Why did the so-called “mainstream media,” or MSM, widely disseminate the picture of Alan Kurdi—the three-year-old Syrian child who drowned in the Mediterranean—while never publishing pictures of other Mideast children who, worse than accidentally drowning, were intentionally murdered?
Did you, for instance, ever see this more recent picture?
This little boy was murdered a few weeks ago, on March 27 — Easter Sunday — when Islamic suicide bombers, targeting Christians, attacked a crowded park, killing dozens of people, mostly women and children.
What about this baby in diaper, lying dead under a church pew?
He—along with some 60 Christian worshippers—was killed when Islamic jihadis attacked their church service in Baghdad in 2010 (click here to see what happened to the adults—including the Muslim suicide bombers).
Did you see this picture?
It was of the “youngest hostage” captured by ISIS/Freedom Fighters after they took the predominantly Christian town of Kessab, Syria, in 2014. Based on precedent [1], he’s likely dead now.
What about this 12-year-old Coptic Christian girl — also found lying dead on the Mediterranean coast?
She was abducted and murdered in Libya last year, soon after the U.S.-supported jihadis who ousted Gaddafi issued a “reward” for anyone finding and killing Christians. Her parents were also murdered for the same reason. (More graphic images of her mutilated face here.)
What of this 12-year-old Pakistani Christian girl?
She was raped and murdered by a Muslim man who wasn’t even convicted, as happens regularly in Pakistan whenever a Muslim abuses or murders a Christian.
Christian children are not the only ones to be slaughtered by Muslim jihadis for being subhuman “infidels.” The child below was executed in Syria in 2012 by “freedom fighters”—today more commonly known as “ISIS”—for being the son of Shia (who are seen as “infidels” no less than Christians).
This toddler girl was reportedly chained and made to watch her Shia parents being executed. Based on another extremely graphic picture, her heart may have been later carved out by the “rebels.”
The above pictures are only a small sampling of Christian and other “infidel” children killed by Islamic supremacists. Much more graphic images are available (such as the beheaded and mangled corpse of a very young Buddhist girl in Thailand).
Back to our original question: why did the MSM—which you now know habitually ignores images of children killed for being non-Muslim “infidels”—publish and widely disseminate the image of a child who accidentally drowned? Simple: For a desired effect. For a political agenda. In this case, to prompt “sympathy and outrage at the inaction of developed nations in helping refugees,” as one report put it.
And it worked.
Thus, French president François Hollande phoned a number of “European leaders after the images [of Kurdi] were circulated in the media and told the leaders that the picture must be a reminder of the world’s responsibility against refugees.” British Prime Minister David Cameron said he felt “deeply moved” by the picture, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny found it “absolutely shocking,” and so on. “Shame on us all for the death of Aylan Kurdi”—the title of an op-ed—was the dominant theme.
Action followed words. Because of the widely disseminated image of that unfortunate child, countless more Muslim “refugees”—mostly single adult males, some ISIS operatives and sympathizers—were received into Western nations, whose heartstrings were sufficiently pulled, than might have otherwise.
And that’s the reason—the desired effect—that prompted the “mainstream media” to disseminate the image of Alan Kurdi far and wide.
If the mainstream media had intended to be “fair and balanced,” the pictures you just saw, likely for the first time, would have been deemed more newsworthy than the picture of Alan. After all, they depict children who were intentionally killed by Islam-inspired hate, whereas Kurdi died accidentally.
The former murders can actually be prevented—but first the media would have to report them far and wide—whereas the tragedy that befell Kurdi is of the kind that will always plague man.
More pivotal questions:
Based on the widespread outrage and action elicited by the picture of Kurdi, would a picture of a Christian child killed for being an “infidel”—if disseminated widely—provoke widespread “sympathy and outrage at the inaction of developed nations in helping” Christian minorities living under Islam?
Would European leaders wring their hands and express how “absolutely shocked” or “deeply moved” they are? Would the MSM publish a barrage of op-eds berating us for shirking our humanitarian responses? Would Hollande proclaim that “the picture must be a reminder of the world’s responsibility” for persecuted Christians?
Would action follow words?
Rather than put their political counterparts in such a predicament, the “mainstream media” do not publish such images at all.
