A Muslim man butchered a Coptic Christian woman and her toddler son with a machete—“as if he were slaughtering chickens,” said eyewitnesses. He also unsuccessfully tried to slaughter the Christian woman’s young daughter.
The facts are currently sparse. The incident occurred on April 3, 2021, in the streets of Minya Governate, Egypt. The name of the murderer, a tuk-tuk driver, is Abu Muhammad al-Harami; his victims are Mary Sa‘d and her six-year-old son Karas.
When their paths crossed in the streets, he made threatening and derogatory comments to the mother; she responded by saying that she would report him to police—at which point Abu Muhammad leapt on Mary with his machete, butchering her and her son. Her four-year old daughter fled and hid, as did the murderer, who was reportedly arrested four days later.
Egyptian media and authorities are currently warning people not to jump to conclusions concerning the motive of the murderer. The latest explanation is that the crime had nothing to do with the woman’s Christian identity, but rather was the unfortunate outcome of the man’s attempt to steal her golden necklace.
The reality, however, is that there have been many seemingly random attacks on Copts in the streets of Egypt.
In late December 2020, for example, two Muslim brothers went on a stabbing spree against Copts, killing one Christian and critically injuring two others. Authorities said the brothers were in mourning and upset, because their mother had died earlier that day. But as a local Coptic priest said, “what does the death [of the murderous Muslims’ mother] and the Copts have to do with each other??” He added that the two brothers had for years been in the habit of verbally harassing and insulting Christians.
That same year, on January 12, 2020, a Muslim man crept up behind a Coptic woman walking home with groceries, pulled her head back with a hand full of hair, and slit her throat with a knife in his other hand. Catherine Ramzi was rushed to a nearby medical center, where her throat was sewn with 63 stitches; doctors told her she came within an inch of dying. It is believed that he may have identified her as a Christian for not wearing a hijab around her hair or for having a cross tattoo on her wrist.
Two days before that attack, on January 14, 2020, another Muslim man tried to slaughter a Christian man with a sharp box-cutter in a public space; he managed only to slice off a portion of his victim’s ear. Although this attack was like the others also dismissed as a generic “crime,” the culprit, Muhammad ‘Awad, was actually arrested and, when questioned as to why he tried to murder the Copt, confessed that he did not know him, but that he simply “hates Christians, for they are from among the People of Lot, and the [death] penalty must be applied to them, for they commit indecencies.”
Whatever the true motive behind Abu Muhammad’s slaughter of Mary Sa‘d and her small child, here, at any rate, is the latest account of a Muslim butchering Christians in Egypt.
We do not need to eliminate Islamophobia, we need to eliminate Islam.
If I spent time every day just reporting on Muslim committed atrocities I come across, that’s all I’d be able to do because there are so many.
Every day an average of 12 Christians are killed by Muslims. Islam is an evil ideology.
As in Canada, when a Muslim murders infidels, there is always an excuse such as mental illness or something other than the real reason behind the killings.
As the world and the West increasingly reject God, these atrocities committed against Christians will only increase.
Hi Tershia, Hope you’re doing well. Can’t say I disagree with you but I also think about whether we believers are praying and living to our highest standards as part of all this, don’t really know.
I’m continuing to try and contact retired military people. Don’t know who else can break through with the message. Maybe a group of the UK, teen victims now grown up? They’re families would be at risk for sure if they did.
Take care
These killers are psycopaths. Islam is a mental illness.
Thanks Raymond, the level of barbarity is so high, people have trouble believing it!
Unfortunately they will still likely deny it when it hits close to home.
Thank you for reporting, I would never known.
It is very shocking what is happening.
Wow wow wow
How can they do something like that?
Maybe somebody could enlighten me – from the article I get the idea that it seems to be always Coptic Christians (“Copts”) which are targetted. I wonder why? …because no other Christian denomination is mentioned, and surely there must be other denominations as well?
Almost all Christians in Egypt today are Coptic. The tiny minority of Christians that are not Coptic can expect to be treated as Copts. Copts are also the remnant of the indigenous population of Egypt. They have survived since the Muslim invasions of the 7th Century. They still – apparently – represent about 10% of the population. Other Christians do not even account for a measurable fraction.
That means no statistical or practical comparison of terrorism, crime, or discrimination rates can be made to ‘other’ Christian minorities.
