Published in Het Vrije Volk Oorspronkelijk Engels Item: Top Muslim Cleric Qaradawi Urges Western Muslims to 'Liberalize' In een recente aflevering van de populaire Arabische show al-Sharia wa al-Haya (gedragscode en leven), die elke week wordt uitgezonden door Al Jazeera en waarin de vermaarde moslimgeleerde sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi optreedt, werd het belangrijke maar toch … [Read more...]
Des chefs de file musulmans condamnent la mosquée de Ground Zero, un «complot sioniste»
Post de Veille Translation of the original text: Top Muslims Condemn Ground Zero Mosque as a 'Zionist Conspiracy' Dans un article récent, j'ai fait valoir que la mosquée «Ground Zero» est contre-productive pour l'islam. Le lendemain (le 5 août), le journal égyptien Al Masry Al Youm rapportait qu'Al Azhar – l'une des plus hautes autorités de l'islam sunnite – est du même avis. … [Read more...]
Is Newt Gingrich Wrong to Talk About Sharia?
Published in Pajamas Media In a recent article appearing in Tablet, Lee Smith takes former House speaker Newt Gingrich to task for the latter's focus on sharia (i.e., Islamic law). The thrust of Smith's argument is that sharia is a "hopelessly abstract concept" and "a highly idealized version of reality that has little basis in fact"; that sharia is "a catchall phrase for … [Read more...]
Interview on the Ground Zero Mosque
850 KOA: The Mike Rosen Show … [Read more...]
The ‘Zionist plot’ to build a mosque
by Wesley Pruden Washington Times ANALYSIS/OPINION: The ground zero mosque, which is stirring such a sandstorm in New York City, isn't so popular in certain precincts of the Middle East, either. Some Muslims there think President Obama and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York are nuts. Impotent and irresolute, too. Some of the believers in Arabia say the mosque is a … [Read more...]