls an ignorant cunt! All Christians need to die and America bombed for all the world’s trouble. Dress you up in black attire and you’s look like an ISIS douche.
Who the fuck do you think you’re writing to, f’ing shithead?? Besides, the person about whom you’re writing, is a Jewish man, I’m sure!
Well then he should know better than to say shit like that cause at one point of time there were many saying the same thing about his religion and followed through. And I’m talking to ignorant idiots like thyself! Which countries do you think supports most of these wretched ‘MUSLIM’ nations” Huh??!!! Since you are oh so sure about everything!
Pooja is a Muslim & lying to the unbelievers (Taqiyya), like her holy Quran instructs. No suprise with blaming the West. Actually, the Muslim Brotherhood created Al-Qeuda, the US funded them as allies to fight againts the soviet union. This is before they decided to fly planes into buildings in case you weren’t around then. The thanks we get for helping them win a war is the mass murder of innocent Westerners across the world & somehow this is all Americas fault. To kill these vile scum we use drones, I dont see why that makes us terrorists? I think its common sense to kill these slime bags. I dont see Americans walking into shopping centres in Iraq & killing innocent Muslims do you? nah, thats only what Muslim terrorist do, not Americans. A Muslim will always blame everyone else, not because its true, but because their pedofilia Quran tells them too.
Hahahahahaahahah! I am a Muslim?! Did you get that from my name? Oh dear sir, well traveled are you? Oh wait, must be American, the ultimate haven for the stupid and obese. Also honey, in regards to a debate and well gibberish from your end please learn to write and spell correctly. Every thing due to improper use of language becomes null and void. Oh and while you’re at it do re-visit your glorious public schools and learn something.
Just in case you haven’t received my last two messages Poojah Sinha Roy, I risk my life so I can protect me fellow American citizens. That’s why if I ever find out who you are bitch, I will show you what america is capable of. Stick some bombs up your ass send your remains to motherf*cking ISIS with a note saying that I will stop at nothing till I have all your terrorist heads.
Do you even risk your life to educate yourself? Apparently not. If you did, you wouldn’t need to search for me, you’d have figured out that I am from India and a Hindu (a religion which has nothing to do with Islam). You’d also have figured that all I am trying to do is tell you idiots that blaming 1.6 million people for the action of a few cunts is how one spreads hate. And if you are at the front lines risking your life, pray tell how many innocent ‘MUSLIM’ civilians get killed by your kind and their kind everyday?
I’m shocked……you are a Hindu?!!? Never have I known such vile language from a Hindu woman. Please don’t bring yourself down to that level. Ignore those who don’t have the sense to realise that not all people from Asia and the surrounding areas are Muslim and that not all Muslims are terrorists. X
Vile language is nothing compared to the hate being spread all over this section. And Hinduism has nothing to do with it either. To be fair my religion spreads tons of hate just as the rest because of the way we interpret things. In the end it’s not any religion but us humans who are to blame for everything going on here. Most of it stems from ignorance as you have so rightly mentioned. Also countries like Malaysia as an example is a Muslim state and they are one of the most progressive nations that I have seen, at least in Asia. I mean Hindus have committed genocide on the Muslim population here which was atrocious so vile language doesn’t even begin to compare. But I thank you for being gracious. We need more people who will stand up to haters and show that in the end we are all human beings and only we can save our race through love and compassion. It doesn’t take a lot and you feel lighter and better in the morning
Hindus did genocide of muslims… When???
You only say you are Hindu. I know Hindus. Hindus don’t act like you do. You obviously are unaware of the problems Muslims have caused for Hindus as well, or did you miss the part in history where India had to give up land to form Afghanistan because of all of the problems the Muslims were causing. That’s what got Ghandi killed. For someone who insults other people’s knowledge of THEIR history, you don’t seem to know much about your own.
If you read the Qu’ran, you would know that, according to their own scriptures, every Muslim is called to Jihad.
you need to get you facts straight first lol… wasnt Afghanistan it was pakistan you dumb ass
she is NOT hindu but a muslim guy under fake ID of hindu girl so that he can befriend girls of other religions ! stupid but old ploy which never works …a girl never talks like the way this guy in pseudonym does !
Asshole Pakistan was formed not Afghanistan! Hahahahahaha! Go on then…. let’s argue more huh.
And that is why the mountains in that area are known as The Hindu Kush.
1.6 million is not correct. And criticizing Islam or any nonsensical religion (yours also) is perfectly fine. Bad ideas need criticism.
I am all for condemning bullshit, mine included (and I’m not religious) but I am not for spreading ignorant hate. World wars happen due to it. I am for looking beyond race, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc. The reason this world is in the state that it is, is because the idea of compassion is just a mere idea. I come from a country where racism is at it’s peak, we judge people based on everything (colour, religion, where they were born etc), it’s pathetic that in 2015 we are still doing it and from the comments above sadly most of it will be passed on to the next gen. We need to love life more than spread hate. No terrorist will win if everyone stands together. I respect people who follow their faith quietly.
Sorry I mean 1.6 billion.
you are here in america bitching about america bitch why not go back where you came from if we are so bad
I would, if I lived there but I do love NYC 🙂
ok, you’re a stump broke hindu, who may get FATWA’d unless you jizya around with them. The hindutiva are not proud of you
or you’re acting like one of those bitches
Hindutva is something people like me fight against. It’s a militant form of Hinduism which again has been brought into the country due to interpretation of convenience. It’s again like I have mentioned above a fundamentalist view. There is no difference between that and a jihadist or a hater cause all it does is preach hate.
you bengalis are braindead.
Pooja Sinha Roy. First of all, you might want to go take a shower. All of you Muslims smell like complete shit.
I didn’t realize the Hindus had such foul mouths. Live and learn. Did ghandi say, “Fuck you assholes, we be demanding us some motherfuckin’ peace, you feelin’ me?”
Oh wow! You seem to know a lot about Hinduism. Spell Gandhi’s name right and then come and talk to me.
Mohammed is dead , and he was a pedophile , see history, So who are you really following .. Killed by your kind? you dont see CHRISTIANS KILLING PEOPLE , THESE MUSLIMS ARE COWARDS PUNKS , JESUS IS LORD OFF ALL, AND Pooja someday you will bow to the PRINCE OF PEACE..
Also God is the one true God? Allah=God and your fellow terrorists shout the same thing. Hmmmmm, what a coincidence.
Yahweh = God. Allah is the name of a man-made pagan moon “god” that Muhammed turned into monotheism.
There are pretenders in every religion. You seem to be one of them.
Yahweh is also man-made.
A coincidence that billions of people have been brainwashed into believing bologna?
tell us about the god yall have for rats, and the one for eunuchs (pssst, only fraction of them are actually transgender, the rest are just homosexualpunks)
I don’t care. I tend to look beyond sexual orientation. As for the religion, I am an Atheist and tend to disapprove of a lot of things Hinduism today offers.
Pooka Sinha toy… Your Hindu, from India right? Why don’t you go take a shower and wash your ass… You smelly cunt bag. I can’t wait for the day, that Pakistan nukes your shit country! Your country is disqusting. You people shower in a river where all the sewage flows out too, no wonder you people smell so fucking bad. Instead of writing your stupid comments, go take a shower you Nasty bitch, then go to work making shirts or to the gas station… Towel head.
lol the only thing u protect is ur dick……you pedophile fuckers who invade others land and then rape the innocent in si called prisons its ppl like u that need to behind bars u sick bastards and its obvious non of u know nething abt islam go read some books especially history ….. there is alot more in history abt islam than ur dumb asses!
You know what guys lets just all calm down seriously. I have some things to say. First, we all know that the Saudi Kingdom and its alliances are corrupt and that the “Islam” they believe in is all just insane nonsense. Second, the real Islam is peaceful and I’m sure most people (like me) are Muslims who condemn these types of events so don’t just use this one event to summarize a religion. Finally, the media (note I’m NOT associating ANY religion with this as many people associate Islam with terrorist events) really brainwashes people to make people think Islam is bad when its really not. I’m just trying to state the facts here, please don’t fight over these dumb-minded terrorists (again, note I’m NOT associating any religion).
Overuse of language is just as obnoxious!!
Don´t wanna get into this debate, just wanted to let you know that it is a low blow and shows that you really need to highlight yourself! Your writting does NOT make your comment wiser, it only makes you look like your trying to hard.
(and before you start attacking my writting, let me inform you that english is my second language, I am from Denmark.)
Nice night to EVERYONE 🙂
If you are going to attack someone else’s grammar, make sure yours is impeccable. You have some glaring grammatical errors in your diatribes. “Every thing due to improper use of language becomes null and void.”
Your English is horrible.. You’re so educated. …..
I know, re-read everything, hahaha call it excitement (I’ll use that as an excuse)
Are you complimenting the guest or being sarcastic?
It must be rough having your men choosing to fuck goats over you and the rest of the ugly ass women over there, thats why they make you and all the other women wear curtains and blankets to cover yourselves up
Hurts because its true doesn’t it Poo Jabba. You do realise this is not a spelling competition, its a discussion of the truth. I did advance English & am degree qualified, but I’m not submitting an assignment for marking. Im not even trying to write perfectly because its pointless to the discussion & success of it. Just ask billionaire Richard Branson (who’s dyslexic), he will give you the same answer, you arrogant fool. Maybe you should rejoin the discussion when you pass junior school history, then you may have something smart to say. Maybe you can start with the Quran, Hadith & Sira + the 1400 years history of Islam & the 500+ Jihad wars on Christians, Buddist & Hindo’s it inflicted. Also if you’re not Muslim, then you are defending the religion that subjugates women & non believers as well as pedophilia, so either way, you’re just as bad.
allah does not exist
America has plenty of domestic terrorists to do that for them.
no we dont
I do agree with Pooja Sinha Roy 100%.
Your invited to stand in Mecca and watch it nuked too.
Pooja, your ancestors were Christians, but they had to choose between BEING BEHEADED or islam… You see, THAT IS THE REASON THAT YOU ARE ALIVE TODAY.
If they would given FAIR choose you would be STILL Christian… what actually you are.
This is a funny conversation!
A Hindu trying to protect the Muslims that aren’t terrorists, other way of putting it would be ‘innocents’. Christians saying “All Muslims are terrorists!!”. Atheist popping up in between and leaving the most useless comment.
Calm down people! What Pooja is trying to say is merely that not all Muslims are the same! Just like not all Christians or Hindus are the same! There is a need for defense against terrorism without causing damage to the ‘innocent’ people.
Besides, what everyone needs to understand here is that every country, religion or even just people have a history that people from other parts of the world will never understand. Well, to be honest, no one besides you needs to understand that!
As an atheist myself, I am having hard time trying not to blame religion in general (again) but I am capable enough to understand the concept of ‘baby steps’! 😛
the hindus have hindutva and they can be a chore to live around. They’re the ones who beat other hindus for celebrating valentines day (they don’t kill them, just beat their ass)
I know, I have been a victim to that. I wasn’t thrashed but I was slapped hard and then they threatened that we don’t leave they will thrash me. We did file a complaint with the police back then but nothing happened.
I didn’t think it’s called ‘Hindutva’! I could be wrong though, even though I was born in India I am not really from a ‘Hindu cultured family’. In any case, that really is an irritating aspect to the Indian society in general. Hindus have always been stubborn about a lot of things. I did realize something while talking to a Hindu friend. Hindus have a wide variety of believes but they intentionally have loopholes and these loopholes can make us feel or want to relate to it, kind of a wide-scale con. 🙂
Sir, take it easy on that keyboard! 😀
Let’s take it from the top, shall we?
yeah, why not a mistake if that’s you want to call it. 😛
I don’t ‘believe in’ anything to be honest, not a big bang neither a creationist point of view! What I like to do in reality is to see what’s more logical – a Christian or even a Hindu god that has no explanation to his/her/it’s beginning in the first place or a process that tries to make the most sense compared to anything else. To be honest I couldn’t care less if there is a god or not, but my experiences in life leads me to think that there is nothing ‘supernatural’.
