Lisistrata Ho iniziato questa serie di articoli per elencare alcuni – certamente non tutti – dei casi più terribili di persecuzione musulmana contro i Cristiani che emergono ogni mese. la serie ha due obbiettivi: in particolare, per documentare quello che i grandi media (stampa e TV) non fa: la comune, per non dire cronica, persecuzione musulmana dei Cristiani. più in … [Read more...]
Why ‘Christian’ Persecution?
Published in Jihad Watch Some are asking why my new monthly series, "Muslim Persecution of Christians," wherein I collate and assess some of the atrocities committed by Muslims against Christians, does not include the persecution of other religious minority groups; others are suggesting I broaden my scope to include all minorities, for instance, homosexuals. Of course other … [Read more...]
Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011
Translations of this item: Italian Polish This series was developed in order to collate some—by no means all—of the foulest instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month. It serves two purposes: Intrinsically, to document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians. Instrumentally, … [Read more...]
Kolejny miesiąc muzułmańskich prześladowań chrześcijan: sierpień
Poznajpana Niniejszy cykl został zapoczątkowany, aby zestawić niektóre, żadną miarą nie wszystkie, najbardziej haniebne przypadki muzułmańskich prześladowań chrześcijan, które wypłynęły na powierzchnię w kolejnych miesiącach. Ma to na celu: 1) badanie miejsc w których chrześcijaństwo i islam krzyżują się 2) dokumentowanie tego, czego nie robią mainstreamowi media: … [Read more...]
Reading Between the Lines
Published in Jihad Watch When reading Western reports dealing with Islam, one must learn to read between the lines. Many of these reports do state the actual facts; but without providing proper context, Western readers are often left to interpret the information according to their own understandings. One example: the ubiquitous term "sectarian strife" to describe … [Read more...]