In word and deed, in Islamic and non-Islamic nations, Muslim men appear to think that non-Muslim women—impure “infidels”—exist solely to gratify their sexual urges.
First, consider the beliefs and actions of those committed to waging jihad for the cause of Allah, such as the Islamic State:
In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted. He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her. When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion. “I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to” Allah.
Yet such behavior is not limited to fanatical jihadis, who have “nothing whatsoever to do with Islam,” as most fools and liars will assure us; rather it permeates the totality of Islamic culture.
Consider recent events in Pakistan: three Christian girls walking home after a hard day’s work were accosted by four “rich and drunk” Muslims—hardly ISIS candidates—in a car. They “misbehaved,” yelled “suggestive and lewd comments,” and harassed the girls to get in their car for “a ride and some fun.” When the girls declined the “invitation,” adding that they were “devout Christians and did not practice sex outside of marriage,” the men became enraged and chased the girls, yelling, “How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing: the pleasure of Muslim men.” They drove their car into the three girls, killing one and severely injuring the other two.
Or consider the words of human rights activists speaking about another Muslim man’s rape of a 9-year-old Christian girl: “Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.”
Once relegated to third world countries like Pakistan and ISIS-controlled areas, the subhuman treatment and sexual abuse of “infidel” women is becoming a common fixture in the West.
Thus recently in Germany, a group of Muslim “refugees” stalked a 25-year-old woman at night, hurled “filthy” insults and taunted her for sex. One told her that “German women are there for sex,” before reaching into her blouse and trousers and groping her.
These recent stories from Germany and Pakistan are identical—Muslim men harassing non-Muslim women on the assumption that it’s their Islamic right and privilege—except for one difference: the German “infidel” escaped with her life, whereas the Pakistani “infidel” was murdered for refusing to gratify the sexual desires of her Islamic accosters. As Islam’s presence continues to grow in Europe, this difference will quickly fade.
Already there are other, more subtle similarities between “third world” Pakistan and “first world” Germany. In the report about the manslaughter of the three Christian girls in Pakistan, we find that “Other girls in the local area are now too scared to travel at night and are being accompanied by the men in their families.” In Germany, “The latest reports from Dortmund [where the “German-women-are-there-for-sex” anecdote transpired] paint a terrifying picture of a city where it is now unsafe for women to go out at night for fear of being attacked and raped by refugees.”
Indeed, less than a month earlier, on New Year’s Eve, 1,000 Muslim migrants, also apparently thinking that non-Muslim women exist for one thing, went on a raping spree in Cologne and elsewhere, leaving hundreds of “infidel” women violated, beaten, and traumatized—the same way “infidel” women living in Muslim-majority nations often feel.
Of course, well before the migrant crisis, Europe had and ignored ample lessons concerning what happens when Muslim populations grow. In Britain alone, where a large Muslim minority has long existed, countless British girls in various regions have been sexually abused and gang raped by Muslims who apparently deemed it their Islamic right. Said one rape victim: “The men who did this to me have no remorse. They would tell me that what they were doing was OK in their culture.” Days ago a judge told 12 Muslim men that they “took such terrible and heartless sexual advantage” of a 13-year-old British girl before sentencing them.
A Muslim imam in Britain confessed that Muslim men are taught that women are “second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority” and that the imams preach a doctrine “that denigrates all women, but treats whites [meaning non-Muslims] with particular contempt.”
Another Muslim convicted of rape in a separate case told a British court that sharing non-Muslim girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and “a religious requirement.”
And there it is: Whether seen by “pious” Muslims as a “religious requirement”—as cited by an ISIS rapist to his 12-year-old victim—or whether seen as part of Pakistani (Asian) and Somali (African) culture—that is, Islamic culture—the subhuman treatment and sexual degradation of non-Muslim women and children by Muslims who deem it their “right” is apparently another “exoticism” the West must embrace if it wishes to keep worshipping at the altar of multiculturalism.
Note: The author’s recent book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, documents the widespread sexual enslavement and degradation of European women over the centuries.
Time to rid the planet of this irredeemable filth – the devil-spawn of Mohammed.
Dust them all.
Prepare to execute your words.
AMEN! ASAP, sooner the better!
It is only right that when the government will not act to protect its citizens, then the citizens must act to protect themselves. The men must protect their women and children at all costs and if it means banding together to confront and correct aberrant behavior, then that is the choice brought upon by the violators of the law themselves. We must do what must be done to ensure the reasons why foreigners come here to live is preserved for future generations.
Filthy fucking animals
Please do not insult animals like that. Such behavior is exclusive to human monsters.
Why do you call them humans? How are they humans? They are inbred violent savages with no souls.
I think “monsters” probably covers that. Can’t change their biological human DNA whether they have souls or not!
They do not rank in the animal class —evil SAVAGES would classify them/
The best solution would be to entrap them and shoot or kill them on the spot what ever works.
islam pisslam shitslam.
Boomerang Toomerang Soomerang! Get Lady Elaine to wave her boomerang and she’ll make them all disappear! And she’d do it, too, Toots.
How fortuitous for these evil swine. Nothing like getting to do as you please indulging in carnal desires, imposing your salacious and immoral, violent desires on others all the while proclaiming it to be your good deed of the day to please Allah. WHAT A BUNCH OF TRIPE – they can’t even be honest with themselves that they are morally degenerate antisocial selfish monsters without a conscience. Maybe we should educate them that its our culture to castrate in every painful way possible those who do such things here in our country. Educate them that when IN OUR COUNTRY its OUR CULTURE THAT MATTERS and that theirs will not be tolerated.
notice they are not raised to have the kind of self respect that prevents them putting their sex organs in an unclean infidel whatnot woman or whore, but that is a problem in a lot of places. “fornication” is defined almost out of existence. only a single moslem woman or a prostitute qualifies as a case of fornication. In the Old Testament law, a man had to treat a slave girl as his daughter. I think its chapter 21 of Exodus. In the Talmud if a levite raped anyone his house was the object of protest and calling him names. Public opprobrium.