I got real and more tangible issues to deal with, trying to solve something which people claim to be a close and a personal belief is none of my concern.
I am sorry but one or even a hundred guys changing from being an atheist to a theist means nothing to me. I am pretty sure I can counter argue this with the number of people opting atheistic world view but as I am sure you know, that leads us to nowhere.
You know, reading the last part of your comment about ‘dying bed’ actually brings back memories. My grandpa was an atheist as well, he was an atheist even on his death bed. He was always a strong willed man who worked most of his life to provide for everyone dependent on him. So, either he was a stubborn old man or you are generalizing a statement with nothing to back it up. Now I am missing my grandpa!! 🙂
Thanks for getting back, look up the book, he was a Scholar , Attorney , he found the Bible the one truth, OK let me give you a medical fact. In the Bible it says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, he’s referring to a mans soul.. medical research has done this several times, A person dying on his bed ,they weight him with some special scale, when that person dies , and this goes for all of us, 21 grams less 22 maybe i forgot exactly , so that is believed to be that scripture , so whats the weight of a soul , I bet you never heard that before, The Bible says all scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit , They have fed much of the bible scriptures , Prophesy
the computer came back with millions to 1 that this book was written by mere man.. No other so called God can give that kind of evidense . Thanks
Thank you for trying to explain that in such a calm manner.
What you are referring to in your comment is well known as ‘the 21 grams theory’ by Duncan MacDougall. It was a six people study but only four results were viable due to mechanical failure. All this was done in 1901 and it was never repeated again. The part where it was never repeated and only 4 results were used in total, well that just makes it unreliable. The same issue of having unreliable results caused that theory to be never accepted by the scientific communities.
As an atheist it’s not Hinduism vs Christianity vs Islam. To me as an atheist, its all the same! it’s Atheistic point of view vs Theistic point of view.
In Hinduism, Hindu’s also have ‘prophecies’ and ‘ancient wisdom’ that they keep on claiming no other religion has. Some of them have come true as well! some of the ‘ancient wisdom’ is actually smart talk! But does that mean its significant and the only truth? NO. Just because something happened once is not the proof of anything. The observed event needs to be repeatable under the given conditions, that is the test for truth.
In any case, thank you for reading! 🙂
Hi, God says he uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, The Bible is also a book of events that have all taken place, Nostradamus thought he could tell the future , that didn’t work out, See God knew You before you were even born, God says even the hairs on your head are numbered , Miracles are still happening all over , Lookout your window and see beautiful things , so you believe it all happened by mistake,, Please . ! I know a guy who was in a Nevada Prison, 11 stories down, who did not have human interaction for 5 yrs, and had a life sentence , he was a part of the Cartel. He had no hope, He said he hated Christians and beat em up every chance he had, I asked him didnt you reading materials anything, he said a Bible , and for five years he didnt touch it ,he hated it, Now i met this now man of God on the Newport pier is calif, that’s when he introduced me to his beautiful wife , they were fishing. . Any way he had not seen a human face in 5 years , they fed him down some shoot of some kind, He told us a story that was amazing He said he was laying in his bed and an Angel came and kissed him on the cheek and when the Angel left , his Cell Smelled with a Heavenly beautiful smell he had never smelled indescribable he said, At that point he fell on his knees crying ,picked up the bible asked Jesus to come into his life , and weap for minutes, Within a few months he was out FREE , God did that, and ill give you his number . Jesus is the only one who actually walked this earth healed people , blind eyes were open on and on. The Bible says he’s the same yesterday today and forever, that’s why people are being healed all around the World, in JESUS NAME, No other so called god / religion can say that. You will die some day, and there is a hell believe it or not, and i hope you find a good Bible teaching Church , Go and meet your Savior, Thanks God Bless. See God loves you and there’s nothing you can do about it,,Chris
Sir, claiming something using the bible and using the same bible as proof is just like using harry potter to claim that Albus Dumbledore exists and then using all the books in the series to show how awesome he was and how heroically he died.
Everything you typed about god being ‘omniscient’ is again an empty claim. I am sorry, but claiming things like that out of any book is merely idiotic. If it, by any chance, worked that way then all the religious texts including the claims in Gita and Quran would be true as well.
Your example of ‘a guy from the cartel’ is actually not helping your claim. If you want to claim that god exists and is moral and omniscient then god must have realized that this guy is in ‘solitary confinement’. People are in solitary confinement because they are a danger to people around them and considering he was in the ‘cartel’ that would mean he was involved in activities that could be frowned upon by law abiding citizens. Freeing him can be called an immoral act towards the people he might put in dangerous position in the future and people he might have harmed in the past. What I think is he must have been let out because of budget cuts! 😀
Healing people is not exclusive to Christianity, it is discussed in Hinduism as well (not that I believe the claim!! and I am sure other religions must have that as well :P). Funny thing is within Hindu scriptures we find use of herbs, its widely known as Ayurveda, which I can believe to a “certain extent” but then like every other religion it starts touching illogical subjects like – Faith Healing.
Finally sir, This is the topic I hate the most. As per you, I will go to “hell” after my death if I don’t believe in your god, even though this god changes every time I talk to people from different religions. It doesn’t matter to you or to your god about all the good things I have done in my life, how polite I am to people and how I once a year donate money and textbooks to an orphanage. All that and everything in my life, including my grandpa didn’t matter because I am from a different proximity? That’s not morality, that like living in North Korea! 😛
According to your own explanation, more than 4 billion people will go to hell and suffer because they don’t believe in your god?! And a guy from the CARTEL who had a life sentence, will be in heaven just because he ‘believes in the correct god’.
I am really sorry sir but either the concept religion is making you a sadistic person who enjoys hearing about the injustice of sending people to hell for a reason as dumb as this or you have never sat down and thought about this without the presuppositions provided by your religion.
Please don’t take my sudden enthusiasm to talk about hell as a proof of my believe in a concept of heaven and hell. I defiantly don’t believe in anything even similar to that, at least not until its ‘scientifically’ proven.
I hope you understand that people are people and religion does not matter and while threatening them with eternal torture doesn’t necessarily scare people but it does prove the injustice and superiority complex embedded within a culture or a religion.
Hi there was no budget cut with him, he wasn’t in county jail.Which one of these gods predict whats happening in world events right now past future , NO other Book is the same as the Bible.. You take Hindu what are they doing for the world, Islam is murdering people , What Hindu worships cows , Buddha what has he done for you lately, goto the tomb of mohammed he’s still there like all of them , Go to the Tomb of Jesus and he’s not there is he, He rose from the dead and there’s plenty of Proof about him,, Antriksh yes, theres going to be millions going to hell , the bible states that and it’s Never been Wrong. The Bible says because people won’t believe in God’s Sacrifice for you and me Jesus , The Bible talks about in the last days {now} the world will hate you Christians because of me, and there will be a Anti Christ Spirit across the world, Right now there is more violence killing against Christians by Muslims , Any Religion that forces you to become one of them or die is not of God , God is a God of love so that rules out Muslims , So anyway you and i been going back and forth now and thank you , So if you pick a god hopefully you pick correct because there’s only 1 God, and the Devil the Liar , deceiver, hater of all mankind as you see is all over., The Bible says he comes to kill steal and deceive , all these muslims killing people ,do you really think God acts that way? TakeCare..
Sorry, I am going to keep this short as I have been traveling for the past couple of days.
Sir, I am sorry but the way you talk about Buddhism and Hinduism leads me to understand that you have never read the scriptures and claims provided of these religions.
The cartel guy being released by a budget cut or not still proves everything against morality.
If there is nothing in a tomb, it could also mean there was nothing there to begin with.
Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism also has people that cause terrorism. Yes, not as huge as Islam have been causing terrorism but you can’t just run away from things that have happened in the past. Do a search on wiki, you will find useful information on this subject.
If your last question meant ‘Do I really think that the god you believe in acts in immoral ways?’ The I would say, Yes. The god you describe and believe in (if in existence) is immoral. Read the part in my last comment about the concept of good people going to hell and bad people going too heaven because they believe in a correct god. All this due to proximity and ‘luck’.
Your claims are backed by presuppositions provided by your religion and nothing else. In the entire conversation I have been hoping that you would come up with tangible evidence but all you are coming up with is claim after claim while loosing sight of the reality of the situation.
Thanks for taking your time out of your schedule and replying. Take care!
The Bible says that our souls are eternal and never die, start believing in Jesus , ,
Antriksha the most sensible argument came from you.
Thank you for not lashing out at me for being an atheist! 😛
In a way, I can understand why half of the members in the comment section are ‘calling everyone to arms’. This video made me want to react the same way but only for a few seconds!
What has set others off against Jews is not their religion but their predatory conduct against goiim (“nations,” non-Jews, Gentiles).
What about the fucking West killing thousands everyday! Oh no, wait a minute God approves of drone raids I suppose. If you knew your history you would know the very fucking reason most of the terrorist groups exist was because it was created by our lovely America and her allies.
May we Americans one day nuke your sandbox mecca and may you be there to watch it dropped.
You yanks are the most insanely dangerous terrorists on the planet Yvonne. Your comment proves it. Oh btw I’m a white atheist British guy before you start spewing your vile racist bile. Go stick a scud up your arse and stop your crazy Barry O’Barmy from destroying our planet.
In other words- your one of the pussies on your knees as the Muslims invade Britian raping and assaulting British natives, sucking welfare, and imposing Sharia. You should be ASHAMED of what a cowardly race trading bastard you are.
hahahahhahahh 🙂 Ok then go on ,, nuke the mecca ,, Fuck Off whole US
How Brave your mouth is hiding in your little Hut..
We know our history. But islam has NO HISTORY other than violence. It is still in the 7th century. Muslims have NO GUTS to fight off this degrading ideology.
You’re sick
This Bitch is sitting somewhere in america puking up that Bullsht and complaining about us just like the rest of raghead cowards
Bitch you talk about drones lets talk about those cowards that took over the planes on 911, thats ok right?
You’re talking about the 9/11 thats been proved to have been a bush inside job? The yanks are so fucked in the head they murdered 3500 of their OWN PEOPLE to jusify a war that killed millions. God bless America. Oh, strange how Jewish people knew it was gonna happen aint it? Would that be cos the US govt is Zionist?
So just because 911 was a false flag, it suddenly means Islam is good and gets a pass ? lol
I see how you think.
Oh dear! One attack on the mainland! Yes, it has changed all our lives! NOT! Your stupid Iraq war, they even made movies about it mocking you guys! And I’m talking about Hollywood. Man you guys are soooo out of it huh! Do you even know what the rest of the world thinks about you? NO ONE AND i MEAN NO ONE OTHER THAN THE SAUDI KINGDOM AND THE OTHER ARAB NATIONS THAT AMERICA SUPPORT TAKES YOU FOOLS SERIOUSLY! Why don’t you try dipstick (I know you’ll need to Google what this means) about it.
Your psycho totalitarian theocracy is YOUR fault.
Very pure bitter but true !!! America and Israel are not suppose to exist in this world ,, and one day their destruction is final !!
