On May 16, President Biden issued a brief video ostensibly dedicated to expressing his support for the religious freedom of “all” people (though in reality dedicated to only one religious group):
All people should be able to practice their faith with dignity, without fear of harassment or violence. We will defend the right of all, as we stand with you. That’s why I ended this shameful Muslim travel ban. And that’s why this administration will speak out for religious freedom for all people, including Uighurs in China and Rohingya in Burma. We also believe Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live in safety and security and enjoy equal measure of freedom, prosperity, and democracy. My administration is going to continue to engage Palestinians and Israelis and other regional partners to work toward sustained calm.
It is hypocritical for Biden to claim that he cares about the religious rights of “all” people—when he clearly means only “all Muslims.” So too is it vexing to note that, unlike those whom he totally ignores—for example, the hundreds of millions of Christians currently being persecuted at the hands of Muslims—those Muslims whom he does mention as deserving protection are not exactly innocent.
Consider the three Muslim peoples he singled out: the Palestinians, the Uighurs in China, and the Rohingya in Burma. Far from trying to live peaceably with their non-Muslim neighbors, and like other Muslim populations living alongside or under the authority of non-Muslims, all three have been known to engage in hostile, subversive, and terroristic activities.
One need not dwell much on the well-documented scourge of Palestinian terrorism—primarily in the guise of Hamas and Hezbollah—which, as is well known, is the root cause for conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. But consider the other two lesser known Muslim peoples.
The Rohingya of Burma have been committing the same sort of anti-infidel mayhem, violence, terrorism, and rape that one is accustomed to associating with “radical Islam”—though news of it seldom reaches the West. The main difference is that, unlike, say, the West, Burma has responded with uncompromising ruthlessness—thereby making it the “bad guy” in the media. Consider the words of popular Buddhist leader Ashin Wirathu, whom the media refer to as the “Burmese bin Laden”: “You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” says the monk in reference to Muslims: “I call them troublemakers, because they are troublemakers.”
Similarly, Reuters quotes the Chinese government saying that it “destroyed 1,588 violent and terrorist gangs” in Xinjiang, where most Uighurs and other Muslims live, “arrested 12,995 terrorists, seized 2,052 explosive devices, punished 30,645 people for 4,858 illegal religious activities, and confiscated 345,229 copies of illegal religious [jihadi] materials.” The same report says that 30 Islamic terror attacks occurred between 1990 and 2016, killing 458 and injuring 2,540.
Critics may argue that China is untrustworthy and essentially fabricating claims of Islamic terrorism to demonize and persecute the Uighurs. And yet, history and current affairs indicate that wherever and whenever Muslim minorities live amidst non-Muslim majorities, they tend to instigate, agitate, subvert, and resort to terrorism. Either way, like Burma and unlike the West, no doubt the Chinese have been intolerantly brutal in the crackdown on their Muslim population.
The point here, of course, is not to argue that all Muslims are troublemakers and therefore “deserve” whatever treatment they get; rather, it is to highlight another instance of humanitarian hypocrisy, this time by Joe Biden. For, while he never mentions the persecution of those minorities who do no wrong, seek to live peaceably with their neighbors, and certainly never resort to terrorism—and yet are persecuted solely on account of their religious identity, as millions of Christians throughout the Muslim world are today—he expresses concern only for Muslims, who are notorious for provoking others into prolonged conflicts.
Incidentally, it’s worth adding that, unlike most of Islam’s persecuted Christians—who are indigenous to the land, often many centuries before Islam invaded it—Muslims in Burma, China, and Israel are not indigenous, but rather the descendants of Muslim conquerors or forced converts, another inconvenient fact that helps shed light on the current conflicts.
You make a most newsworthy contribution to a true understanding of the masquerading “religious” Muslim Jihadists who are actually a political movement! Please continue to expose the fighting antagonists who are misrepresented by Islam and the ill informed. GNW, MD
Yes, no one wants to justify or excuse the Chi-coms. They’re genocidal maniacs.
… But that does not mean the Muslims are innocent victims.
It’s rather odd that out of all of Chi-coms’ victim groups …
… the only one the World deems worth of notice…
…is the one “victim” group that is likely to be doing something so wrong that severe measures are justified to protect the actually innocent.
That says a lot about “the World” …
*** God bless everyone here.
Well said Dan
This is what I expect from Biden and his cohorts. He speaks with a forked tongue that is prompted by his handlers hiding behind the scenes.
Betrayal by Biden who seeks Muslim voter’s approval is a Biden suicide approach,
dragging down all those who believe in the golden rule, a bonhomie between various citizens.
He has put the US into monumental debt, and which may take it more than the estimated time- fifteen years to get itself out of its mess.
The other factor is by siding with Muslims, he also compromises those countries he has made various agreements with, who assume the US will continue down the same path it always has done.
Another book could be written titled “Islam and the suicide of Biden”, because his approach is essentially suicidal for non-Muslims as history has already shown with Afghanistan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iraq, North Africa, and Turkey, now all approaching Muslim saturation.
Good point H. Saturation – the goal of Islam, only worldwide, accompanied by domination. They tell us constantly, we should believe them.
Biden is Obama’s sock puppet. They are blasphemers. They are dedicated to a nuclear Iran. They do not honor the Holy Bible, nor do they accept that Israel belongs to the Jews. They refer to Israeli arabs as “indigenous people.” Christians and Jews, never forget, that’s a lot of hatred.
Thanks Raymond – watched a video about the Green Prince, Mosab Hassan Yousef, a couple of his interviews. He was explaining the pattern of violence the Palestinian leaders use to extract money from the naive Western countries.
Start a conflict, make sure innocent Palestinians are killed or injured, dupe the press into thinking Israel is the cause when they, the Israelis defend themselves or respond to and attack against them in self defense.
Explained that though Israeli soldiers have committed some illegal acts, the majority of them are always considering not harming the innocents, announcing bombings with time for evacuations while Hamas tells its citizens to remain in the area, getting them injured and killed.
He also nicely contrasted the the freedoms Arabs including Arab Muslims living in Israel as citizens have and explained there are no synagogues in Arab countries, while there are mosques in Israel.
Yes Don. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of our heads of govs know the trick but go along with it thinking we are all morons
Allow me to insert an excerpt of something I wrote not too long ago:
“What you may need to know too, is so many Muslims in this world go through much agonies and persecutions as the Christians do in Egypt. Think of the Myanmar crisis and how many (Muslims) were mistreated and young Muslim girls raped because they are born Muslims. On a routine basis, Muslims are humiliated, tortured and persecuted in India where they make up about 18-20% of the population by Hindus (hence the never ending animosity between India and Pakistan and its super majority of Muslims). The problem is mostly overt now than in yesteryear, thanks to India’s nationalist and populist leader Narendra Modi. (Also, know that Christians in India are much less numerous than Muslims, they are not better treated.) India has practiced and continues still to openly practice the awful caste system. Is it wrong to mention that Muslims elsewhere are very badly treated by others, or is it just right to claim that only Christians go through hard times?”
I am just trying to be fair even though I am Coptic Christian through and through. Peace to all.
You are just an apologetic for Muslims and their evil religion of Islam. Firstly, I am an ex-Muslim from Turkey and I live with fear that Muslims persecute me for leaving Islam. Muslims have no right to cry about “persecution” since they are the most agressors and invaders of once Christian lands of Middle East and North Africa. Go to hell with your Muslims!