None of this proves that Islam promotes rape to non-Muslims other than giving examples of Muslim men who abused their faith and went attacking non-Muslim women for the sake of their own selfish desires.
Americans face gang rapists from non-Muslim Spics as White South Africans have faced rape attacks from non-Muslim blacks and lastly we have had Christian bishops and archbishops in the Catholic Churcb who have hidden over thousands of rapists in their own dioceses who have raped choir boys. Catholic Christian priests that have raped young choir boys are worse than gangs who happen to be Muslim that have raped young girls since priests are in high positions of respect and authority.
You commit the classic tu quoque fallacy Dominic. Cases of gang rape and mistreatment of women in other contexts has no bearing on the case in question. Raymond shows that in many cases Muslims justify their mistreatment of women by referring to their religion and/or culture, the two things are never very different due Islam’s dominance. He could easily delve deeper ( as could you if you choose to do so) into the Islamic theology that underpins these attitudes. I recommend Mark Durie – The Third Choice, for a very accessible introduction to the subject.
yes, these other incidents are not back up by religion, though I suspect the animist shamanist types whose warriors first go through some ritual to connect to a war “god” then get cleansed and shifted back to standard social order “god” after before they can go back to their wives and families, might have an occultic reason for raping if they do that. Sometimes in Africa it happens when militias are losing, and can be motivated by a kind of magick theory to improve their military success. The big problem is that sex is equated with power and that men are not raised to be chaste and add violence to all that you got a potential for rape.
The problem is our leaders having our peaceful countries invaded by brutal primitive hurt you rape you people. It is not just a cultural thing like the hurting of your people does not matter. Islam is a cancerous cruel political ideology hidden in a religion that thinks it is better than everyone else will not follow your laws has its own laws that oppose yours and seeks to turn everyone Islam or you die. Now read up on that.
Being well versed does not make the rapes right! No one really cares what caused it in theory they just want them gone not to happen again ever! They do not care if you worship snails just that you are not a danger to anyone! Read up all you want but it does not resolve a primitive brain washed person seriously hurting another person! The one doing the hurting needs to go to a place where others are there like he is and not be imposed on innocent modern civilized people in the first place. Open borders does not work!
Either you’ve not read the unabridged Koran or you just want to think the best of Muslims no matter what you know about the teachings in the Koran. The Koran requires all muslims to persecute and attack all non Muslims. This is a core teaching. True, not all Muslims will practice such evil. But rape certainly is part of the persecutions used by many extremist Muslims. Not to know this is simply ignorant.
I have read the Koran and it does not encourage you to rape and persecute non-Muslims but to fight them if they seek to fight you but if they stop, then so should you. The Koran calls for fighting on the basis of self-defense, not war and conquest against the innocent.
It is the Bible that promotes rape, genocide and pillage especially amongst the women and children.
Oh, really? The Bible that promotes rape, genocide and pillage? Yet do we see this going on among Jews or Christians? No. Only among Muslims. Let’s keep it real.
Oh yes we do! We see Jews in Israel ethnically cleanse Palestinians to recreate their promised land given unto them from Yahweh and we Christians like the Catholic Church hide pedophile priests in its ranks and fail to report them to the authorities and then we have Christian politicians under the control of the Zionists, the arms, banking and oil industry and the Wahhabis who cause wars in the Middle East. Plus in America, there are Christian Identity groups like KKK groups who commit racist terror attacks.
Thanks for proving my point. The Jews in Israel are clearly not “ethnically cleansing”. If we were, then we are doing a horrible job of it, considering that Arabs live in every part of the country and there are far more Arabs living in Israel today than there were in 1948 when the modern form of the state was established. Many times more. In contrast, the Arabs have oppressed, ethnically cleansed and committed acts of genocide against the Jews living in Arab countries to the point where there are practically none living in any Arab or Islamic country. Case in point, Mohammad ethnically cleansed two Jewish tribes in Saudi Arabia and massacred the males from the third, taking their women as sex slaves. Today there are no Jews living in saudi Arabia. And in more modern times, Haj Amin el Hussaini collaborated with Hitler to try to exterminate all of the Jews in Israel. Thankfully those two brothers in genocide failed.
As for your examples in Christianity, those too are invalid but I will leave it to my Christian friends to refute them. But in a word, the actions that you point out – the KKK and priests – are not condoned by Christianity, they are certainly not called for in the Bible and they are rare exceptions to the rule. In contrast, rape and murder as well as waging war against innocents is rampant in the world of Islam and the Qur’an calls for it explicitly. According to the Qur’an, the mandate of jihad includes aggressive warfare for the explicit purpose of making Islam supreme over the entire world. For instance, Surah 9:5 commands Muslims to “fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)’ (parenthetical in original). Surah 9:29 commands Muslims to make war upon ‘People of the Book [Christians and Jews], until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”. The remainder of your points are neither relevant to the topic nor are they true. But thank you helping me illustrate my point.
Well done spouting the usual propaganda! Jews have been ethnically cleansing Palestinians since Israel was founded. First it was a small amount of land on the west side of Palestine and then on until the 1960s, Israel violently expanded eastwards by forcing all Palestinians to leave their homes and land migrate westwards to Jordan or northwards to Lebanon and Syria, which is what prompted the neighbouring countries to wage war against Israel for the defense of Palestinians. Today, Palestine like the West Bank is occupied by Zionist soldiers who go beating up and shooting Palestinians as well. Zionism’s roots in this comes from the Bible where the prophet Moses was ordered by God or Yahweh to lead the Israelites to exterminate the Canaanites, Amalekites, Amonites, Moabites, Hittites, Jebusites, etc. and that the Hebrews or Jews are the chosen people of God to rule the world and turn nation against nation, people against people, class against class etc. That is the evil of Judaism or Zionism. Moses ordered that all the tribes of the Middle East be exterminate that no-one be left breathing and that the women and children be seized as slaves or killed. Muhammed did nothing of the sort to the Jewish tribes, it was only a few who sought to kill him and broke the treaty, thus they were expelled for that. Women were not captured as rape fodder nor were they forced into slavery since they were already were slaves beforehand.