For those who still need it spelled out: the MSM’s primary function is to normalize and popularize certain narratives that pave the way for certain political agendas. These narratives often have nothing to do with reality and exist solely to cause much of the populace to support policy.
In this case, the narrative/political agenda is to maintain the farce that Islam is inherently peaceful and that the West is responsible for taking in millions of Muslim “refugees.”
The above pictures of Christian and other “infidel” children mutilated and murdered by Muslims destroy that narrative, so you never got to see them before.
But now you have them, along with access to social media and contact information for mainstream outlets. Let’s see how they respond.
[1] This particular picture reminds one of a very apt excerpt from Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s classic work, The Brothers Karamazov, which follows:
These Turks took a pleasure in torturing children, too; cutting the unborn child from the mother’s womb, and tossing babies up in the air and catching them on the points of their bayonets before their mothers’ eyes. Doing it before the mothers’ eyes was what gave zest to the amusement. Here is another scene that I thought very interesting. Imagine a trembling mother with her baby in her arms, a circle of invading Turks around her. They’ve planned a diversion: they pet the baby, laugh to make it laugh. They succeed, the baby laughs. At that moment a Turk points a pistol four inches from the baby’s face. The baby laughs with glee, holds out its little hands to the pistol, and he pulls the trigger in the baby’s face and blows out its brains. Artistic, wasn’t it? By the way, Turks are particularly fond of sweet things, they say. [Emphasis added]
Thanks…I’ll be posting some of these on Twitter if you don’t mind.
Thank you very much. Spread this post. The evilness and hypocrisy of our media, traitors to our Western Civilization, is now unmasked. Raymond Ibrahim has done his part and the rest is up to us. We must let the world know that we know. That we will no longer tolerate the lies from our media, academia and politicians.
“Grizzly” is a bear. “Grisly” is a state of horror or disgust.
Walid Shoebat regularly gives his readers a real taste of all the horror of ISIS vs. Christians. MSM is collaborating with the barbaric subhuman Islamic Murderers and letting Christians die unnecessarily. They are in cahoots with evil. Thank you for spreading reality.
See crusades
Oh, please. The lands the Crusades fought for were once populated by Christians and Jews. Jerusalem was first a Jewish holy site, then later a Christian holy site. Muslims invaded these lands, waged violent and bloody jihad, murdered thousands upon thousands of “infidels” then prevented Christians from making pilgrimages to Jerusalem. The damage wreaked by the Crusaders was more than matched by the Islamic invaders. Perhaps you should educate yourself before making blanket statements.
Muslims took it from the city from the Byzantines relatively peacefully and then the crusades happened and the Christians massacred the Muslims and Jews living there(Jews weren’t allowed under Christianity)so the Muslims massacred back and this happened again and a again. Don’t get me wrong Muslims have been arseholes during history but so has every religion including Christianity.
Yes. Every religion. But the one we need to worry about these days is not Christianity. Peace.
Mainstream media, no, it is the same stream media of a morally corrupted society which reminds me of a quote I saw recently..
A fish that is alive swims against the flow of water, one that is dead floats down with the water.
A true Christian goes against the current of a sinful age,
a false one is swept away by its swiftness.
~ St Philaret of Moscow
christianity is islam’s sibling, and both are children of judaism. They are all the same with different faces.
You have a lot to learn my friend.
Islam is the opposite of Christianity in every way
Islam is indeed the mirror opposite of Christianity, it is pure evil and satanic in every way. Let us pray for our Christian brothers and sisters and all others who’s lives are made to be subjected to the horrors of those who follow their false religion.
No, there is no connection between Christianity and islam. Christians are the followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! While muslims are followers of satan(allah). No, there is not *kinship* between Christians and muslims.
Only a willfully ignorant person would believe that the two diametrically opposed faiths had anything in common.
How are they really different.
They both tell you to kill children and women and
You need to educate yourself. so you don’t embarrass yourself further with this very incorrect assumption.
All true Raymond and scandalous !
And ….the ‘ drowned ‘ Syrian boy was likely not ‘drowned ‘as my husband a former life-saver confirms drowned people are blue at least their fingers..debris in hair and clothes half off.
I have seen photos on an alternative site ofTurkish police who found the child and were bending over him behind a rock. Only his legs and shoes were visible. Then the child was photographed on a different part of beach, no rocks. What? Just laid there ! Why did they not take him to hospital immediately? The whole thing stinks. That poor child expolited for media gain. To enable the biggest invasion of Europe ever seen !And it worked . I put nothing past many Muslims.
