The Mark Levin Show … [Read more...]
Islam’s Double Standards
The Laura Ingraham Show … [Read more...]
Why Islam gets concessions and Infidels get conquered
The Savage Nation … [Read more...]
A Rising Star on Islam’s Territorial Double Standard
CAMERA Raymond Ibrahim is a name to watch for. His book, The Al Qaeda Reader (DoubleDay) will be out in April 2007. By way of introduction, don't miss his outstanding Op-Ed today in the Los Angeles Times. Entitled "Islam gets concessions; infidels get conquered: What they capture, they keep. When they lose, they complain to the U.N.," is so brilliant that it takes a lot of … [Read more...]
Grievance-mongering at the gym
by Michelle Malkin [Excerpt] In an excellent piece for the Los Angeles Times, Raymond Ibrahim points to Pope Benedict's concessions to Islam in Turkey as a symbol of the West's weakness in the face of conquering jihadists: When Islamists wage jihad — past, present and future — conquering and consolidating non-Muslim territories and centers in the name of … [Read more...]