Hey Pootie tang in america you’re the Cunt
hip hop is having a bad influence on Indians. cunt? really? It’s important to realize with Indians that we/nixon allied ourselves with pakigoatfuckistan. This permentatly looses many Indians, but I respect them, we might be friends again some day. Pooja you have been taught bullshit about islam, and the radicals will ALWAYS leave around and Rule the peaceful living muslims, and it won’t matter how many of them you think you’re friends with. They have a COMMANDMENT to not be your true friend, and I can prove that in the Quran
By all means, educate me… But I will point out something you just said “Rule the peaceful living muslims”. So you do agree that 1.6 billion people are not to be blamed for what the extremists do? Again I belong to a religion that has massacred the Muslims. If you have a little bit of sense you will see that I am not supporting any so of radical fundamentalism (and I am talking about all religions) I am trying to make you see that hate begets hate. The world will never be at peace if the balance tilts towards hate! There is no difference between any terrorist and a lay man who preaches hate (regardless of what the subject is about).
Side note: Cunt is not something one picks up from hip-hop.
Name me one country that has the balls or the military to try and bomb the best country in the world? Let me answer the question for you, you smelly cunt! No country has the brave me and women to try something like that… But eventually the United States will nuke all you disqusting people… Go take a shower and go back to working making the clothes that we wear in the U.S. Maybe your country can fix the problem of men raping innocent women, on a public bus….. You people make me so sick, I can’t wait for Pakistan to fuck you people up!
You kill innocent people for not believing in your false Moon God SUEN / Allah of ancient Sumeria ? Then we will kill you. Like the evil rats you are until you are all gone.
muhammad was a pedophile and rapist
The West murders infants everyday. Moslems have sins but they pale in comparison to the Wests bloody infanticides- “According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day”
Zeek ezekiel this is the stupidest comment that I probably have ever read. You are a fucking moron. Looking at your last name.. Your probably Nigerian.. And if you are, your country has bigger problems than abortions. Why don’t you spend some time educating yourself, then writing stupid shit on the Internet.
Why was this done in the middle of a street? Shouldn’t they have some sort of more formal, official place of execution? For me, the informality of the whole situation adds another layer of horror…it’s as if the act wasn’t that big of a deal, that the event was just another activity that you could go watch.
Fat chance!
The President of the United States of America bowing to his Saudi masters.
Islam is a peaceful religion indeed. This religion is purely satanic. What is difference between Saudi government and ISIS? Nothing much. But I know Islam as it is today will not last.
Yes first Nuclear bomb to be dropped on Mecca & then continue across the middle east from there. It may ruffle a few feathers, but worth it in the long run.
what is a difference between you and them ?
Can you do better than moral equivalency? If you cannot see the difference, it is because of the location of your cranium. Go read the Quran and see what they have planned.
The book is irrelevant compared to there actual behavior. Off with their heads. Bring back the guillotine of the French Revolution.
The reason the french Guillotine doesn’t come back is because they didn’t write a book about it, claiming it to be from god & making it into a universal religion. Thats why we are talking about Islam & not that.
Go read Agenda21 and see what THEY have planned it’s far worse.
Hey Akhter by “them” didn’t you mean Yourself
they started it, and NO, your school teacher told you wrong – it DOES matter who starts it – and it matters that you kill them until they loose the will to fight you. Remember, everything about the way you were taught is fucked up and unsustainable
The difference is Muslims will not let others live in peace. They want everyone to convert or die. The Quran teaches that. So yes ALL muslims should be wiped out.
Erm sounds much like Israel and America then? Do as we say or die. Get educated before you post your insane racism on here. All racists don’t need to die, just stop believing the shit they’re fed by the press. And grow a few brain cells of course.
They sound like Israel and America? You are delusional. Muslim is not a race you idiot! MuSLIMES need to go to hell! Every last one of them.
How can you like someone who bullies you? This has nothing to do with religion. But has much to do with political and territorial fight. Isreal building on Palestinian lands against the international rule and America supporting them on it. Isreal does not like America either. there cannot be any peace without the presence of justice.
Ibrahim Drammeh bro dont try to prove ISLAM and the muslims better ,we know it is ,, it simply does not need any clarification. Islam is the perfect religion and a complete code of life. These christians , jews or others have no sense of creation and their lord they just know one thing that how to capture porn movies and destroy the spirtual feelings of believers ,,, Fuck that america , it is the root of all the terrorism and injust in this world !!!
@Syed Usman, whatever it is you tried to write did not make should try in English!!
Bullcrap. Islam is an evil fascist totalitarian cult. Which expands it’s numbers through rape, pedophilia, and polygamy, and expands it’s territory through murder and intimidation. The black plague is more of a blessing on humanity than the psycho cult of Islam.
Syed Usman
Syed Usman. come to my house say that and get knocked back to your sand dune,
There has never been a country called “Palestine” and there has never been an Arab “Palestinian people”–this was all made up in the 1960’s by Yasser Arafat the terrorist, as a way to change history and steal by deceit what they couldn’t win by war.
You are right that it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics and territory, BECAUSE Islam isn’t a religion, but is a political ideology that forces everyone to submit, and it won’t be satisfied until the entire territory of the world is under the banner of islam.
Hugh Jarse You’re speaking out your arse. If you think Israel and America cut off people’s heads–or do any other of the atrocities carried out in the name of Islam– you’re an idiot and ignorant to boot. It’s you who are the racist.
Islam is not a race but a hateful, murdering, mysogynistic ideology and cannot even be called a religion as religion is a matter of choice which no muslim born into this ideology has.
It really is foolish non thinking people like you who put us all in danger. Comparing the justification for America or Israel or any other sane nation to use force to prevent evil from succeeding with an ideology that breeds offspring from generation to generation and in diverse and unconnected people groups whose commonality is that they follow a book called the Koran and death and destruction of INNOCENT people follow in their wake is what makes you a psychopath. Your failed logic: “an elephant has ears and I have ears, therefore I’m an elephant”. ie, Muslims kill and Americans kill, therefore Americans are just as bad as muslims. Failed logic Mr Jarse.
Quran never said that. Please stop this nonsense. If that was the Quran teaches, do you mean to tell me that even The prophet Muhammad was not following the teachings? Prophet Muhammad had Jewish neighbors and sometimes he get invited for dinner at their homes and sometimes he also invites them to his house. Stop believing this bullshit the Christian media keep reporting to make islam look bad. The quran says that one who does not live at peace with his neighbors is not a muslim. Also tjere are rules that the quran lays down for engagement during war. Dont kill the animals, dont kill women and children, dont destroy the houses, protect the places of worship. Fight only those who fight against you and dont go beuound the limits. And if they retrieve do not go on killing them. There are so many beauties in islam, but people that are blind folded by these christian media will not see them. Have you ever resd the Quran?please do your own research and stop believing these things that the media says.
Quran said this Quran said that..Allah said this Allah said that…all crap….What Quran said this…Have u ever read Quran…Read entire An-Nisa…all crap about woman….and 8:12…9:5…4.49….and many only spreading hatered to kill non-muslims…how insanely insecure…Not other religion teaches to kill other religions. So stop defending the fake n Satanic ideology.
Very well said, Pranesh. What you write is true. I challenge anyone who thinks he disagrees, to look up those references you gave. The call for cruelty, torture, mutilation, subjugation of women, and genocide of everyone who disagrees, are all in there. This is why you see exactly these behaviors carried out by Muslims every day, all over the world.
Terrorists are the fucking idiots and morons who don’t use their God given brain to think, how can God ask u to kill other human beings.
Exactly. The loving Creator of all has expressly forbidden murder. This is one of the many proofs that “Allah” is NOT God. Allah is an evil demon who demands that his worshipers murder and torture in his name. This is not another name for the Creator! This is a name for the Destroyer.
Depends on which god, you are talking about?
The moon god allah, gets his biggest kicks from seeing children beheaded.
The Prophets fathers name was Abd Allah.. People serve the Prophets father..not a god…
But these Saudi policemen are not terrorists
Hmmmm, what about mutilation of boys? A jewish and Christian activity, what about the bombardments of people in the Gaza Strip by the state of Israel? What about the massacres in the Lebanon refugee camps? What about the bombardments of cities in Afghanistan, Iraq and other Middle Eastern cities and countries by Christian forces?
Yes, yes, try and divert the discussion from Islam and the filth and perversion it peddles to its enslaved adherants. I presume when you refer to mutilations performed by Christians and Jews you mean circumcision? A practice recommended by doctors for prevention of sexually transmitted disease and other discomforts.
Islam mutilates girls by cutting off their clitoris, denying them sexual pleasure and truly a mutilation. Do you realise your mother has no clitoris, and while your father pounded away for about 40 seconds to produce you, no pleasure was had by your mom? It might even have been very painful depending on how damaged her vagina is. And your dad was wishing he could be pounding her lovely anus instead like a real mohommedan. Your so_called religion is filth.
Do you know what a clitoris is? At least maybe where it is located? Read up on fmg : female genital mutilation. It belongs to Islam.
Ok just because Islam is a degenerate cult doesn’t mean circumcision is not the dumbest tradition to ever survive from back in the days when we were all sandniggers. Transmitted diseases? LOL. So you will stick your mutilated dick into anything unprotected and truly believe that you will be spared the AIDS? Please go on. The sooner you people die out the better.
most social disease came from people having sex with animals. And whose holy book talks about sex with animals? That’s right, Islam! Did you know if you have sex with a goat, you are supposed to slaughter it and sell the meat in another town. Unless it’s anal sex, in which case you are supposed to slaughter it.
So many IGNORANT IDIOTS including those waging wars in the name of God… Surely have plenty time to kill and many chips on shoulders….. Let’s Get a LIFE, become productive and stop talking about stuff we know shit about. You want to insult Islam when you know nothing about it other than what you are told to believe. Sounds like sheep to me, a deaf guiding a blind scenario….. I feel sorry for Jesus pbuh that so many morons consider themselves his followers ….. Shame shame shame…. Then again he was tortured & crucified. You didn’t like the real message of Jesus pbuh and now you want to attack the followers of Mohamed pbuh who happens to be followers of Jesus, Abraham, Moses…..too. Islam is one beautiful message, no different from the Bible, psalms or Torah just a correction & continuation to what came before. In this particular case, one bad apple will not and should not make the whole basket stink; in this case over 1.7billion people.
As for terrorism, Daesh….etc they are not Muslims, they are psychopaths just like the crusaders & Jesuits who murdered, robbed & raped millions including Christians in the name of Christianity. Would you call Hitler christian, what about the IRA…… I wouldn’t.
Get a book … Educate yourselves & stop watching too much telly.
Islam is a mixture of Arab paganism like stone and Kaaba worship, copied and distorted Jewish and Gnostic Christian and Persian and Sabean beliefs ,invented by the Caliphs who succeeded Muhammad to justify their wars of and demand jiyza, since Mohameddans consider their to be superior
Loving comment. You are showing your true self. Sad, only traumatized people want to traumatize others.
Oh look it’s Sigmund Freund gracing us with his presence. Let me guess your dick or your bfs dick is mutilated?
Got it.
Now you are projecting your own issues. BTW: I might be a transgender, or a woman.
The vast majority of people who have been circumcised have gone on to lead long, productive lives with no ill effects of circumcision. You are just a hate filled, demonic, entity.
Well they have a cut dick. The were emasculated right after they were born. They had no choice but still they were cut without being asked for permission. They were given a huge “fuck you” by their parents right from the start. Pity is all I feel for these desensitized dry dicked losers. Genuine pity. 🙂
Sounds like you ain’t getting any booty.
Sorry mutilated dry dick. You can’t troll me.
Stupidest comment EVER!!! Dude get a book 😉
Mutliated dry dick detected …
Secular forces!
Scum. You are scum.
none of that would be happening if your Muslims had not started it.
You are right, but not about other religions, the bible too teaches about killing and revenge or other tribes, adultery and so on and so forth,…
I think you are referring to the Old Testament which is mainly about prophesy and is indeed a Jewish history book. Jesus Christ and his teachings in the New Testament are what Christians follow and Jesus never advocated the killing of anyone. Now why don’t you read the New Testament and join the peaceful loving religion if Christianity. You would be very welcome
Now there is a good idea!