Jews actually fled to the Islamic caliphates from the pogroms and Crusaders due to accusations that they were Christ-killers.
Jews today do not live in the Gulf states because they have their petty little Zionist state in which to live and practise their way of life.
Rape and war is not called for in the Quran, the Quran only calls for war if war has been enacted on the Muslims themselves, and if war stops, then so should the Muslims. There is no call for violent global domination in the Quran and jihad means struggle against evil, not violent warfare. What ISIS and Al Qaeda do is not condoned by all Muslims either and neither is terrorism
Since you have quoted Surah 9:5, how about reading Surah 9:4 which says
“As for those idolaters who have honoured the treaty you believers made with them and who have not supported anyone against you: fulfil your agreement with them to the end of their term. God loves those who are mindful of Him.”
Surah 9:6 “If any of the idolaters should seek your protection Prophet, grant it to him so that he may hear the word of God then take him to a safe place for him, for they are people who do not know.”
Surah 9:5 is referring to those who broke the treaty and went on a violent rampage to kill the prophet.
Jizya is imposed on non-Muslims just like zakat is imposed on Muslims; jizya means ‘tribute’ and zakat means ‘charity’. Jizya can only be imposed on working males, not children, the sick, the elderly, the monks etc. Jizya would normally be imposed on Jews and Christians who resided in the Caliphates but refused to serve in the army, but had they decided to do so, jizya would be abolished.
Well, unfortunately I have a rule to only carry on discussions with people who live in reality, so I’ll have to say goodbye to you and good luck with your (imaginary) version of history. By the way, did you ever consider that what I wrote is “the usual propaganda” because it is the truth? No, I guess that never crossed your mind. Also BTW, I am one of those Zionists who lives in Judea (what you like to call “the West Bank”.) where I get to witness the truth about Islam and Judaism on a daily basis.
Islam only allows Islamic people to live and they are mean and cruel to their own people Their leaders go nuts and install sharia law and tear up their Constitutions and genocide their own people. I will never bow down to their Islamic ways or accept it. ??
Islam believes that everyone has the right to live since every man was created by God in his own image and that every human being is born a muslim – with a small ‘m’ – meaning everyone is born and raised to learn the creativity and complexity of the world that surrounds them created by God (Glory to Him in the Highest). There is no Quranic saying that you must be cruel to innocent people unless it is cruel people themselves.
Only Islam takes over your government is practicing rapes torture killings and it is ok today!
the Bible does not promote any of that. the extermination order was given only regarding a particular group of irredeemably evil people who were into infant sacrifice and all kinds of perversion. If a man took a liking to a woman he had to take her into his house, give her a month before he approached her, and if he got no pleasure of her release her not sell her.
Shariah is worse than the Koran but is based on it. The defensive only was early suras, it is arranged in order of length of suras not time of them. The later ones were highly aggressive. It says that lawful to you are all that your right hand possesses, which would include captives. If such a girl wants to keep her chastity it says to let her do so, but if the guy doesn’t let her alone it says that “allah” is merciful and forgiving.
Augmenting the Koran are the hadiths, traditions of what mohammed said and did, which helped shariah develop. these included a lot of nasty things.
The Quran does not promote anything like that either but only against those who were seeking to kill people who accepted God i.e. Muslims and renounced idolatry.
The Quran makes it clear that the captives are to be treated with consent, respect and to be treated like free people, that does not entail any form of rape or abuse. God is mindful and forgiving if a master lets his slave or servant go their own way. That is nothing compared to what gang rapists do or ISIS do and it is no where compared to the Bible in which the women and children are to be seized and that no civilian ought to be left breathing. There is nothing comparable to that in the Quran.
The books are also history that most people in the free world do not do the killings and so forth that are mentioned in the texts. What is good like the 10 commandments are practiced and became the basis for many of our laws. Nothing about we practice slavery now because it was in a text long ago! The argument that it is ok to be cruel rape or any other thing against modern civilized law and say you are superior to that law is a weak illogical excuse for doing what you knew was wrong or you are psychopath and brain washed. Islam teaches that their law is superior and tries and in some cases succeeds into overturning your government society and law and installs a sharia law of which includes much I humane torture mutilation and rape and killings. Leaders should not have moved in these criminals savages cruel hate everyone brainwashed terrorist people I with free democratic modern civilized people The leaders do not care about their people?
If our leaders know this but install these animals anyway is that not saying they are Islamic worship hurt you kill you people too?
Good lord, there is NO comparison with Christian priests. Christian priests who are caught raping children are EXCORIATED in the media. They are rightly vilified. Muslim men who rape girls can openly admit it within their community, and they can share the girls. If a Christian man told another Christian at church that he raped a 12 year old, the latter would call the police. If a Muslim man told another Muslim that he raped a 12 year old non-muslim girl, the latter would ask if he could borrow her.
The issue with rape of children and rape of non-muslims is SYSTEMATIC across the muslim community. The Rotherham report even states this, after interviewing Pakistani men and women at length.
Good lord, you are an apologist for rape.
My God you really are stupid aren’t you? The Christian pedophile priests were hidden by their bishops and archbishops and were moved to other parishes to avoid being caught and this was something that was happening worldwide which the former Pope already knew about and the Church itself was forced to compensate to the victims. Also, the Vatican has recently promoted a ruling that the church clergy does not need to report child abuse to the police authorities, which all comes to show the true colours of the Catholic Church doesn’t it?
