Jihad Watch Some time back, I wrote a book review for The Mind of Jihad by Laurent Murawiec for the Weekly Standard. Soon thereafter, Mr. Murawiec wrote something of an angry rebuttal -- accusing me of having an "agenda" and "disfiguring" his book -- which was to be published in a forthcoming Weekly Standard issue. The editors were kind enough to have asked me to respond to … [Read more...]
Conflating History with Theology
Judeo-Christian Violence vs. Islamic Violence Jihad Watch Especially after the terrorist strikes of 9/11, Islam has often been accused of being intrinsically violent. Many point to the Koran and other Islamic scriptures and texts as proof that violence and intolerance vis-à-vis non-Muslims is inherent to Islam. In response, a number of apologetics have been offered. The … [Read more...]
Jihad, Martyrdom, and the Torments of the Grave
Pajamas Media Why do some Muslims become suicide bombers or "martyrs"? In fact, these two near antithetic words — on the one hand, broken, desperate suicides, on the other, heroic martyrs — intrinsically demonstrate the radically different epistemologies the average Westerner and Muslim will articulate their answer through. In other words, that Westerners consider them … [Read more...]
Taqiyya Revisited: A Response to the Critics
Having written at length on various aspects of Islam, it is always my writings concerning doctrinal deceit that elicit (sometimes irate) responses. As such, the purpose of this article is to revisit the issue of deceit and taqiyya in Islam, and address the many ostensibly plausible rebuttals made by both Muslims and non-Muslims. The earliest rebuttal I received appeared last … [Read more...]
Gli Usa rinunciano a capire cos’è la guerra islamista
L'Occidentale Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Studying the Islamic Way of War Traduzioni di Fabrizia B. Maggi Nella conferenza iniziale della Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) dello scorso aprile, il tenente colonnello Joseph Myers – che presentava l'evento –, ha messo in evidenza un punto interessante che merita un ulteriore approfondimento. … [Read more...]