I absolutely agree with everything you said!!
I was a water safety instructor (WSI) for many years. I taught college students to be certified life guards and I was a life guard at the YMCA. I’ve seen drowning victims and revived children that were basically dead from drowning. You have described what a drowning victim looks like perfectly. The victims are usually bloated and extremely blue due to depleted oxygen levels. There’s NO appearance of being cute, precious, or heavenly when it comes to a child that has drowned. It’s truly horrific to witness and comprehend.
The dead Muslim boy on the beach may very well have drowned but, someone evil had to prepare his body for the photo and then the boys lifeless body was used for propaganda. Like you stated, he might well have survived the drowning if anyone had administered life support until help arrived.
Muslims are making their move to destroy the societies we have grown accustomed to all of our lives. They’re fulfilling the demands required in their Quran. Islam is a cult of domination, hate, death, and total annihilation to anyone or any country that stands against Islams ultimate goal of world domination. I never have and I never will trust any Muslim. They’re all deceiving lying murders.
Most people think what’s happening is something new. But if you look as far back as the founding fathers of the United States, you’ll see even they warned about the days that Islam would attempt to destroy the world. Churchill also warned the world that Islam was evil. If the MSM isn’t going to report the truth, than as civilized people, we must, start fighting back against our government and the media now, or we’ll only have ourselves to blame for our own demise. Americans must stand together against Islam if we’re going to survive to see a better day. God help us all.
Thanks friend, for the confirmation. When I mentioned this, I got blank stares, silence and one person avoids me now ( I am ‘hateful’!) I think they know very well I am right but they don’t like being shown up as stupid. The idea I could accuse Turks of anything bad!
Turns out his dad was responsible for his demise. His responsibility alone, as decided to leave safe Turkey, and did not provide life-jackets for his family. The truth only comes out weeks later when nobody is interested in the story any longer. We also heard the father was a people-smuggler, it trickled through only later
Neither do they want convincing their idea of multi culti is wrong. It seems to have become their identity and they will crumble if proved wrong ? They are just as scary as the Muslims.
People on the moderate left, always reasonable before, whom we have known for years, our kids grew up together have become fanatics! Even their anti-Christian deep feelings have surfaced. Were they there all that time, or did they just appear I wondered totally shocked.
Indeed ” God help us all ! And I stand with you, American cousins, always have and always will!
We are facing the worst threat in our history and that if the entire free West ( I am English/European) which would be bad enough without all the enablers, our own neighbours turned traitors
I appreciate your kindness. I’m a navy veteran (corpsman) or otherwise known as a medic.
I know active duty military medics that have described the most horrific stories about the children brought to the field medical centers in Afghanistan.
Ive been told horror stories from medics that treat these innocent children (the very young children don’t even understand what is happening) for severe child abuse and it’s a fact that these atrocities are committed by their parents on a daily basis, this Has become a normal part of everyday life, accepted by the Muslim community.
The medics describe children that have been intentionally burned and mutilated by their own parents. Im not talking a couple of children a day but nearly a thousand per day. The children are from ages newborn to 17 years old.
The medics understand that this is common for Muslim parents to severely abuse and injure their children without any sign of remorse. Some children do not survive the abuse and the parents are never investigated or charged with a crime no matter what they do to their children.
The medics and doctors have an extremely difficult time seeing this abuse on a daily basis. When the medical staff confronts the parents about the intentional abuse, they completely deny it. The only thing that keeps the U.S. Military medical teams doing their jobs is the children’s lives they save.
I ask any loving parent or spouse. Do you want these kind of people living among our spouses and children? This is the how Islam and Muslims behave in their barbaric society. The complete opposite of Americans values and culture.
Thanks for the important info. 100% agree with your conclusions.
The first time I’ve ever heard someone corroborate a friend’s story…I never needed it to be, but this makes it doubly worse!
Mohammedans feel no sentimentality towards children. They’re just potential adults. But they know that we DO feel sorry for children so they can exploit them to manipulate us. Strangely enough, the Western media and the Left have a very similar attitude.