Most of the systematic rapes against English girls in England was caused by Pakistanis, not Bangladeshis, Turks or Nigerians since Pakis are not the only Muslims in Britain.
You are just a stupid thick tarded moron who thinks that every Muslim is a murdering rapist yet you obviously do not know any Muslim yourself.
they were hidden yes, but they didn’t dare come out and brag in public and the fact they were hidden shows that there was social and legal danger for them if found out (and for the church’s reputation which was more harmed by the coverup than by public admission and punishment and kicking the guy out of the priesthood and out of the church and sending him off to be arrested.). The muslim culture especially in Pakistan and some other places seems supportive instead.
They did not dare come out and brag it because if they did they would have lost their roles in church authority but the bishops decidedly chose not to report this to the authorities, keeping themselves in positions of power and corruption. Catholic Christianity is organised, hierarchical and dependent on the rules of a supreme leader unlike Islam which is based on the authority of local individual imams.
If Muslim Pakistani gangs or an imam in Rotherham ignore gang raping, an imam elsewhere in which such a thing does not exist would not be held much accountable for the misdeeds there like it would be for a Catholic archbishop whose supreme leader, the Pope, would be.
Britain is going to be very sorry and not free since London is took over now. Good bye London we all knew and loved in the past??
Britain is not going to be free due to Labour politicians allowing in floods of immigrants regardless of whether they were Muslims or not.
I know many. The ones who understand that what these Muslims are doing is wrong and therefore condemn their actions and feel shame for being Muslim. Then there are the other ones, like you, who just try to shift the focus towards another issue… Yes, the priests who do such aweful things need to be trapped to a pole and castrated. But that isn’t the issue at hand. The issue at hand is, that more and more German women an girls can’t freely walk around in Germany because of the filth that is roaming our street and use their religion as an excuse to rape and terrorize our non Muslim streets…
The difference is that the priests, bishops and archbishops knew those acts were wrong and for this reason, attempted to cover them up. The Muslims, in stark contrast, believe such atrocities are appropriate behavior, commanded by their god. Muslims are not hiding these abominable acts…our Western leaders are.
Islam does not believe that rape is right as the Quran values consent and marriage, not subjugation. The Catholic clergy knew what was going on with their pedophile priests and chose to move them from one parish to another instead of reporting them to the authorities since the Vatican has made a proposal not to report child abuse to the police authorities.
Trying to use the Confessional arrangement to argue that rape incest child marriage torture beating and mutilation is not done in Islam is illogical. The Confessions of Catholics is not suppose to be revealed for all catholics and some priests do report and some see it that they should not. Islam says the abuses and vile rapes and molestation is right is ok. Incomparable to any other modern religion
Islam does not prescribe rape or child molestation because nowhere is that prescribed in the Quran. Catholic priests who hide criminal confessions are obviously doing society no favours by granting forgiveness to child molesters and doing nothing to stop the child molesters from doing such things because a priest in Catholicism is like a mediator between man and God unlike a pastor/ priest in Protestantism or an imam in Islam.
Dominic Andrews. There is a big difference here. As a religion and faith, Islam promotes violence and rape while other religions don’t. There are always individuals who are miscreants irrespective of the religions. We are not talking about individuals, we are talking about religious doctrine. If religious laws are supreme to law of the land then we can’t allow Muslims to enter any other nation. In the same vein, we should also implement Sharia criminal law start beheading and or chopping hands of Muslims as mentioned in the Sharia law. The biggest mistake of democracy is to mix religious personal law and state criminal law. This gives Muslims undue advantage.
Islam does not promote rape at all and it does not promote violence unless violence is being inflicted upon the Muslims. There is no Quranic saying that says you should rape and conquer, there are sayings that speak of fighting but only the basis of self-defense. If you want your religion of rape and conquest, that would be Judaism and Christianity.
On the contrary, Islam was spread almost excusively by conquest. Christianity and Judaism by conversion. Where conquest was involved, it was that two pagan tribes or kingdoms were at way anyway, and one became Christian (at least technically) and that one won. In general, the loser worships the winner’s gods, in this case it would result in at least nominal conversion.
While it is not emphasized in popular Christianity which has a lot of cultural baggage that is sinful, St. Paul demanded chastity of men as much as women and he was not addressing monastics. A chaste man is not going to be a rapist.
Christianity was spread by conquest in the form of the Byzantine Empire against the pagans and under King Charlemagne and King Olaf against Germanic pagans, not to mention centuries of European conquests in Asia, Africa and the Americas in which Christianity was spread via conquest and in which everyone there was encouraged to convert.
The Quran demands chastity as well until marriage, and it demands that consent be made official too, there is no advocacy of rape.
Girl 8 years old has to marry 39 year old man Not Rape?
Sharia law is the only law they want to recognize and it covers quite a bit of laws not just civil. Islam is not a religion it is a cancerous take over of your government and law. They can not assimilate.
Good God, are you so blind?
Your view is not only personal but stupid, childish, ignorant and bigotted, I have met more Muslims than you ever have and now that you have said that Christians are authorised to kill Muslims which really shows what a disgusting vile criminal person you are.
You’re wrong. Islam’s Koran tells them to rape and pillage and do all things evil not only to Kafir but to other moslems as well.
No! The Bible gives orders to rape and pillage as condoned by Moses against the Middle Eastern tribes, the Quran does not order rape nor pillage, it only allows fighting on the grounds of self-defense.
Bible does not say it is ok for me to rape a non Christian today!
The Quran does not say that it is okay to rape a non-Muslim because if you hurt a human being then it is as though you have harmed the whole of humanity.
