850 KOA: The Mike Rosen Show http://raymond.uhurunetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/288.mp3 … [Read more...]
De que modo a Taqiyya altera as regras de guerra do Islão
Original em inglês: How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War O Islão deve parecer uma religião paradoxal para os não-muçulmanos. Se, por um lado, ele é constantemente retratado como a religião da paz, por outro lado, seus adeptos são responsáveis pela maioria dos ataques terroristas ao redor do mundo. Apologistas do Islão gostam de enfatizar que o Islão é uma fé construída … [Read more...]
La Taqiyya et les règles de la guerre islamique
Translation of the original text: How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War L'islam doit apparaître aux non-musulmans comme une religion bien paradoxale. D'un côté, on ne cesse de la présenter comme la religion de la paix et, de l'autre, ses membres sont responsables de la majorité des actes terroristes dans le monde. Les apologistes de l'islam soulignent que cette foi se fonde … [Read more...]
How Taqiyya Alters Islam’s Rules of War
Middle East Quarterly French Portuguese Islam must seem a paradoxical religion to non-Muslims. On the one hand, it is constantly being portrayed as the religion of peace; on the other, its adherents are responsible for the majority of terror attacks around the world. Apologists for Islam emphasize that it is a faith built upon high ethical standards; others … [Read more...]
Shameless Islamist Doublespeak Rages On
Hezbollah's "New" Manifesto in Context Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Polish "Al-Qaeda's Zawahiri Accuses Obama of Trying to 'Enslave' Arab World." So reads the headline of a recentFox News report, which goes on to quote Zawahiri saying things such as "Obama's policy is nothing but another cycle in the Crusader and Zionist campaign to enslave and humiliate us, … [Read more...]