Glenn Beck interviewed me about Afghanistan on his radio program the other day. Click here to listen (my 15-minute segment starts around the 14:25 mark, which can be fast-forwarded to). Note: If this link does not work, as it apparently isn’t in some European nations, this one might.
The interview is not available because –
This site isn’t currently available in the EU
I am in the UK which is not in the EU!
Uploading to my podcast maybe it will let you listen from there. Lets hope. Here’s the link, I apologize if it’s not so professionally done but I’m learning and trying my best.–Prayer-Episode-27-e16bhcr
Not available outside of the US. PITY!
Uploading to my podcast maybe it will let you listen from there. Lets hope. Here’s the link, I apologize if it’s not so professionally done but I’m learning and trying my best.–Prayer-Episode-27-e16bhcr
I heard it and didn’t realize your full resume Raymond. I’ll look for it to download as I like to hand out some of your articles. would be great to also give a copy of your credentials (to include to body building championship :-), not your everyday academic!).
On his question what should we do? I think the big answer is multifaceted, a couple of points:
1. Continue to try and get the Truth of what Islam is out to the general public and above all our leaders and military.
2. Western countries should first build up our own militaries, national security apparatus and tighten borders.
3. Moratorium on Mosques and reinstate the moratorium on migration from dangerous countries, that was even enforced under the O Admin.
4. Form a new alliance to defend democracies as described by Ret Col UK Richard Kemp in his brilliant article at Gatestone Insti. The link follows:
Thanks again Raymond, for always speaking the Truth about our “most formidable and persistent enemy.”
I heard the interview. Very educational. I also just ordered your book, Sword and Scimitar and really looking forward to reading it.
I’ve read it Michael. Can’t say it’s an easy read, but absolutely necessary to understand the real history of Islam and the true nature of the “religion”.
It is not only religion, but a political system controlling all parts of life, with a divine command to subdue the entire world, nothing less.
Raymond is an accredited scholar, fluent in Arabic and able to translate ancient manuscripts. Therefore, you’ll hear him quote Arab historians and some on the scene remarks from both sides, the West and Islam.
Here’s a link to an article on this site from 2/13/2019 by Raymond. Brief but an eyeopener. The Link:
Thanks for taking an interest.
Thanks Don
That’s what most people don’t understand Don, as you know. They think Islam is just a religion not a complete way of life – akin to the customs and traditions of 7th c. Arabia – which they want to inflict on us in the 21st c.,
as they believe is commanded by Allah in the Koran.
BTW I did manage to hear Raymond’s interview but I am not sure how I did it. Thanks Raymond as always.
The only thing that is going to preserve people is likewise holding to the Truth (which Islam manifestly is not) as being reasoning for modeling one’s entire life around the Truth, The right way of life.
PS. It didn’t work on my mobile but then I tried it on my computer and it worked.
Thanks Mary. I’ve been pressing retired military at a high level that don’t seem to grasp the true nature of Islam. They keep talking “radical” Islam or a “perversion of Islam”. They haven’t completed the step of “knowing your enemy” in warfare, as bright and brilliant as some of them are.
I think I’ll begin linking Raymond’s article from 2.13.2019 to a lot of people going forward.
French historian Hillaire Belloc’s comment of it in 1938 is an eloquent statement of the problem of blindness in the West.
The link to Raymond’s article follows – I pasted Belloc’s quote from the article below:
Belloc’s quote:
Millions of modern people of the white civilization—that is, the civilization of Europe and America—have forgotten all about Islam. They have never come in contact with it. They take for granted that it is decaying, and that, anyway, it is just a foreign religion which will not concern them. It is, as a fact, the most formidable and persistent enemy which our civilization has had, and may at any moment become as large a menace in the future as it has been in the past (from Belloc’s The Great Heresies, 1938, emphasis added).
I commented at the time, that we are in “Belloc’s Moment”.
Didn’t see any comments when I checked the article.
Stay well Mary