“As if you have harmed whole humanity”.
Wrong, again, to consider it as an imperative.
While Quran does say it, in 5:32, that is not a leading principle.
Not that it has been obviously copy-pasted from the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 37a: “Who saves a human soul as if he saves whole humanity, and he who kills a soul…”.
There are More Important Principles in islam and quran.
They are called Abrogation and Taqiyya/h.
For more, you may peep at simple vocabulary, or here, at Raymond Ibrahim’s:
Taqiyya (2:106, also 13:39, 16:101, 17:86, 22:52 etc) and Abrogation doctrines unite muslims’ hands to do everything they deem necessary. They are the common excuse, the justification for everything.
So, 5:32 easily becomes 5:33: “Who curses Allah, mohamet… deserves a penalty of being… killed or crucified or limbs chopped…”.
Thus, “Charlie Hebdo” punishment comes for those who criticise, and Paris/Brussels/… bombings come for disbelievers in Allah who struggle against him in the newest Islam’s state.
Similarly, “No compulsion in islam” 2:256 easily becomes “Mohamet: Whoever leaves islam, then kill him!”, H.No.057, b. 084, v. 009 S. Bukhari”.
Learn your lesson and then come back here to comment.
… but in the case of Muslims, it goes un-condemned by fellow muslims.
No, it does not.
Dominic Andrews, I just came across your opinions that Islam/Quran does not permit/allow rape.
Since you reiterate that time and again confident that you are right, you must know that you simply do not have any proper knowledge of Islam, Quran and you should just stop it.
Rape, likewise beheading, enslavement, dhimmitude etc are beloved tenants of islam, mentioned many times in Quran, hadiths, as well as practiced by Mohamet, who is more important to believers than Quran itself.
So, better dig deeper and learn your lesson of Islam.
Please give me quotes from the Quran that say that it is okay to enslave and torture unbelievers, that it is okay to rape and behead people rather than waste your time spouting this nonsense.
It’s funny what you speak.
You are either muslim or ignorant or you act – which is nearly one and the same.
Speaking of communism and nazism did’not cause deaths of millions is same. Even, they passed away when islam does not as such.
Islam’s first nature – not second nature – is violence, including beheading, enslavement, sex-slavery.
One may find millions examples not only in Quran, hadiths, sira and its other scriptures, but in its systematic practice, as implementing them, since +14000 years.
See my comment from 5 inches below, plus:
Q 47:4: arriqabi hattaitha athkhantumoohum: “cut their necks”…
4:25; 4:36; 16:71; 23:6, 24:33, 24:58, 33:50; 33:52…: “ma malakat a/yaminuka/aymanukum…” – what “your right hand posses”, i.e. captures, including enslaves and uses as sex slaves.
Beheading in Islam (there are no chapters, anywhere, “beheading in communism” and “beheading in nazism”)
Quran, hadith, scholars om islam’s slavery'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery
+290 million victims of Islamic terror
If you think that you are very knowledgeable on the matter, then you should find more, by yourself, and more important – you should know them – shouldn’t you?
I had a conversation with a younger professor of political science about multiculturalism. He seems to think that this kind of behavior is a necessary step toward making America more “European.” With this kind of mentality, we are going to experience this third world hell more and more.
Your professor is a sick bastard. Colleges today are crawling with these mental cases.
We MUST remove these Weeds from the Earth’s Garden of Life,.,., that the Flowers might Flourish ! !
Islamics have been doing this ever since Mohammad’s lies were rejected by Christians, Jews and others.
And we want to let them in our country.
Barbaric bastards.
And we want to let them in our country.
Evil and sick.
You all talk the talk, but what are you prepared to do about it???
EXACTLY!! that is the question…
Fully prepared and willing to prevent the spread of this filth through various means. Oppose their spread by electing those aware of the threat. Also, should they attempt to build one of their hate factories anywhere near my city, the ground will be liberally sprayed with pig’s blood. A single act of violence of the kind in this article anywhere around me will result in…”action”, let’s say.
I’m not going to sit by and shoot off angry (and empty) internet posts. A different kind of shooting is required at this point.
I’m voting for Trump. No one else in this effing Govt will do a damn thing about these people. They’re all for bringing in 250K of the medieval monsters.
They think they are superior to us, that we (non Muslim) are just animals.
People in the West need to wise up and expell their filthy asses back where they came from.
Send them back to hell.
And to ascertain they are never allowed to bring their filth back into our country. Obama the Liar, has said that, “America is no longer a Christian Nation.” On another occasion obama said, ‘Americans must learn to recognize the many contribution muslims have made to America.” We can all see the many contributions muslims are contemporaneously making in the world.
Yeah. That beer-drinking, gay-rights supporting liberal sure sounds islamic. LOL
He is practicing taqiyya.
islam has a lot of loopholes. you can do anything forbidden if it serves the political takeover interests of islam. A boy doesn’t qualify as a man and homosexuality is sex between men. you need three or four adult male muslim eyewitnesses to get a conviction on any crime absent a confession. This about guarantees you can do anything.
Women only have half the weight of testimony of anything and usually can give no testimony at all except property. So you get raped it is your fault they will beat you stone you leave you for dead
Remember…the 19 hijackers were devout Muslims who spent the night of 9/10 in a strip club. As long as they are harming the infidels…they have not sinned. Obama has done plenty of harm to “us infidels”. Allah forgives him.
There is no allah ad the so called ,”Prophet was a homosexual pedopihle.
The leaders of our Nations need to go with their Islamic friends to Muslim countries and live without peace and without guns like they want us to. But no way to do this??
It makes no sense for any Western country to bring in large numbers of Muslim immigrants. Muslims do not share our values of freedom of the press, religion, and speech and they do not believe that women should have equal rights with men. Stop all Muslim immigration into the West.
not even in small numbers… since they multiply faster than mosquitoes and their bite is deadly.
