I was recently interviewed by CBN News' George Thomas on the rise of the Islamic State, its aspirations for caliphate, and what all that means for free peoples around the world: … [Read more...]
‘Army of Muhammad’ Calls for Mega Jihad to Create Caliphate
The Army of Muhammad (Tanzim Jaysh Muhammad), one of the Sunni jihadi organizations operating in Syria and which is named after the prophet of Islam, has just called for the creation of an Islamic, jihadi army of at least 800,000 fighters, composed of all Muslim nationalities, from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Its stated purpose would be to depose the military regimes of the … [Read more...]
The Siege of Byzantium
National Review Online Danish Portuguese Today, August 15, marks the anniversary of Constantinople’s victory over Muslim invaders in what historians commonly call the “Second Siege of Byzantium,” 717–18. Prior to this massive onslaught, the Muslims had been hacking away at the domains of the Byzantine empire for nearly a century. The Muslims’ ultimate goal was the … [Read more...]