Muslims around the world—especially in Europe where their numbers have burgeoned in recent times—are wreaking havoc.

The newest atrocity—assuming another one hasn’t already occurred since this writing—is the barbaric slaughter of an 85-year-old Christian priest in France. Yesterday (7/26) morning, “Allahu Akbar” shouting Muslims stormed his church in Rouen while the octogenarian priest, Jacques Hamel, was conducting morning Mass. They forced him on his knees, slit his throat, and “critically injured” a nun, before being killed by police—the same police who had known that church was being targeted and had been monitoring one of the murderers for at least one-and-a-half years.
Days earlier in France and Germany, Muslims, mostly migrants, committed terrorist acts in Nice (84 dead), Munich (9 dead), attacked people in train stations (one dead, several injured), killed a pregnant Polish woman, and attacked a mother and her three adolescent daughters (puncturing the lungs of an 8-year-old).
Those who seek to reverse this situation must begin by embracing a simple fact: Islam is not terrorizing the West because it can but because it is being allowed to.
To be sure, that was not always the case: for over a millennium, Muslims repeatedly invaded and conquered portions of Europe—terrorizing, massacring, raping and enslaving in the name of Allah—and were only repulsed by great force of arms.
Indeed, invading and destroying churches, slaughtering priests, even raping nuns is as old as Islam’s first entry into Christian territory in the seventh century, and has played out countless times since. (Watch this brief video for an idea of how many jihadi campaigns were undertaken against Europe.)
Today, Muslim terrorists, rapists, and criminals are not entering the West against its will but because of it.
Consider it by analogy. What if zoologists began to maintain that it’s false to say that lions naturally prey on zebras? So zoo directors—most of whom come from the ranks of the zoologists—start introducing lions into zebra enclosures. The inevitable happens: although well fed, lions continue doing what they’ve always done—chase and kill zebras. Yet, because it is a slanderous stereotype to say that lions by nature prey on zebras, the zoologists continue insisting on placing the two together.
Surely only a great fool would blame the slaughter of zebras on lions—who, after all, are merely being lions—while ignoring those who place lions with zebras in the first place?
This is the situation we are in. The powers-that-be maintain that it’s false to say that Muslims prey on non-Muslims, or “infidels.” So the policymakers—most of whom come from the ranks of the powers-that-be—introduced Muslims into Europe. The inevitable happened: although given equal rights, Muslims continued doing what they’ve always done—persecute and kill infidels. Yet, because it is a “slanderous stereotype” to say that Muslims by nature prey on infidels, the powers-that-be continue insisting on placing the two together—in the name of “diversity.”[1]
Nor does it matter that not all Muslims harbor animus for “infidels” or are prone to outbursts of violence. Even if only 1% of a beverage is poisoned and you ingest it, will it matter that 99% of it was clean? No, you will still suffer, possibly die. The only sure way to preserve your health is not to put it into your body in the first place.
Whether they are intentional liars with a nefarious agenda, or whether they are incompetent, indoctrinated fools, no longer matters: Western policymakers who insist that Islam is peaceful (despite all evidence otherwise) and that the West is “obligated” to receive Muslim migrants, are 100% responsible for the daily victims of jihad, most recently an octogenarian priest.
The war begins with them. Kick them and their suicidal policies out, and watch Islamic terror on Western soil fizzle out.
[1] When Patriarch Ignatius of the Syriac Orthodox Church recently requested that Sweden’s government relocate Christians out of asylum seekers’ housing, because Muslim majority residents are persecuting them there, Anders Danielsson, Director General of the Swedish Migration Board, replied that separate housing for Christians and other vulnerable groups “would go against principles and values that are central to Swedish society and our democracy.” In other words, better that Christians suffer than admit our “principles and values” fail with Islam.
Although it would be a start, it is not enough to merely remove our treasonous or incompetent, if not both, leaders, they must be held accountable for their malfeasance and utter neglect of their first and most important responsibility, the safety and well being of the citizens they serve and who placed them in power to begin with. The flooding of Western nations with Muslims of whom many cause death and misery to Westerners in their own countries is a crime of the highest caliber and should be answered to by imposing the highest penalties prescribed by the individual nation’s laws. In Europe, this would have to be long prison sentences. In America, the Death Penalty must be applied to crimes when appropriate if that particular State has a
Death Penalty. Our politicians, indeed our political elites have committed grievious offences against our citizen’s well being by being accomplices and accessories to mass murder and rape. All hundreds, if not thousands of our leaders must be held to account for their crimes with a clear message of what penalties will befall any future aspirant to public office that may choose a similar path based on some misguided ideology or false compassion based on a self-deception lie.
in the Swiss press there was an article published with the heading: ”«Das ist ein Zeichen eines Religionskrieges» ” i.e. this is a sign of a war between religions! Lots of naive commentary from so called experts…e.g. Simon Spengler, spokesman of the Zürich Cathoic Church stated:
”«Dass der IS seinen Terror jetzt auch gegen die katholische Kirche richtet, ist eine neue Stufe der Gewalt, die mit dieser grauenhaften Tat überschritten wurde.» An einen Religionskrieg glaubt aber auch Spengler nicht: «Der IS handelt ja nicht im Namen des Islam und verfolgt keine religiösen Motive, sondern ist eine Verbrecherorganisation, die den Glauben für ihre terroristischen Zwecke missbraucht.»”
Translation: The fact that IS is now exercising its terror against the Catholic Church is a new step in their violence which has been surpassed by this latest horror”; but he doesn’t believe that this is a religion war. ”IS does not take its actions in the near of Islam and does not follow any religious motives but its a terror organisation which is misusing faith for its own agenda”
Full article here.
I am agnostic and I know whose side I am on.
Roman? (you mean someone in the ‘Byzantine’ Empire? The statement is correct in any case.
Our politicians are 100 percent responsible for all this evil, Islamic filth. We need to drag our politicians out into the street and murder them for high crimes and treason… the ‘street’ kind of justice.
The responsible leftists should be made to pay and I hope to see Merkel, Juncker et all hanged. For the Islamic hordes deportation at least and if no one in ME/Africa will take them then dump them there anyway.
I don’t think that Merkel is leftist. My understanding is that she is from a centre-right party. Juncker I don’t think represents any party at all. It was actually the UN that insisted on these people being brought inti Europe…Leftist ideology goes against religion completely. The communists wouldn’t have tolerated any religion or people being educated in another language (Arabic) other than the state’s official one.
merkel is in bed with the left.
I didn’t realise German politicians work from bed…
I think most politicians do ……
Radical Islam? No. Islam is radical. Query? What is the definition of the word cult?
An excellent article. Unfortunately, when people from these European countries that lived under Islam fro centuries expressed concerns and unwillingness to accept any Muslims on their ground, it was deemed as racist, uncooperative etc…All these liberal theories are good but unable to counter experience.