The Globelers ( US Gov.) want the United States population to be unstable. The race war they want between blacks and whites or blacks and police has not risen to the frenzy they hoped for. Bringing in the refugees by the thousands will surely get what they want.
Once we castrate and execute rapists they will stop raping
Let them enjoy the virtues of bacon and eggs, ham and eggs, bacon bits, lard cooked food, coat your ammo in bacon grease, or lard. They don’t deserve those 72 virgins.
No Muslim immigrants gyration they can go to a Muslim country or stay where they are Deport the death to everyone Muslim raping men All of them
I am so glad all of the left wing feminists are speaking out against this, and we are taking these as precautions for our own country. Oh wait, that’s right, none of that is happening.
the modern feminists are all in to “peace” and not being warriors. The original feminists overturned a lot of sexual stereotypes, got women into sports, got all kinds of bad laws changed, got us the vote, and demanded the same standard of chastity be applied to men as women. The modern “feminists” are a disgrace.
no no no they want some sadistic muzzi sex.. that is all.
Modern feminists are cowards. They choose to criticise and attack easy targets, such as Israel, academia, the press, and the West, knowing they won’t be slaughtered for it. Now criticising the Religion of Peace (ahem… cough splutter…) is something else. That’s when the western feminists go running back to the safety of Daddy or hubby’s (oppressive and patriarchal) protection…
Well, Well! The altar of “multiculturalism” just makes me sick, and Islam should be branded as the demonic religion that it is.
It’s not a religion it’s a cult and should be banned
a ‘religion’… when it is a sick myriad of ideology of the Evil.
Please deport all of them to a Muslim country
To their native countries.
Yes that’s right! Demonic religion! Allah is Satan. They worship SATAN. No wonder all their acts are EVIL!
There is a huge spiritual war coming.
People had better wake up & be prepared NOW. What more information do you need?
As a Satanist, I can tell you that neither we nor Satan condone these pieces of shit. Hell, Satanists have been against Islam from the beginning. That should really tell you something.
Raven, I don’t believe that. It’s a well known fact that Satan is an EVIL being. The deeds done by islamics are EVIL. Therefore it stands to reason that Satan would be supportive of those deeds. Murder, torture etc are EVIL. They are against God’s commandment, thou shalt not kill. Just one example.
Karin, your last statement is completely ignorant. Please familiarize yourself with Satanism before spewing more stupidity over this discussion.
Maybe you need to familiarize yourself with a psychotherapist…or an exorcist, Christian…. (kinda of a weird name for a Satanist).
Actually, Satan is not an evil being: Evil exists as an entity or force that exists apart from men and angels. Satan (Ha’ Satan in Hebrew), who once was God’s “right-hand man,” allowed Evil to take control of him and exhibit jealousy towards God after He had created Man and gave him free will (thus, placing Man above Angels who had no free will).
Satan then rebelled against God’s will by tempting God’s creation to commit sin – alias Adam and Eve – by disobeying His commandment to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Contrary to Christian Scripture and according to Jewish Scripture which proceeded it, Satan was a fallen angel but was not cast out of Heaven into Hell (there is no Hell in Jewish theology). He was demoted and stripped of his rank. Now, his job for eternity would be to serve as God’s Prosecuting Attorney to accuse humans of committing acts of Evil (sin) and to provide evidence supporting it.
It is not that dissimilar to how it was portrayed in the film, “Defending Your Life.”
Of course, Satan being the Deceiver and often the embodiment of Evil (as he was in the Garden of Eden), continued to tempt Mankind at every opportunity, knowing that every human has an inclination to do Good and an inclination to do Evil. It is our duty, then, to resist Evil and pursue only Good: which is essentially what God told Cain, i.e., that if he did not pursue Good, Evil would be lurking at his doorstep like a snake (note the reference to “Snake” that evokes the Snake in the Garden of Eden that was Satan in disguise).
One of the “teachable moments” from the story of Adam and Eve is that “The Devil made me do it,” is not an acceptable defense. Nor is blaming your bad behavior on someone else. When God confronted Adam about eating the forbidden fruit, he blamed both Eve and God for his own actions (“that WOMAN whom YOU gave to me). Likewise, when God confronted Eve, she blamed it on the Snake (saying, “It was the Snake who enticed me.”)
As is the case today, trying to cover up your crime by denying it and/or blaming someone else is often worse than the crime itself, for it was Adam and Eve’s cover-up that got them kicked out the Garden rather than eating the forbidden fruit.
In many ways, Islam is the antithesis of Judaism and Christianity. Think of the Ten Commandments and how their polar opposites are found in the Koran and in the Sunna – the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions of the prophet Muhammad.
Instead of “Thou shall not murder,” they have “Murder the Jews wherever you find them.” Instead of “Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his belongings” they have “Taking their women and belongings is permissible if they are non-Muslims.” Instead of “Thou shall not lie,” they have “El-taqiyya” the institutionalized practice of lying for the sake of Islam. Instead of “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” they have the easiest way of getting back at people you don’t like. Simply by falsely accusing them of blasphemy or insulting Islam, you can get them arrested or even killed.
Since we associate Satan with Evil and God with Good, it’s not hard to make the connection between Satan and Islam, especially given Islam’s genocidal hatred towards God’s Chosen People (the Jews and those “Grafted to the vine,” the Christians)
Well said & i sgree with you.
You are in error in slurry of points, however, I will only point out one at a time. There was no coverup in Eden. Adam forthrightly admitted his sin. Do you refer to their cover of fig leaves? If so, you are in error yet again “The women thou gavest unto me gave me of the fruit thou commandest that we should not eat and I did eat.” This was Adam’s attempt to shift responsibility onto the weaker, “Help mate,” but it was Adam who was first created in God’s image, and it was Adam who was given dominion over all creation, including the woman, to lead, guide and protect her, and creation. Adam was charged to be the first environmentalist.