Your comment is supreme ignorance. It’s on par with not knowing that the indigenous population of North America are Indians.
*** God love ya’
Not knowing is not a crime
The lady is enquiring
Meanwhile. I don’t like the way you replied
As a Christian you should be wiser and caring
Yea, except she’s always “enquiring” and asking the same questions over and over across several articles on this website, making it clear that she is not being sincere but somehow trying to provoke or annoy. You’re coming rather late to this conversation. Danknight’s response is appropriate — possibly overly charitable in that he responded at all.
Harad is correct. Danknight is too charitable towards this guy.
Said: Fanie is a he, not a she! This has nothing to do with your likes and dislikes, nor telling others how they should behave.
This individual repeatedly asks the same questions in other articles on this site, and it has become evident imo that his questions are there not to learn anything, but to be critical of Christianity and manipulate other commenters,
you being the latest one.
To Tershia : Exactly. I agree with everything you say here and below. Dankie Tershia.
Thank you Said, your Christian attitude towards me and the way I enjoy and take part in discussions is appreciated. You see – most people here sing in a choir of agreement as Christians, but nobody actually asks: “Why?” Why is Christians “persecuted” for example, …and when I come along and start look at the articles which Raymond present, from a different perspective, I am reject outright. But, if this site is actually only meant for people who think same way, then somebody should just tell me and I will stop taking part.
Thank you Danknight for your explanation – that however is not the real reason why Copts are “persecuted” by Muslims. I just wonder why, if you are a Christian, you are so impatient and why you want to bless me with “God’s love” but you yourself do not show an inch of it? Fascinating. Does your Bible not have 1 Corinthians 13?
Aan Fanie: Hoekom lees jy nie om self te leer what in the wereld aangaan nie?
Jou aanhoudende vraag “maybe somebody could enlighten me” is nou blykbaar net om Christene te kritiseer en manipuleer . Ek vra weer wat jou geloof is of is jy te veel van ‘n lafaard om eerlik te wees?
Jou gedrag laat my dink dat jy nie ‘n Christen is nie.
Tershia, my deelname hier is gefokus op wat Raymond in sy artikels skryf- jou persoonlike geloof en my persoonlike geloof is nie ter sake nie. As jy weer my aanvanklike kommentaar op die artikels lees sal jy sien dat ek nie mense, of jou, persoonlike geloof kritiseer of bevraagteken nie, maar eerder die werklike probleme uitlig, deur of direkte kommentaar te lewer of vrae te vra wat lesers wat dink, te laat nadink oor ‘n ander perspektief ook. Al wat jy hoef te doen is om my argumente te debateer en nie “die man te speel nie maar die bal” – ek hoop jy ken die uitdrukking.
Thank you, Raymond, for reporting on what no Western “News” outlet would ever dare to report!
If the victim were a Muslim and the aggressor was a Christian, that news would already be circulating all over the world.
To Tershia. Fanie is a coward and I agree with everything you say in English and in the language he understands. Dankie Tershia. Take care and God bless yo
How can anyone say that Islam has nothing to do with this?
This is in reply to Fanie Bekker written in Afrikaans (4/8/21 at 11:42PM): Tershia is not using an ‘argumentum ad hominem’, which is what in philosophy means what you call “not to play the guy but the ball” and she is not stupid, as you insinuate when you say to her “I hope you know the expression”. And despite your denials, of course, you question personal faith. Your main target of attack is Christianity. You ask all these questions as you did in previous comments on Raymond Ibrahim’s website, pretending to be a nice guy who only wants clarification of this or that, and then have the chutzpa to reply as you did above to Danknight, “that is not the real reason why Copts are ‘persecuted’ by Muslims” as if you, of course, know the real reason – which is, in the end, that ‘Christians deserve what they get because they break Muslim laws in Muslim lands’, or something to that effect. So, of course, it is not about Christians but about whomever BREAKS THE LAW of the land. We heard it all before, and I replied to you in another of Raymond’s articles that bad laws have been broken before time and time again which is how we progress – as one example, we women would not even have had the vote if we did not disobey a bad law and changed it. Yes, I know, nobody understands you and you come from a different perspective. Is it that Muslim laws cannot be broken because they supposedly derive from God? We heard all that before.