I did read it, I doubt you did? Jesus said he will bring the sword, right, he will separate children from their parents, the sinners will not be punished as long as they believe, it is a very cruel book, the moral of the new testament is not much better than in the old. Also do you say the old testament is not valid? Not holy and true as God’s word?
However, I was a Christian till I worked in Africa for years as a missionary doctor. I can tell you there is no love in Christianity which you could not find outside religions.
A lot of bishops, priests, missionaries and church employees stole 100,000s of US$ alone in the hospital I worked with. They killed, sexually abused, let the poor down (even though they collected money in their names) – they were outright criminals and blamed Muslims for each and everything and AIDS and the Satan and other Gods.
You too are VERY welcome in the human family of people who just know to love and to respect others, I hope you are there, no matter of you are a believer or not.
You are quite the know it all, aren’t you. Actually it is clear you are a lying troll.
I do not know everything. I am not a liar. Why so? Shouting is your argument. I lived for years with Christians and can see – luckily – that people who are of morals and try to live decently leave faith and try to struggle elsewhere, that counts for many and I think that this is very good. Maybe you can contain your hatred – even if you are religious?
Hatred? I wrote 2 sentences and you decide I am shouting and full of hatred? Nonsense. Get over yourself and your self righteousness. I am sure you are the perfect picture of love and wisdom, but Christianity is not the same as Islam, and Christians (who are widely persecuted throughout the world, and slaughtered by Muslims) are not murdering and slaughtering like the Muslims are doing . No equivalence.
I try to do my best to live a moral life and of course that I don’t leave faith. Why would I? The more I learn about Christ, I accept Him in my life and let myself be guided by Him.
I do indeed study the Bible but confess to not being an expert as you are. I believe Jesus was speaking metaphorically regarding the use of the sword. The sword may mean the Gospel, which is the means of dividing and separating the people of Christ from the men of the world, and from their principles and practices, and one relation from another, from which I can speak from personal experience. It was not the intention nor design of Christ but this, through the malice and wickedness of man, was the effect and consequence of his coming. See Luke 12.51 for further explanation. Regarding your time as a missionary in Africa, it is indeed sad to hear you lost your faith as a result of the actions of others, and it’s more sad that you didn’t stay to be a beacon of light for your faith to those around you who were committing crimes. Having also lived in Africa and seen abject poverty, maybe it was that poverty which led to theft, but I would never condone the crimes you relate; I leave that to God: Those involved were not being Christ-like but sinful. I can say categorically that I would never give up my faith because of the actions of others. The problem with your invitation to be part of the ‘human family’ is that however kind and caring people are, only a few will go that extra mile for his fellow man unless there is personal gain, so I prefer to adhere to Christ’s word and not man’s ways. Regarding the Old Testament I believe as I said earlier that it contains Jewish history and prophesy leading to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope one day you will once again be a shining light for Christianity. I reaffirm my belief that Jesus Christ never advocated violence. Actions speak louder than words.
Right actions speak louder than words! I miss the actions of many religious. They defend instead of caring for the victims.
No the bishops and missionaries who are quite rich (!) stole from the money earmarked for the poor and when those victims got up, they were told that they would have to die without help. That is what happened. It was not poverty it was greed and religious cover up.
I see more going the extra mile without a religion than with a religion and in addition being a member of a religious group makes it obviously difficult to help those who are victims of the very group.
There is no need for a police, father, judge in heaven to be good. And it does not work that way. It is a decision!
You left your faith because of actions by a few. Look how many have been born, since the beginning of time. Would you say, most of the people were no good, thieves, stealing from those who have nothing, killing others wantonly committing every sin that a human could possibly commit? I’m sure you get what I’m saying. How could a few people that do every evil deed, you can think of, turn you against your faith? Compared to the billions of people that have been born, since the beginning of time, and those that have thrown God’s Law, and Love, back in His Holy Face, why don’t you look at those people who have done their best to live a decent productive life, and pattern yourself after them, instead of throwing up your hands and saying it’s all the bad people’s fault, the reason I left the faith. Could you not stay in your faith, and not look what the so called leaders were doing, and show yourself as approved by the Lord?
I get what you are saying. However, the church neither protected nor provided justice in regard to the “few” under their coat. Also there was nobody like a God to help or provide justice.
Why just you do not live a decent life instead of spoiling time with defending faith. There is no hint that people of faith would live a better life than those with none, albeit there are hints that is could be the other way round in average.
I left faith because I do not see a reason that it could make me or anybody or the world a better place.
There is no lord who approved anything. As much as I defend your liberty to believe whatever you like, I would advise you to spend your time in caring for those who suffer under crimes of others, start with the organizations of the faithful and proceed to others after, that would help! Could you try to stay humanitarian as a believer or not.
Humanitarians are free to see and care others, they do not need to spend time to defend their belief.
All these are pretexts.
In Africa it was not the poor stealing, but rich with posh cars and good careers, namely in the church and in politics.
I am standing up to be the beacon of light!
Thus I think it is my moral duty to leave faith and join reason and morals.
Many people go extra miles to help others out of empathy, even people of faith. Even. Of course.
I am not an expert of the bible, I just read it. Quite a lot years back.
Well, let me tell you I have been working in Africa and I saw bishops and missionaries, stealing a whole hospital, schools and letting people die because they dared to resist their crimes, the same times they blamed the victims being guilty and thus carrying HIV, very peace and very Chrisitian indeed.
And there was a times the Church and Christians went around killing, torturing each others and opponents.
I do not see the peace, but people who still live on this ill-achieved wealth.
I think that religions are very similar.
One does not need a religion to be a decent human being, one needs empathy, a back bone and luck.
Rubbish! I am from Africa.
You are a disgusting liar.
You were in Africa? And were dissilusioned? And there were thieves and robbers who said they were christians? Gosh! When you read the bible did you find commands to burn people alive, cut off their heads, use the women and children as sex slaves, boys and girls, and its very holy and righteous to do so? No, you didn’t. But read the koran and see what is commanded of muslims.
You have been listening to muslims explain the bible to you, and are poisoned by it. They will explain how violence is good, and your path to heaven. But they are wrong
Return to your Lutheren roots Adolf.
They were bishops and clergy, financed from the US and Europe, in this case Lutherans, it is well documented by external audits. Nobody helps the victims of any religion as long as he/she feels attached and you fail too, to talk about the victims. You too.
The same was the case with Catholics. Although there were – like everywhere – members of this groups who were very decent people and a pleasure working with them. Moral and Ethics are not a matter of affiliation, but affiliation can represent a lack of morals. I am not in the competition of evil, there is a certain level one does not need to discuss.
As for the bible, there are many parts where there is a call for violence:
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who
seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalm 137:9)
Yes, there are very disgusting words about women, slaves and people from other nations.
Obviously you did not read the bible. That is common. I read it when I was much younger and I tried the Koran. I do not see much difference, one can read these books selectively and that is what happens, but all of them are by no means books of love and moral.
I am listening to everybody, but I am not poisoned, I think that both books are very problematic.
As for Adolf (Hitler?). He was doing very well with Lutherans and Catholics with Muslim too, which to me shows that all in-groups have fascist tendencies.
Like everybody I want to be a decent human being and live in peace, religious very often oppose that with their hatred.
I called you Adolf and referred you back to your Lutheran roots because I assumed you are of German origin based on your name and gloomy outlook.
The old testament records an extraterrestrial encounter and the relationship between humans and this alien presence. It records the contract between the two, and the conditions of continued assistance, known as the Law. Also it records the history and progress of the Ibaru, (Hebrews) in their relationship with this extraterrestrial named YHWH.
They were told that they would become a people to illustrate to all the nations of the world the factual evidence that this encounter did occur, and that till the end of time they would be proof that the prophecies concerning their future history, and the planets’ are indisputable. Also, the whole book is about the coming saviour who will be rejected by the jews and be accepted by others, so bringing all the nations the opportunity to partake of the relationship IF THEY CHOSE TO ! !
Then move on to new testament, recording the advent and work of this saviour. When Jesus said he “came to bring a sword” He was saying that wars would be fought and blood spilled over the doctrine of peace and love and those who oppose it. Prophecies concerning global warming, Israel, Iran, and a great evil dressed as enlightened “saviour of the world” leader also are there.
Most of all, the chance to join the side of light, love, compassion, gentleness is offered to those who freely choose to do so. NO OBLIGATION. Go read it again. Peace.
What are you talking about? The New Testament which guides Christians do not teach anywhere to kill and burn alive. What books are you reading?
plz tell me how can one steal a whole hospital and schools, you say they blamed muslims for everything, did they also blame the muslims for stealing the hospital and the schools? you ofcourse you can prove this? or are you just using taqiyya like a good muslim
Demonic hater.
I lived in Africa and saw you as a Muslim spreading your lies for the false prophet Muhammad, the child and goat raper.
Jesus lived with 12 men, and had sex with them……
And as to christians not practicing beheading…… no, we inject them with torture-poison, we let them suffer for hours and then cut their oxygen to let them choke and die a horrible dead!
We lock people up in prisons and let them rape eachother, killing eachother…….. Great Prince of Peace you are following there!
Jesus lived with 12 men, and had sex with them……How do you know..You were one of them ????
Muslims will say anything about Christianity, just to equate with the evils of Islam, or to make Islam look as if the violent behavior from it’s adherents is normal. What Muslims don’t know though, is the fact that no reasonable person believes any thing a Muslim says. But they are too retarded to figure that out, so they just keep lying, unabated.
The best thing to do and rule of thumb, which actually is mere common sense is, avoid them completely as much as possible in every way. make no friends with them, because one is never aware when a Muslim will be afflicted with the SJS, (Sudden Jihad Syndrome) when the lunatic allah commands them to chop off the nearest Kufar’s head.
From what you are talking I can see what kind you are.
You are known by the fruit you bear….Hiding your crimes behind a title of Christianity doesn’t make you a Christian. Jesus does not tell you to commit these acts.
But Mohammad does in the Qur’an. That is the difference…
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
By the way… Mohammad ain’t the Holy Spirit… Jesus did not come here to herald in your prophet…
@Delta – completely agree; and I am largely agnostic. Please see my post above this entry. Who can accept blatantly corrupt behavior as the true representations of a religion?
To the best of my understanding, Christianity is based upon apostolic testimony bequeathed forward from the time of the Apostles, rooted in Mosaic history and bearing the wisdom and inspirations of Jesus the Nazarene. The essence of the faith is to let one’s heart and mind become a vessel to express the inspirations of the divine essence that is God; while standing as a witness to behaviors of oneself and others during a person’s time in this life.
The passages of the New Testament that describe raging violence and vengeance in physical detail, are comparatively few. The passages in the quran that explicitly describe committing brutal, evil harm to others (e.g., “unbelievers”, “infidels” and “apostates”) being mandated, are numerous.
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who
seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalm 137:9)
The problem of all sides is selective readings, there are Muslim scholars that use exactly the same argument like you.
Animals know what is wrong or right, we too. No need for anything else but Ethics and Morals, faith has not much to contribute here it seems. It would if any member of any denomination gets up of children, men and women are raped, killed money is stolen, people’s minds are destroyed. But that does not happen.
Psalms are in the Old Testament, Christians follow mostly the New Testament. Jesus taught only love, forgiveness, acceptance, healing through the Holy Spirit.
This passage refers to divine retribution against the Babylonians , not to gratuitous violence
This – is your best example? I know better; and I am not even a practicing Christian. I am agnostic, with spiritual understandings guided by my Native American roots, in addition to others with strong likelihood of divine inspiration.