Error three; Satan is, “A liar and the father of lies.” Liars are deceivers who obfuscate the truth for their own benefit. Liars use lies to cover up their own multitudes of deceptions, crimes and sins. Satan is not the victim. He rebelled against God. He was trusted to obey and serve God over all the other angels but he instead chose to rebel against God. Satan had free will with no oversight and no one to tempt him. His ego, lust and pride deceived him.
Error three; Satan is the accuser of the brethren, but not the prosecutor you have claimed he has been charged by God to be. Satan is perpetually accusing the faithful to point out to God how faultful humans are. Psalm 144:3 LORD, “What is man, that you take knowledge of him! or the son of …
2 Chronicles 6:18 But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven …
Job 7:17 What is man, that you should magnify him? and that you should set …
Job 25:6 How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man, which is a worm?
Isaiah 40:17 All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him …
Hebrews 2:6-9 But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that you …
Most of what you have said is without merit, hypothesis, theory, and conjecture on an unknown, uncited someone’s part that you have shared without authority or citation. You cannot point to the hypotheses, theories and conjectures of others as if they have scriptural and spiritual authority which clearly their comments demonstrate they lack, and which, as well, you lack.
Islam is a political ideology that is disguised in a sham 9 th century religion that has everything evil and vile and cruel and they can not assimilate with any of us of any democracy of any other faiths or atheists and Islam is a government take over of your laws your society your government and your church and your life your rights your Liberty They hate everyone and everything they hate dogs pigs pork sausage bacon Christians Jews Lutherans Catholics Hindus and anyone that is not Islamic Islam rapes kills mutilates tortures all those not Islamic They hate girls boys children babies women men and all peoples not Islamic they hate church crosses they hate pretty much everything and everyone. There is no peace. Look at the countries they came from. Look at Austria and Germany and France and Canada and Australia they do not get along well at all. America is being systematically invaded by criminals gangs Islamic people our only hope is our leaders to close up our borders and check these peoples and deport these terrorists and criminals and illegals SOME OF OUR STATES have banned sharia law thank God thank the good people! We need to let the immigrants go to a Muslim country there are 50 of them where we will all be happy and safer.??
You left something out. Pedophiles. Muhammed their great prophet was a pedo. He married a 6 yr old girl & had sex with her at 9. She was his “favorite” wife! Therefore, Muslims believe it is OK & legal to marry a 9 yr old.
And punctuation.
You are confused. If a civil war ever comes, the satanists will be going to way of the muslims and I do not mean the middle east.
b-b-b-but…Obama said it’s a religion of peace! And he must know since he’s an Islamo-Marxist himself.
This is not a religion it’s a cult
It is a political ideology that threatens your government your church your schools your laws your society your way of life ??
Germany, France, England. Can you tell me what these three nations have in common besides a muSLIME invasion? Private ownership of firearms is banned. I’d that German woman had a handgun it would be a complete different story. Though I’m sure some in the media and the entire left would call her a murderer for protecting herself . After all did not Feinstein say something about rape not being that bad and only last a few minutes where defending yourself with a gun has permanent consequences?
she’s a fucking idiot actually said no woman would defend herself with a weapon of such destruction, she also doesn’t know the law, you can kill to prevent the immediate threat to life limb and to prevent a violent felony, including rape, if it is just beginning to be attempted or at any point during.
They keep trying to grab our weapons our guns!?? See how dumb it is Then the criminals are only ones with guns you can not defend yourself??
Also what do you expect from a religion who’s main character is a self proclaimed!ed CHILD MOLESTER? their so called prophet took a 9yr old wife
Castrate every Muslim male!
Catholic priests are pretty rapey too. Let’s cut their junk off while we’re at it.
There are bad apples in every religion (although I don’t consider Isalm a religion) but raping children is not sanctioned by any religion except Islam. It’s a sick, racist, murdering ideology (not a religion) that looks down on non-muslim (Christians), women and other nationalities. By castrating all muslim males the muslim there would not be any more rapes and eventually there wouldn’t be any more muslims.
Ok for arranged child marriages 40 year old man 8 year old girl who condones this in their country? I am very much upset at our leaders because it is a systematic invasion of barbaric cruel take over your law your government people Remember Hitler?
The comment section here really helps me understand how Nazi Germany found the support of its people to slaughter all Jews. Once everyone was convinced the Jews were the source of all strife and responsible for sabotage of Germany, the people demanded it. Be careful you don’t commit Genocide of a few billion people in response to a couple dozen rapes.
Eliminate the psychopaths, the imams and clerics, that encourage and condone such behavior and much of the problem will go away.
The “civilized” Muslims do not feel strongly enough about their faith to stand up against the orthodox Muslims. What do they know that we don’t know?
The problem is we know not which one is going to go nuts and blow up people or rape or cut off someone’s head or mutilate some one or child molest rape so Islam has to go. We do not see the good Muslims getting rid of the bad themselves and they do not believe in taking up arms in defense of their country so they condone the awful evil cruelty and killings and raping and want help from others to fight. Really twisted is it not?
Well, yes… I live in Germany and what happens here is a disgusting turn of what used to be. Ever since the first refugee Muslims started to act out, more and more of the so called deradicalized Muslims (turks and others who were born here and so far were able to live by our rules) started to return to their Muslim routes and now start to follow the action of the refugee Muslims who started the rapings… Once let loose they will stand with their brothers and sisters instead of speaking up against them, even though they know know is the wrong thing to do. At least in the Western hemisphere, in free and democratic countries we must ensure a life possible for the so called infidels. This has nothing to do with genocide and everything to do with fe of being extinct ourselves if we don’t ensure a saf place to live free of the fear that the next Muslim might wait around the corner to rape my wife or kids…
The more I learn of Islam the more I am convinced it is satanic to the core.