This is what America and the West are fully backing in Libya and Syria. Shame on America and the West for supporting the child-murdering, head-chopping barbaric islamic jihadists. Shame on the so-called MSM in the West for editing out those horrific murders of children by their islamic jihadist allies! Shame on them! May God punish the West for backing such evil and genocidal murderers.
He is /will ‘ punish’ us, and has warned through many prophecies especially during the 1980’s
I think He has lifted His hand of protection from us as He did to ancient Israel when they did not listen to Jeremiah and the Babylonians took them as slaves.
Here are some prophecies given to renowned Bible teachers. Concerns GB.Whether people believe in prophecies or not,many are skeptical, they are very interesting and relate to many Western countries:
My first impression, a poor little boy who had deliberately been placed on the beach in a position consistant with how he was picked up, not as he had been washed in. It made me feel sick that his little body had been used to create mass hysteria for the wrong reason. Why are the media being so deceitful! Have they been bought out with petro dollars too?
This is the shameful legacy of Obozo, Merkel, Hollande and the rest of the west’s feckless, morally reprehensible enablers and apologists for the fascist ideology of “Submission.” Their collective weak-willed, passionless, indifferent, cosmetic and lackadaisical responses to the rise of ISIS and to the threat posed by Islamic supremacy in general has laid the groundwork for the genocides and the atrocities that have ensued. We must lay responsibility at their feet, even though the media is already attempting to engage in historical revisionism (in the case of Obozo) in order to magnify and glorify his (non-existent) foreign policy “accomplishments,” while sanitizing, ignoring and whitewashing his slew of failures.
These despicable “leaders” are the equivalent of the National Socialist collaborators of our time, and must be treated with the disdain and scorn which they so richly deserve.
Now, more than ever, we need a Churchill for our times, but, sadly, none exists.
How do we verify the story that goes with the pictures? I’m no fan of islam but before I post this stuff to social media how do we verify? What I mean is, how do we present such things as truth when ANYBODY could take these photos and tell a story aimed at a particular group of people.
ISIS usually posts these pictures and boasts about them in a sick attempt at attracting attention/recruits. No, it doesn’t prove that ISIS actually committed these crimes, but given what we do know regarding ISIS-related atrocities, it does’t require a leap of faith to believe that most of the pictures are correctly associated with the embedded story.
you have a point
It really pisses me off that the Pope really comes out and almost ADVOCATES for Islam, saying both Islam and the Qu’ran are not violent. Either he is very naive (which I doubt) or he is intentionally being deceptive. He said that Christians and Muslims worship the same God and nothing could be further from the truth. Both religions say completely opposite things. I guess I’m mentioning this because of a comment below and because I saw the pope’s picture below also. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He died and rose again. Islam denies all of that. Christians also believe in the Trinity, which Islam also denies. The central focus of the Christian faith is Jesus; the apostle Paul said that if the resurrection isn’t true, then the whole Christian faith is in vain. Of course, there are other differences, but I won’t go into all of that.
Regarding the Pope, while he lives protected by a huge wall, he encourages other countries to open their borders far and wide.
I just would like to know WHY the Pope isn’t advocating for Christians, who are being persecuted and exterminated by this hateful political ideology that’s disguised as a religion. He doesn’t seemed that concerned; he seems more concerned in climate change and open borders.
I’m a gay Catholic man, who is hated and despised by the Catholic Church. Yet, if I was Muslim, or atheist, I would be accepted with open arms by the Catholic Church and in the good graces of the pope.
I was always taught that one day near the end times we would see what’s called the “black pope” emerge and support Satan. I believe what we’re are seeing in Francis, is the beginning of the “black pope” coming to fruition.
My husband and I are still devout catholics but, we no longer feel welcome in the Catholic Church so, we have become members of the Episcipol church, where we’re treated wonderful. Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep clothing.
I actually would rather have Pope Benedict as the church leader even though he was unbelievably cruel to gay Catholics but, he also made it clear that Islam was not a true religion and in no way could the Catholic Church accept or condone anything related to Islam.
My husband and I have been together faithfully and monogamously for 19 years, married for over two years. We’re are independents with fiscal conservative and a few social liberal views. We believe in traditional values when it comes to our marriage. We love all good Americans but, Muslims need to be deported back to the land they came from and sharia law will can never be allowed in American society that is governed by the U.S. Constitution.
Evil on the March and Dems help them