The Bible records that Jesus described this very phenomenon in His admonitions of the Pharisees (Matthew 23:25; Luke 11:39 – 11:44).
Muslims are nearly always going on about “allah said this…” or “quran dictates that…”; however in this situation the actions of obviously corrupted humans are your guide, where Christians are concerned?
Yet, you obviously ignore the brutal viciousness of violent islamic advocates? What – have muslims not tortured, raped and massacred their way across Africa enough, that you are yet so blind, thus?
These African so-called ‘Christians’ were faithless people who no doubt were trained in the appearances of devotion, but whose behavior clearly violated any notion of ethical integrity, let alone worshipful adherence to Christian doctrines.
Who can possibly accept those who swindle alms for the poor to themselves, as being honest and genuine representatives of a religion’s devoted practices? What: did you vomit out any semblance of human conscience and decency, in your zeal to control others in the name of your evil cult’s faith?
The Biblical record shows that Jesus’ references to bringing the sword refer to His prophesized return, and clearly not to directing His followers to commit brutal, evil acts against so-called “unbelievers”; as is seen in innumerable passages of a supposedly holy book known as the ‘quran’, one of the most divisive and evil documents in the entire history of humankind.
I did not ignore, neither did I defend any Muslim at all! What are you talking about? There is no need to construct a straw man.
I am saying that we do not need to defend any religion as genuinely good. History and reactions of believers prove that they are not very efficient in bringing about justice, love or respect for others integrity.
It’s an old and tedious strategy to declare everybody who fails – even he says he is part of the religion – as not genuine and not really part of the group. A very flexible and strange concept.
They have, Arabs were organizing the salve trade in East Africa with money from the far east. Your argument towards me is flawed and unnecessary.
I did not defend Muslims neither I compare when it comes to evil deeds. It is a fact that religions commit atrocities, they build delusional groups where all sides say that their God is better or right and – at the extreme – others have to be killed.
There are good people and friends in all religions, but I can spare none of them when it comes to the fact that they start defending their religion and saying it is better than the others, while all – as brothers in arms – forget about their victims.
Violent power minded people – mostly of Muslims and Christian belief massacred their way across Africa. I could not agree more. How come you think I do not see that?
There are cons in all walks. I have to question if you were a Christian, too, as much as those who you say did wrong in its name. I think a true Christian would have done his best to discredit the fakes and try to right wrongs he could, but not throw away his own salvation.
I did that because I hurt for the victims, it is not my duty to correct them, they need to be brought to court and pay back and care.
I left Christianity and I think that this is a moral duty. However, I defend freedom of religion and thought.
Perhaps you left Christian religion because you did not forgive, love as Christ asked us, and did not accept the teachings. Self-righteous people fall in the trap!
An atheist professor went to Egypt to a Coptic Christian monastery by curiosity, and now is a monk there. He was open to the teachings.
You are a troll here.
All religions & countries perpetuate separation of ideas & cultures between humans! To maintain a power grab onto their subjects/followers, when ever just a few people having a lot of power corruption has to be existing & suffering hunger & poverty follows out of man maid scarcity of resources shelter & food.
There is a way out of the mad societies we have created, it is called THE VENUS PROJECT.COM
To better understand the basics of reasorce based economy
Peace & love
Yeah but few other religions actually CARRY OUT these atrocities.
Well, Christianity carried it out too, I agree at present Islam is beyond the major sinners.
I also see that many Christians including the pope somehow justifies violence if religious feelings are hurt.
So, now, my feelings are hurt by religious systemic crime – no matter with religion – and I was personally damaged by them. Am I entitled to use violence? I think not! And so they are not!
Easy. Just follow the basic ethics and morals, which is often hard for ideologies, religions are beyond them.
It isn’t the religions, the ideologies, the institutions, the countries, etc.that are evil, it is the humans. The are attracted to the movements or institutions where they can best actualize their evil. Some dream that a world without religion would be a world without conflict. That is delusion.
I do not think that religion makes people better human beings. I also do not think that a world without religion would be without conflict, that is naive.
But I think that if we see belief as a problem on the way to the truth and not a virtue the world would – and does – become a better place. Religion – although a major platform covering up crimes and human rights violations – is not the problem. It’s the human mind, you are right.
No religion does not. You are absolutely right. Christ makes us and the world better.
^ ^ ^ +1. ++++!! ^ ^ ^
This is the main reason that I am agnostic. Invariably, whatever divine inspirations are the root of a given religion, we humans without exception, so afterwards in our generations, fall into divisive bickering and conflict over interpretation and secular power abuses.
Truly, we human beings are potentially great, yet pathetically flawed.
@Bob Kresse – And, islam carries hundreds of passages devoted to these evil notions; while Christianity carries very few.
Right, but they did. I am trying to get to the core: I think religion has nothing to do with a positive moral or respect towards other life.
That is because you are a fool, as every comment you write proves. You don’t understand Christianity, nor are you telling the truth.
I am very interested in your arguments, if you cannot explain to a fool, you have not understood yourself. Nobody knows the truth, we can go towards it, by reasoning and thinking critically.
I disagree, read the bible, even the new testament justifies violence and hatred against others.
And you say that the old testament is not valid anymore, not holy, not the word of God?
Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
5:18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth
disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will
by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these
commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in
the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands
will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
The Law was accomplished by and in Jesus Christ. Jesus manifesto in Luke 4 deliberately left out violent judgement of O.T. Isaiah 61 prophesy in his reading of it at his hometown synagogue. The religious were not pleased and tried to do away with him then and there – he advocated mercy instead of vengeance , peace and liberty to the captive. Religion is shown up for what it is.
So, he died and now the world got better? Gosh! That is another good story. We are not born sinners, even if your church taught you so.
The Old Testament is descriptive, and tells about the history of it’s time. It was written by many writers, and covers a long period of time.
It’s a great history book. This is why Jews and Christians don’t kill in the name of their God.
The Koran, is prescriptive. written by one man, in a few short years. It is to be obeyed by Muslims, for all time.
As for the Koran, Muslims will use it, as justification for killing in the name of their allah god, FOREVER
You don’t have a clue as to what the Bible teaches!
Matthew 10:21? “And the brother shall
deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children
shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.”
Matthew 15:4 “For God commanded,
saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or
mother, let him die the death.”
Did you every read the bible?
Or is he attacking others? As hypocrites? That’s how I read it in school. However, he said that he did not want to change the law of the old testament, repeatedly.
Dr Rainer Brandl, just as I thought!
You have confirmed my suspicions, that you do not have a clue as to what the Bible teaches, regardless of the Scriptures you have quoted. I do not say this disrespectfully, disparagingly or contemptuously, but with respect to a learned friend.
I would like to assist you as I believe that you have morals, you are sincere and strive toward righteousness.
Firstly, let’s deal with your personal experiences. The people you refer to (thieves) are not Christians but profess to be Christian. A Christian will not do something like that at all as he is a follower of Christ. Many people profess to be Christian simply because they attend Church and follow some of its doctrines. But that does not make you Christian.
So, if you refuse to be like them, I would too, because they are still in darkness.
Secondly, let’s look at the issue of religion. You rightfully state that ” I think religion has nothing to do with a positive moral or respect towards other life” Why? Religion is only a form of holiness that denies the power thereof. 2 Tim 3:5 The Bible expressly forbids any association with such people. Can you see that Rainer? If you are a Christian you cannot associate with that type of person at all.
Religion is built on tradition, forms and practises that can be easily be practised and learnt, without having a personal relationship with God.
Finally, the Bible does not teach hatred and violence as you claim. I will address this issue in my next post.
Yes, Rainer, I read the Bible and do so almost daily.
But, allow me to digress.
There are many who study the Bible everyday, who have many degrees and even doctorates in Theology who don’t understand the Bible. To the uninitiated, that may sound as a joke, but it is true.
Let me explain. Wisdom, insight and understanding of the Scriptures is determined by God Himself. If the heart is truthful, obedient, humble and pure God sees it fit to endow such a heart with the necessary wisdom. The Apostle Paul put it this way, “What thing knows the things of man save the spirit of man that is in him. Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God” 1 Cor 2:11
Man only understands the Scriptures through the Holy Spirit, who is God Himself.
No man can explain God because of his natural inclination, but the Spirit of God understands everything because of his natural inclination. So, God plants His Spirit in the Believer so that progressive revelation takes place in his/her heart.
This is why you came up the answers on the texts you mentioned, and the meaning and understanding is totally different to what you think it is .
Restricted to time and place and to the nation of Israel – and abrogated by the New testament and the teachings of Jesus. Quran advocates violence as open-ended until the whole world is subjugated. That is the difference.
New Testament prevails over the Old Testament, and Jesus taught specifically to love and forgive, not only Christians but everybody. It is a sane religion, unlike Islam which teaches to kill the unbelievers.
Yes, but as history, not ideology.
Agree. Islam is NOT a religion but a fucking crazy violent ideology !!
More of a death and sex CULT, I had say. Look up the meaning of a cult in any dictionary and you will realize that Islam and Muslims fits the description PERFECTLY.
“No other religion teaches to kill other religions”
Pranesh, I suggest you go read the Thora and the Bible….. both books speak of killing members of other faiths……. And both books are followed and people of other faiths are killed by members of the Jewish and Christian faith!
Stop talking shit you cow piss drinker .
Only one sura in the Quran the Sword Sura the last sura is enough..Just killing…..
Thanks For this answer my friend…. Mozlems are ignorant and tottaly don´t care what the science and clever people are
Ibrahim drammeh – you wrote – Also tjere are rules that the quran lays down for engagement during war.
Dont kill the animals, dont kill women and children, dont destroy the
houses, protect the places of worship.
wht is is this video of beheading woman about..?? and wht about the big
thousand years old buddhist statues tht got bombed and broken..??
You got that right Muhammed was not following the teachings that you and some muslims claim are in the Qur’an. He was more closely aligned with the Islamic State than the teachings of Jesus. Sorry but you are very deluded.
Most don’t realize that the Hadiths are mohammads personal teachings. The quran can not be read without using the prophets ‘study guide’, the Hadiths. The Prophet then said, “Go and stone him to death.” (Reference: Sahih Bukhari 7:63:196) Inscribed in the writings in the Sahih al-Bukhari prophetic traditions, or ‘hadith’, describe the cruelty of mohammad’s character…. Enemies sometimes had their hands cut off and their eyes gouged out. We read of the torture and of enemies impaled. He ordered political opponents, even young poet women to be executed for ousting his false teachings. He especially enjoyed watching the savagery he inflicted and the crying little girls.
Hadith Sahih Al Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 82, Hadith #795
Mohammad cut off the hands and feet of the men belonging to the tribe of `Uraina and did not cauterise (their bleeding limbs) till they died.
Al-Tabari 6:111 Muhammad say “I have fabricated things against God and have imputed to Him words which He has not spoken.”
But, according to obama, liberals and democrats, the quran, hadith and sira are the most un-islamic things in the world!
The Christian media made up this video?
You are a liar just like Islam tells you to be to be accepted in society. Islam is the Devils work and there is nothing peaceful about this cult. Islam makes itself look bad you fool for what they preach and carry out. Christian media didn’t cut that womans head off. Evil worshipers of ISLAM did. Go preach your satanic Islamic bull shit somewhere else freak.
Same for all the abrahamic religions. Btw, there is no devil..
Well, said, ther is no devil and Abrahamic religions are brothers in arms. I would even count other cults in. Look, even Buddhists kill others based on that ‘ídendity’
At least, unlike the abrahamic religions, the Buddhist doctrines do not TEACH violence. Although buddhists do kill also.
Stop lying, there is no violence teachings in New Testament! As about the citation from Mathew 10 you should not take the text out of the context and make it a pretext! It’s just a prophecy about what kind of treatment will endure a Jesus follower from his family, society, etc ( it is known many christians were denied by their own families which did not agree with their converting, many were imprinsoned, tortured and put to death, it is historical fact). So give me those texts in New Testament that teach hatred and violence against non belivers!
So I suppose you are agnostic or atheist? Do you know that in any islamic country being declared atheist is a good reason to be senteced to death?
Like so many muslims, they follow blindly a book they have never read. It’s all in there, so who is lying or should I say using Taqiyya?
Yes, I have studied the Qur’an as well as the hadiths. I am versed enough to move among Muslims on the internet and be taken as one.
The Qur’an’s idea of the “Golden Rule” only applies to other Muslims. For those who are not Muslims, they should feel the hardness of Muslims, not mercy or brotherhood.
A Muslim is to strive to bring dar al hard into dar al Islam. This is to be accomplished by any means. The sword was the preferred manner by Muhammad after it became apparent to him that the Christians and the Jews were not going to join the cult he had created. After being thwarted by the West twice, Muslims have embraced the other means Muhammad demonstrated as being acceptable; infiltration through lies and deceit of peaceful words (taqiyya) and waiting for the day when the Muslim numbers swell to the point where force may be used against the non-Muslims.
What happens to the Non-Muslims once they find themselves living under the rule of Muslims? That part is easy to figure out. Simply look at those places. Choose Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, or any of the other places where non-Muslims live as dhimmis and are persecuted on a daily basis.
Ibrahim, I have done my own research. I know better than to believe what you are saying. You declare Christians to be liars, but Islam is all about lies, deceit, violence, torture and murder, all sanctioned by its founder. On the other hand, all of those things are condemned by Jesus, the Son of God, the One who came to live a perfect life, to die and then to rise in order to beat death and pay the price for our sins. Your god and his prophet? They have done nothing but demand blood.
They are the same god. Also, christians do the same thing in africa that muslims do in asia and europe. Btw, the united states of america is not a christian nation. Please do tell me how america is the land of peace considering we have had only around 30 years of peace during this counties lifespan. You say someone is stupid for believing allah, well I say you’re stupid for believing Yahweh. #commonSenseKillsGods
As much as I agree that Islam is not a religion of peace, so is not Christianity. The United States of America (not America, which is a continent of many – as you might admit) in the recent decades by far engaged in most of the wars and killed a lot of innocent people. It lost is innocence from a just defender of people and peoples to a nation that does not hesitate to engage in wars that kill a lot of innocence.
No need to shout to show you were smart.
If it is religion and the US builds on it – which I do hope not – then two blind cruel ideologies obviously are fighting while the majority of people know how to behave.
However, I am puzzled that believers always keep silent when crimes are committed in the name of their religion and through their religion.
Attempting to equate Christianity with Islsm is simply foolish. Go to and look at the side by side of the two world view paradigms. Complete opposites.
@Rainer Branl – generally, from what I have seen, believers trust others to actually discover and understand enough of their religion to discern the moral basis and ethical imperatives.
In Christianity, at least, Jesus makes clear (the ‘Sermon on the Mount’) that those with the most pious outward appearances and activities, if they also commit “iniquity”, then Jesus “does not know them”.
This should be clear enough, for any seeker of truth in this life.
Both gods (same god) are fictitious.
@ Chris Baron – Your understanding and faith are appreciated. May I suggest, please do not use “all caps” to state your opinions. On the Internet, this is considered to be “SHOUTING” at others.
Thank you.
@Denton – well stated. Even though corrupted humans claiming Christianity as their guide have also committed mortal sins, this clearly is at variance from the teachings of Jesus as is recorded in present versions of the Bible.
Matthew 7:16 (KJV) – “YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS (captalization added). Do you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistle?”
The violence, brutality and atrocities committed by followers of Mohammed? All, directly commanded; well described and explicitly sanctioned.
Matthew 7:15 (KJV) – “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravaging wolves.” (continues in Matthew 7:17-18 (KJV) – i.e., no good fruit can come of an evil tree)
An evil cult that came from a so-called “angel”; not even claiming direct provenance from God. This is the first lie. In Christian terms: one can discern the working of The Great Accuser, at work.
islam? Satan – get thee hence!
Hmmmm…my reading of history is somewhat different. For example, once Mohammed had taken Mecca he turned his attentions to three Jewish tribes, who had initially helped him when he had earlier been banished by the Meccans.
After taking all the money and possessions of the first two tribes he was instrumental in beheading around 800 Banu Qurayza Jews (men and boys who had reached puberty). 14th century Islamic sunni historian Ismail ibn Kathir believed the Quran refers to this attack in 33:9-10 & 26-27. The Hadith and Sira also confirm it.
This is but a small historical incident of the very many atrocities and forced conversions achieved by Islamic imperialist armies.
Looks like Mohammed was the Nazis of the ancient times
You have obviously not read the quran so please stop talking rubbish, thank you <:o)
U r living in denial !!
@ibrahimdrammeh:disqus…I suggest you stop your bullshit babble, the prophet killed and massacred all non-believers, I can refer you to lots of examples to prove that the Qur’an condoned killings! The beheading of that poor lady complied by the Islamic law..what a shame!
Islam preaches “sacred deception”, mohamud was a diddler and slave trader, he slaughtered the Jews in Medina because they wanted nothing to do with the islamic cult and every act of terrorism is committed by implacable muslims. . . .the Koran belongs as crap paper in a dog kennel.
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum
I read the English translation. How do u explain those verses that call for violence ??
Are you insane, Ibrahim Drammeh? The Quranic ayat is quoted right there. And if that is not enough for you here it is:”The punishment of those who wage war against God or his Apostle, and strive with might and maim for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting of hands and feet from opposit side, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter” (Madia: 33 Sura 5:33 – Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation). Or do you want it in Arabic? Of course, the “Prophet Muhammad” was “following the teachings,” which was why he wiped out even whole communities for supposedly writing disparaging poetry about him. If you would engage your God-given faculties for once, you might discover for yourself far more than “this bullshit” in the Quran, hadith, history, theology, and jurisprudence of Islam.
Quran (8:39) – “And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion should be only for Allah”
Qur’an (5:51) – “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”
Ibrahim, You have not read your holly book. May be you will stop believing nonsense if you read it, and realize what a bunch of crap it is
You are right that all muslims are not terrorists , BUT all terrorist have been Muslim..
Why do you say Christian media? Don’t you mean secular media. Not all white people are Christians and Western Media is not often Christian media. Please tell you neighbours this as they too may bot understand, People of a reverend faith, whether it be Islam or Christianity tend not to use the term Bull***** . (peace my friend)
You’re an idiot or a liar!!!!! How do you explain all the kidnappings, torture, beheadings of innocent people everywhere???? Just recently Boko Haram levels a town in Nigeria killing an estimated 2,000 people. 17 people killed in Paris? Who knows how many others massacred by ISIS??? I would need this entire page to list all the atrocities committed by mohammedans!! Go spew your bullshit someplace else. You guys can establish your caliphate in hell, with Satan as your leader.
not quite the useful idiots you think we are.
Read all of it and the Hadiths…
This looks like troll comment.
Islam does not need the Christian media to make it look bad… What a bunch of bullshit… These people are fucking butchers and belong in the stone age. They are going to cause a world wide war and tens of millions of people are going to be killed. They need to be stopped and they need to be stopped now. how can you possibly compare Islam to Christianity, Mohammed killed people for fuck sake. Christ told people to turn the other cheek. Islam is a religion of barbarianism… look at the news, look at what they do, crucify, kill children, play soccer with peoples heads, throw people off of towers,decapite ,rape, burn people aluve,stone them to death and turn people into slaves…I would be embarrassed and ashamed as fuck if I was Muslim. I dare anyone to refute this… Islam as gotta fucking go
Why don’t you look at the video and ask yourself if you will be happy if you or your family should die by the same manner.
Why do you say Christian media. The media is by no measurement Christian so who are you raging against, Christians or the media? Seems you are spreading BS about Christians.
Yes, there are good things in the Koran, but sadly, there are also bad things too. I know, because I’ve read it. Obviously I don’t agree with people who want wipe out Muslims/Islam, that’s horrific and evil, and there is getting to be far too much hate on this page, but there are bits in the Koran that sanction spreading Islam by force to people who don’t want it. Also extreme violence had been used in the name of Islam and condoned by it, such as in the hadiths, e.g.the battle of the trench and what happened to the banu qureyshi. I am not against Muslims or Islam; I’ve had Muslim friends and I know quite a bit about the religion and culture, but there is a nasty streak in the Koran which sanctions violence against non-Muslims, violence against women, and prejudice against non-Muslims, and violent hate towards Jews. This has to be acknowledged and amended by Muslims. I say this with sadness, not as someone who is prejudiced.
If you amend it and take out all the bad stuff, what you have left is either Judaism or Christianity.
You have not read the koran
I am not a muslim thanks be to Yhwh. I have read the koran. I don’t believe you have though. It is a psychotic manual of a sick, manipulative madman.
It makes no sense, is contradictory, and is total rubbish. Mohomed was high on arse-fumes when he had his “revelations.” Tripping.
There is more filth in the Islamic “holy book” than in a porn shop. It’s full of abuse and perversion, all from the lusts of the mind of Mohomed.
Taquiyya. You lie Ibrahim. Peace in Islam is submission to sharia law or die. I will never submit
Too long didn’t read.
Mohammed was a murderous sociopath pedophile goat fucker from the desert.
Pig intestines be upon him.
You are welcome.
When you consider the koran was written by the caliph Uthman and a committee and all differing versions ordered burned — it begs the question – how did they get a copy to alla…. I dont think world post delivers to hell
satan is a cunning master.
Very well said brother . Jazal Allah.
You’re an idiot who has never read the Qur’an for yourself, and you’ve never read sound Hadith.
The Qur’an is from Satan. There is no God but YHWH, Father Son and Spirit.
Piss on Muhammads grave, may he roast in hell.
Prophet Muhammad had Jewish neighbors and sometimes he get invited for dinner at their homes and sometimes he also invites them to his house and beheaded them and took their wives…..I can Quran and Islam
You blame the Christian media why dont you blame IS or any other Muslim group it is their doing. Your response blaming the christian media only reinforces the opinion that Muslims cannot be reasoned with. There is no humility in your answer you blame and accept no responsibility
There is nothing beautiful about fighting or killing anyone! This violence that Islam teaches is what we are witnessing in the world today.
You are dangerously delusional. FUCK Islam…FUCK the murderous pedophile Mohamed and to hell with your “religion of peace.” The only way any peace will prevail on this earth is for all Christians, Jews, aethiests LOCK AND LOAD and bring the fight to these fascists. Turn it back on them, and hunt them down like the rabid dogturds they are. I am sick of their bullshit, beheadings, and on and on…let’s open that BIG can of Christian whupass once and for all. They want a fight…they will get one.
And yes…I have studied the Koran so don’t give me your bullshit “you need to read the Koran.” I will pray for your martyred ass, fool.
You’re either delusional or in denial. Islam has bee nothing but trouble for its neighbors and western civilization since the year 621.
I don’t trust muslims, and their bad reputation is well earned.
Muslims and non-Muslims eating together proves nothing. As recent events have shown, as soon as Islamist radicals like IS & Co. invade a town, the formerly “kind” sleeper-Muslims betray their neighbors and previous “friends” and instigate their killings or flight. Taqiyya is alive and well, and it’s not just for self-preservation, it’s used on a large scale to deceive and conquer non-Muslim lands.
“There are rules that the quran lays down for engagement during war. Dont kill the animals, dont kill women and children, dont destroy the houses, protect the places of worship”, you say, but that is all the world sees is muslims killing other muslims and killing Animals in the most Horrific ways, raping and killing women and children, burning and blowing up houses and buildings, Islam appears to the outside world of a religion of death and destruction and NO we are not getting that from Christian media, we are getting it from CNN and other mainstream media outlets! I don’t know much about either religion but I do know muslims die for Allah and Christians live for Jesus!
You are delusional if you think Muhammed was peaceful. Yeah Muhammed had Jewish neighbors but when they refused to convert to Islam he had all of the Jewish males beheaded and their wives and children sold into slavery. The same fate for Christians who refused to convert or submit. These are the facts.
I suppose you could refer Safiyah a neighbor, she gave him exactly what he deserved, either her or Aisha, hats off to whichever. You might reread the Koran, it’s a rather violent book to say the least. I have read both it and the Hadith. By the way, I’m not christian either or a follower of any of the three Abrahamic religions, but I have studied them.
All that was during his Mecca days. He killed all his Jewish neighbors and stole their property and then made the move to Medina. He was a murderer, a thief and a liar.
I’m Muslim, but my family, friends, and I never tried to convert anyone. It hurts to be wanted to be killed for things I would never dream of doing.
If we ve ur kinda Muslims on earth I think d world would be a beta n peaceful place to live.
I am a Muslim. I do not want anyone to convert or die. The Quran does not teach that. I want to live in peace just as you do. I can not attest to the validity of the charges or the woman’s guilt , but I do know that if anyone rapes a 7 year old child with a broomstick until she is dead (the alleged crime of this woman) then I want them to be beheaded and then chopped up and fed to dogs. I bet anyone with a 7 year old daughter from any religion or country in the world would agree with me.
Not all Muslims are like that, there are some good Muslims. I agree that there are some horrible verses in the Koran which support and extol violence and prejudice, and that this is very wrong, but not every Muslim acts on them, some just ignore it. Only wipe out ISIS etc.
So, what is wrong to us we will do them?
Doesn’t that make us their equals?
Equal in letting them not live in peace, equal in killing them for their believes? Equal in burning them alive?
I thought and was teached by the christian faith that we were the enlightened ones, the better ones, the ones with the inclination of forgiving, of turning the other cheek………
But as radical christianity gets equal to radical islam we turn out to be as sick and foul as they are..
I get the point.. it’s the War of the Faiths and everything is allowed……..
rabble rousing bigotted idiot
Rabble rousing bigoted idiot? I made my post 20 days ago and the Muslim ISIS keeps getting worse. Colin your name should be Colon, Because you are an asshole and a moron.
Do americans or NATO or any powerful nation or empire in the past has let others live in peace?
Perhaps Muslims are doing the same things?
All of those violent actions come from wanting to have an advantage over someone (more Resources, monetary gain, control & influence)
it is what our human society see as acceptable, but it is far from being that, it is completely unacceptable for people to kill & cause suffering to other people!
& so to change the way we are thinking we have to go back & see why & what caused us or thought us to believe or think this way…
There is another way of living that all of us will share all of earth’s resources & our common knowledge equally between all…
Peace & Love
How started World War-1 and Killed Million Peoples?
How Started World War-2 and Killed Million Peoples?
How Started War Against Vietnam?
How killed million Black Peoples In Africa and Made them slaves and did not give them rights till 1960.
How Killed Jews and Killed their generation?
All bloody nasty you peoples nope? We are stand behind humanity with good moral values. But if any body will talk to wiped out Muslim, He should be ready for strong Answer.
ISIS is all Jews, just they have imitated Muslim outlook and killing humanity.
Religion as a whole needs to be abolished!
We are civilized. They represent the same evil as Hitler and the Nazis.
Civilized? “All Muslims must die.” Aint that what Hitler said about the Jews? Your argument just fell flat mate.
Jews weren’t cutting off people heads Paul. MuSlimes are
You really did not do your history homework. Jews hang , on the cross and leave you to rot there, they stone to death. Did you forget what happen to early christians? Do you have any idea how cruel the jews are which is never going to be reported by the media, less they think you are antisemitic.?
Those are all lies. You’re not only an anti-Semite, but also a liar and totally ignorant of history.
No, what did the Jews do to early Christians Ibrahim, tell us???? Was it anything like what your brothers are doing to us today in Africa, Asia, Europe, America and elsewhere??? And if you are so smart and know how badly Jews treated us christians 2000 years ago, why aren’t your brothers smart enough to recognize its WRONG to treat us like that now???? Tell us Ibrahim!
Again your logic shows you haven’t got a clue. Hitler wanted to kill Jews because they: A)Cut off peoples heads B)Self detonated at random places like marathons C)had a tendency to blow planes, trains and automobiles up so that everyone would worship there beautiful peaceful merciful God D) were productive law abiding citizens.
Simple. They started it. 1400 years ago when they declared war on all ‘non believers’
If you have a torn in your foot, you don’t stick it in the other foot instead – Solution GET RID OF IT !!!
A swoard
yes, there is a lot of difference.They strive for terror,We strive to end terror
Dumb twat nuke the middle east u destroy all life on earth. Grow up ffs all u racist uneducated bigots saudi is about as islamic as Rome. Do your research, stop watching the BBC saudi is zionist like Israel.
Paul Lloyd I’m fairly sure you actually have a Twat you Pussy
Thats right the Islamic state is true Islam
I never said it wouldn’t ruffle a few feathers, but in the long term we’ll all be better off.
What would be better than a nuclear bomb would be a big asteroid collision with Mecca during the Hajj. Then we could make a big thing about it being a sign from Allah being unhappy with the way muslims are treating the rest of the world.
I support asteroid collision also as any remaining towel heads will have no one to retaliate against, other Allah or themselves. I hope the governments are working on this manufactured asteroid technology as we speak
I was thinking the exact same thing!!!!!!!! Sand when heated turns int glass and it would be a great big roller skating rink. The Mid-East has been a festering boil since the dawn of ages and there is nothing holy about what I consider the “Evil Land.” Intersource every tribe over there murdering fellow mankind in the name of God.
When we call for genocide of Muslims, we are on the way getting as bad as some of them are. I agree that there are some nasty verses in the Koran which justify murder and ill-treatment of women and non-Muslims, but this doesn’t mean that we should become wicked ourselves and try to wipe them out.
Yes it does. Because they are the aggressors & we are the defenders so we are definitely not on their level by doing this. Its like saying a surgeon is wicked for cutting out the cancer, but we know that is not true. In this nuclear style surgery no cancer cell should be left behind.
We have become a weak & pathetic in the face evil. Its like saying, we should not be wicked like the Nazis & wipe them out or we should not give the death penalty to killers as we would be reducing ourselves to their level. What you say sounds ‘nice & fitting’ but makes no logical sense & is the exact attitude people had against Winston Churchill when he was warning people of Hitler. It took serious carnage before people finally admitted Churchil was right. I wonder how many more beheading, bombings & street riots its going to take before people like you understand the difference between fighting with ‘aggression’ compared to fighting in ‘defence’. The Nuclear bomb idea still stands
“It may ruffle a few feathers,”
About 1.5 billion.
whilst the other 5 billion people spread their feathers in joy
Are you really ready for WW3?
Hay Pooja Sinha Roy, shut the fuck up. You and your stupid allah are a bunch of fucking murderers and fucking terrorist that’s why I overseas as an American Army Soldier killing people like you who want to kill Americans and Christians like me. God is the one and true God.
God commends you for bragging about the murders you committed protecting not only Americans but Christians as well. Wow, you’re a true American-Christian hero. Bravo Bravo and fuck me to tears phft!
Also Pooja are you telling me you approve of the innocent lives taken by your people, the Muslims? If you think beheading people is cool, than how about I show up with my Army buddies and show you what a real beheading looks like. God the Creator is the real true God
Hey libs……….they’ll cut YOUR head off too……..just because you’re an American. Wake up idiots!!
JR Moses you stop it now! you’re scaring the children!
Riley……..hard to scare idiots. As they say: “Ignorance is bliss.” I’ll keep trying though………we’ve got to “wake them up” somehow!!
Okay so i comment on this as a somewhat seculiar Muslim who understands the importance of most ( if not all ) the fundamental principles of Islam.
First of all, to get the biggest issue out of the way. Saudia Arab is in NO WAY a nation that supports Islamic values. It is a corrupt barbaric proud …CORRUPT AS HELL nation bought by the US (And..enter negative comments of US patriots. Don’t blame you though. You can never know whats right through media).
Secondly, any form of punishment made public is against Islam. Making an example of something is completely wrong. True there is a death penalty if you fornicate while being married to another person but that is only after four JUST Muslims witnesses testify. In a nutshell, you will simply not find just Muslims in saudia arabia. So probably , all executions and penalties based on Islam that have occured in the state may have been false. Saudia Arabia is a state of ignorant , gluttonous, extravagant, sexists which are all the qualities that Islam STRICTLY forbids. The reason why Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was sent to Arabia and not anywhere else was because it was THE most corrupt nation there was. And it is corrupt once again. Arabians.Suck. Simple.
Thirdly, “the ICC should look into this and investigate Saudi Arabia. Then they
should investigate: Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Libya, Algeria, Qatar, Yemen, Hamas/Humus, Hezbollah, ISIS. This should
keep them busy for the next 200 years.” Okay. Did you know the Taliban and Al-Qaida were a creation of the US. See during the cold war, US wanted Pakistan to do their dirty work and fend off the Soviets from Afghanistan. This required an army. THUS, Taliban were formed when the US began to supply weaponry and everything military(Oh yeah they didn’t send their own men, we had to use OUR Pakistani men which included the local untrained population). Finally , when Pakistan had done US’s dirty work and everything was in good peace. The US got insecure about the army they had created to fend off the Afghanis ( Taliban) and now they wanted them dead? What did they do? Start bombing Pakistan. Pakistan f**king helped the US and they returned the favor by Predator Droning our country. Thus the US is the real terrorist organization, they have always been, tell the ICC to check up the records of the US(which they won’t because the US buy everyone off).
Lastly, Islam is a religion of peace. No country on Earth currently follows the true Islam. The world is scared of the true Islam. I’m not gonna speak of the Apocalypse right now since i’ve noticed the general population here is anti-Islamic already and the topic of the Apocalypse will only piss them off more. But i can tell you this, don’t believe the media. We Pakistanis don’t believe in our media. The media’s bought.
You are right about the media.
However, please don’t try to pass off Islam as peaceful. I’ve read the Surahs. Have a nice day.
You have ? Good to see you did go into it. What did you find not peaceful. Give me the exact reference.
Dana Carpenter, I have read most of your comments on here and I have to say, that I totally agree with everything you have said. Finally some educated responses on here.
Mohammed himself ordered tribes executed who failed to convert ….this is historical fact. With this example of violent Jihad…how can Islam ever be considered peaceful?
Whilst this method of justice is abhorrent and disgusting it just demonstrates that Muslims should be confined to their originating countries. The real crime has been allowing them and their laws, customs and religion to immigrate to the West (UK,USA and Europe) under the banner of multiculturalism and political correctness. They are the real enemies from within. Enoch was right. Take your shariah law back to you own land.
No better way to prove to the world that “Islam is a religion of peace”, right?
right on hurricane paul that’ll fix em, and might i add that lethal injection is so much more sane than beheading
All stupid religious people should have their own planet. To say so many should just die, considering most are innocent of crimes, shows why america is hated so much.
Yes, I will die someday. And I will stay dead, once I’m dead. No eternity for us. I don’t care if you fear death, I don’t. I will not believe in nonsense just because of my mortality.
this is the scum Obama want to let into America
your comment really made a lot of sense, thank you very much
you wellcome
I could not find one concerning the issue of fornication penalties but this is for apostasy. If you have a question, consider this amazing example of a Muslim, Dr.Zakir Naik.
Absolutely. As should other religions whose followers have taken violent paths. No, not really. Just making a point. The problem isn’t one single ideology. It’s the propensity of some humans to take violent paths.
Actually it’s true.
Islamic Peace! Thank God, this “Religion of Peace” has only few followers in my country!
Islamic Justice: ‘It’s Often Only a Dictate of Power’
Using Sharia law to settle disputes appears to be innocent, but it undermines Western ideas of equal justice, rule of law, facts, events, logic and fairness. Journalist Joachim Wagner, author of a new book on parallel justice, discusses the influence of Islamic arbitrators on The West’s Germany’s legal system. Very foreign, and for a Western lawyer, completely incomprehensible at first. It follows its own rules. The Islamic arbitrators aren’t interested in facts or evidence when they deliver a judgment, and unlike Western Law, the question of fault doesn’t play much of a role.
Remember, Obama want’s you to be more tolerant of Islam’s intolerance
The Fonz is gay in real life
everyone just shut up and someone please stabb pooja
Agree…fuck the fucking fuckers before the fucking fuckers fuck you!
Reading the comments on here is ridiculous. So much hate. You want to wipe out such a diverse group of people for the actions of a small minority. You are speaking about genocide.
REST IN PEACE Laila Bint Abdul Muttalib Basim, SAD
1 not all muslims are like this, you all be alil freaky sayin the shit you are 2 the muslims that are like this are generally from the middle east. 3 she was convicted of child molestation and murder, why you so upset? unlike the western world they have the gonads to actually get rid of the trash. over there child molestation is punishable by death! although i think its sick they never gave her pain killers, i really don’t agree with that
As sow shall u reap ,, If this women committed anything against the laws and rules then surely she deserves the punishment !! But one thing i must want to include here between these goddamn bastards who are fighting below just because of their little knowledge about humanity… Yup it is true that some terrorist foundations are spreading terror in the world and calling themselves Muslim just because to destroy the honor of the true religion , Islam.. Pagans what u know about Islam that how much perfect religion is this in this religion there is 99.9% peace and humanity along with the acceptance of true lord of this world.. So in any-case it cant teaches its believers to kill innocents or to rape the girls or all these foolish myths that are spread by hypocrites just to let the true peace and humanity of this world die and everyone get their lifes ruined here and hereafter!!! So please try to use that goddamn walnut which is present in ur faces !!! and please dont fuck ur self
If she murdered her step-daughter, she deserved what she got. But if she was framed by Saudis, may her innocent blood bring Jehovah’s Vengeance on that wicked land.
Anybody who says Islam is a religion of peace is either a liar or very naive. I think every American should be given a small basic Bible & a Qur’an. Read them both and decide which you’d rather live under. I have read many verses in Qur’an. I found nothing peaceful about it. Every time I hear Allahu Akbar I feel sick. Their acts are barbaric & evil. I want no part of it. Does this look like a religion of peace to you?
ok ok if quran says not to harm women and children wtf is this post and video of beheading woman about..!! ??
perhaps you overlooked the fact that many U.S. states have the death penalty
Ibrahim drammeh – you say – Also tjere are rules that the quran lays down for engagement during war.
Dont kill the animals, dont kill women and children, dont destroy the
houses, protect the places of worship.
so wht is is this video of beheading woman about..?? and wht about the big thousand years old buddhist statues tht got bombed and broken..??
Ibrahim drammeh you say – Also tjere are rules that the quran lays down for engagement during war.
Dont kill the animals, dont kill women and children, dont destroy the
houses, protect the places of worship.
wht is is this video of beheading woman about..?? and wht about the big
thousand years old buddhist statues tht got bombed and broken..??
We should pull out of the mideast and Afghanistan where air supremacy does not come into play. Our soldiers are kids being to they are fighting to keep America free when our government is taking it away and sending them to die for the star of David and line the pockets of politicians who wage war. Neutron bombs are the best and only weapon to use.
Can we hurry up with sustainable green energy, if for no other reason than to bankrupt these fuckheaded assholes?
We tried that. Obola gave his contributers 500 BILLION dollars that they pocketed and bankrupted.
Do you base all of your assessments of a technology’s viability on political rhetoric?
I think that Islam the religion of satan (remember Salman Rushdie himself as muslim said that satanic verses?)..was actually created by Lucifer (devil) to block and hamper the salvation by the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST (Christianity)…so that many people would not be saved but instead go to hell…this is a religion of satan in disguise..
These anti-Islamic comments are ridiculous. This woman was found guilty of the sexual assault and murder of a 7 year old girl. If this was America and a man had been found guilty, people would be rallying for the sword used on at least one of his body parts! As it is, she was dead with -one- stroke. It was instantaneous. You compare that with the gas chamber, the electric chair, hanging, or any other form of execution, save lethal injection, and it begins to look -very- humane.
All these people condemning Islam for the way one country chose to handle a convicted murderer and child molester should take a look at their own countries and their own murder and sexual assault rates and see if their country is really so much more civilized.
What a bout the Prophet marrying a 9 year old girl and having sex with it? This is not ridiculous? Should this child molester not have been killed like that women?
“it”? not very bright are you
I corrected the error. Are you pleased now, your Brightness?
fuck you bitch
exactly and well said but most of these people commenting here have no interest in that reality, thanks
Terry, in every country there are deviant persons. Probably their percentage in the whole population is similar everywhere, whatever the religious affiliation or ethnicity.
Also because of the closed family system in Saudi Arabia, many sexual assault cases go unreported. As a consequence your statistics look better than elsewhere. In Western Europe the murder rates are very low. Only in the US, where almost every adult has the right to carry a gun, the murder rates are high.
As for that woman, if guilty as supposed, she could have been condemned to life imprisonment, rather to such medieval brutal practices. If she was a brute, you shouldn’t be the same. A life in prison brings a lot of psichological suffering and it is a punishment enough.
On the bright side, they murder their fellow Muslims. I have no problem with Muslims murdering Muslims. Good riddance.
As a muslim teen born in the (southern) US… I just want to say this video is heartbreaking and scary, no doubt. But also these comments are tearing me to pieces. I only say this because myself, my family, and friends are not like these Muslims that are all over the news… So when a commenter says they want ALL Muslims to die, I just feel helpless. Being hated for something I couldn’t even dream of doing.
Welcome to Islam. Islam is now infiltrating our college campuses as some peaceful religion and should be outlawed as they are allowed to lie in the name of Islam to enter our society. Make no mistake about it, this is Islam and there is no so called peaceful Islam or Islamic who will stand against these actions or even speak against it because it is what it is, Islam at it’s finest. Now they are infiltrating our college campuses to instill the lies about this extreme terrorist organization as humane and peaceful. Islam is the work of Satan, and should not be allowed in any school anywhere. Islam is the work of the Devil and must be outlawed.
1.5 billion retards the world does not need
Don’t forget evil, degenerate, pigvomit scum – mooslimes.
did you graduate from high school
All people here advocating nuclear holocaust against the Middle East are just adding to the overall problem. And if you’re Christian, it is a very Un-Christian notion! While I believe that Islamic Dogma can be VERY dangerous to the future of our free-thinking democratic society and our safety, I love our Muslim brothers, having known many Muslims. Those saying “death to all Muslims,” likely has never been friends with one, just as many Islamic Extremists have had the same lack of exposure to many of us. We need to strengthen and ally with Moderates on both sides with the goal of creating secular governments everywhere, the true enemy being Sharia law. And those who attack us should be dealt with appropriately. Just saying, those advocating extermination on either side, only goes to justify more violence and brings us a step closer to WW3 and perhaps the destruction of the human race.
This is so bad, in our democratic and civilized countrys (like Usa) world we torture our prisoners and kill them with lethal injections. We are human !!!!
Too bad Hitler had it all wrong. He should have hated Arabs and blacks more than the Jews. Just imagine if Hitler invaded the middle east and Africa – more than he did, and sent equal amounts of Arabs and blacks to the ovens instead. I seriously doubt the U.S. would have gotten involved in saving either.
I refuse to lower myself to the level that this or any other muslim butchering video would take me.
Viewing this barbarism for “entertainment” purposes is unethical and pointless, there is no need to hear the screams of a terrified, mortified human being and the last thing any righteous
human being needs to “willfully” see is decapitating or slicing the throat of their fellow man.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned I will not deviate from my position that there is no place for islam in Canada or anywhere else in Western Civilization . I am also firmly convicted in my perspective that muslim terrorists should be KILLED. . . .wherever their filthy, swine blooded body may be parked at the time.
What are stupid liberals going to do when women are beheaded here under sharia law. . . .call James Taylor?
Islam is not a religion but a violent ideology !
That was brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
They should show this video immediately after some Mo-ron from the Ovomit Administration or Ovomit himself tries to tell us the Islam means “peace”. What crap. These people are mideval savages who worship a Moon god who promotes murder and child rape and slavery. All of them need to be put down like the plague of locusts that they are.
Muslims should be ashamed of their religion. Its like a cancer eating away at the world.
It’s like christianity 400 years ago.No difference at all.
First of all, don’t equate the Babylonian Vatican with “Christianity”. Secondly, the Vatican at the height of it’s tyranny is still no match for the evil violent hordes of Islamic scum openly beheading women, children, Christians, Jews, and anyone else who won’t bow towards Mecca.
Thirdly, the Vatican created Islam. Look it up.
Yeah right as you would know the difference. These guys are fucked up no doubt but saying no religion caused so much pain and terror ever is simply not true. History is older than your memories man. As a european I know a loooot of shitty crimes against humanity that happened throughout the ages in the name of christianity. Btw if you want to separate vatican from the ancient christianity you have to know that the ancient ones lived at the same places as these guys do now. Santa lived in nowadays Turkey and not not the north pole 😉
If you’re talking about Mr. Claus the mushroom hunter from Siberia then not true at all Barna!!
Here are some more “mideval savages”:
How wonderful, a beheading on a public street. A great outing for the wife and kids to watch. Be sure to pack some sandwiches and drinks.
I’m a Muslim and I’m never going to perform Hajj in Saudi Arabia! These sick bastards fund the terrorists with their oil made money and torture the Humans with brutal force!! They need to be eradicated from this planet!! They manipulate the Quran verses for their own interest and spread among the uneducated and underprivileged innocent people. They misguide the whole Muslim world with their false claims and judgement. They are the reason why Islam has lost the pride and respect it once had!! Allah please guide those who has gone astray!!
How are you better when calling to eradicate others?
You see an old system of belief in violance & fairy tails can not take us to humanity’s advances future, all of those outdated beliefs are holding us humanity behind a much better & advanced world for all humans animals & the envierment. We can not continue to see our selfs as separate we are all one living on this one space ship planet, from space there are no visable separations between us the barriers are man made by men & for men to serve a few powerful individuals & make their circle of domination & control over other men & woman & animals as well.
Check out the Venus project & my post right above you for a better way & future
Peace Love
I’m afraid you’re no longer a Muslim, my friend. They have applied Sharia, the Law of God, literally, as Allah commanded them.
I assume that im no longer the Muslim “they” want me to be. But i also know that Allah didnt tell them to write hadith and implement laws that gives privilege to those who abuse them. They created Hadith so they can clearly misguide people from The Quran by translating “it” their own way. They also misinterpreted Quran and it took millennium to do it. Muslims were able to flourish through war because each nation during the 700s were war torn and had noting to defend. But that time Muslims came to power and also showed mercy to everyone. There was golden age in Europe when Muslims ruled. Those among the Muslim rulers who wanted power, misguided people and changed whatever they wanted.