I agree absolutely!
part of stealth jihad, move in, breed like rabbits, make converts and become a big enough population bloc to be a political bloc, then take over. shariah’s details that are evil are unknown to a lot of muslims who also never read the Koran that much (assuming they can read at all). so they don’t know the worst, and some reject when they find out.
Islam should be banned in all free Nations?? America needs to get out of the UN
To invade it, take it over and enjoy the spoils.
Because our Christian countries are better. Way cleaner, for one thing & not over crowded, better government & goods. They haven’t figured out yet that they will run our countries down to shit holes too
WHY – Answer: Sura 8 called “Al-Anfal”, i.e. the “Spoils”.
Whole sura dedicated to that.
Bounty, trophy, spoils: plundering is what drives them throughout history.
Not creativity and building up.
To rape, kill and genocide the population.
Truthful and well researched article from the incomparable Raymond Ibrahim. Thank you. ❤
Easiest way to deal with this is the eradication of islam.
That must happen if humanity wants to avoid extinction.
Ban Islam ban sharia law it is a death political ideology cult that needs banned from civilized free peaceful nations
Upon capture of one of these savages tie them naked and spreadeagled to a fence. Remove penis and genitals and loosely sew them into the mouth. Depart the area and call the media wait fifteen minutes and call 911. It will not take more than at most half a dozen such and no more rapes will occur in the area.
Multiculturalism is insane stupidity which the left applies ONLY to Western countries.
They never insist that more whites or asians move to Africa.
They don’t insist more whites or asians move to the Middle East.
They don’t insist more whites and blacks move to Asia (China or Japan).
They really only want to destroy the white populations in Europe and North America.
They insist that “All cultures are the same – that you get the exact same socio-economic results from children being exposed to the cultural indoctrinations of “THOU SHALT KILL!” as they get from being exposed to “THOU SHALT NOT KILL!” because to liberal racists, there is no such thing as “nurture” (learning, software) only “nature” (hardware, genetics – RACE)!
They are the real racists, who insist that ONLY WHITES ARE RACISTS! Only the white “race” is genetically pre-disposed to “racism” which is why (to them) whites are genetically inferior!
And to them, merely noticing that whites are the inferior race and pointing it out, isn’t “racist” of THEM!
Liberals are self-hating cowardly traitorous masochists, who pretend to be able to “control” their fears, BY causing those very same, worst-case scenario problems (like, importing millions of murderous muslims who want to kill us all) which cause the pains they fear the most!
Islam is perfect cult religion for powerhungry imams to lord over people and to have sex with many wives and children. It’s power hungry pedophile and rapist’s perfect religion. The imams become the warlord that Mohammed was – that is how they take over countries – by sword and persecution and Sharia law. It’s the ignorant liberals and feminists that let it happen.
Real Story of Mohammed the crazy warlord. This is who they model after and why Islam will always try to oppress others. please share so people know truth
“Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter.”
Former Muslim Ali Sina offered $50,000 to anyone who could prove this wrong based on Islamic texts. The reward has gone unclaimed.
First, read the bible and Kuran after that you can make a comment. We always respect Jesus because Allah sent him too so you should respect Muhammed as a Christian. Old age people did mistakes but we can reach every info and documents so we cant judge people with old mistakes. And dont forget about old age Christian peoples mistakes. By the way Christian God and Allah are the same.
First, read the bible and Kuran after that you can make a comment. We always respect Jesus because Allah sent him too so you should respect Muhammed as a Christian. Old age people did mistakes but we can reach every info and documents so we cant judge people with old mistakes. And dont forget about old age Christian peoples mistakes. By the way Christian God and Allah are the same.
A cult is a cult.
Christianity or islam. It’s all wrong.
Those who behave like savages should be treated accordingly.
Look at the tragedy in Europe with the recent immigration from the islamic world.
The immigration should stop and those who have commuted crimes against OUR values should be punished accordingly.
Castration perhaps.
I agree
My God is a god of love. Islam is a moon god. Nothing but death and destruction comes to a town that turns mostly Islam It is a fake religion of cruelty and death.
Track Your Cheating Wife
Pumping a few .45 slugs into their crotch before putting one into their heads would help cure this disease. And to think that Obama wants to import more of his muslim brothers into our contry. Send him and his worthless wife back to Africa.
You know why did the u.s. give them nukes now we are all at risk!
Time to bomb Mecca… with nuclear weapons.
They make good food for the hogs.
Without oil they would still be eating grasshoppers. Hemp will do everything oil will.
the imams preach a doctrine “that denigrates all women, but treats whites [meaning non-Muslims] with particular contempt.”
Wait….so….making comments about Islam is somehow racist, but treating whites with contempt is NOT?
How hypocritical is that?
There are Islamics that have a name they call black Islamics and they are prejudice too. A lot of them do not know that darker skinned blacks are being called names. Brown skinned are another group and they are mostly brown them and the light skinned ones have some that discriminate. They hate white Christians the most and blame us for all their problems some like that. In general they hate everyone and everything that is not Islamic like they are.
That picture is a little confusing. Does anyone know what those slavers are doing with those screwdriver like devices? Or what those devices are?
I am not going down without a fight…
Multiculturalism is not the one to be blamed.
Rather, it’s the usage of it.
Many groups in Western societies ‘use’ and avail of multiculturalism. And there is no problem with them. Southern or Eastern Europeans, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Shintos, you name it.
Only one group composed of bearded men and blackened women…
Let Allah sort it out.
I’m sure the muslim women feel a cut above the non believer women in the world because the men are not supposed to rape them. If they had a soul, they would be outraged by this.
Miss USA became Christian she is finally seeing the light.
The article would be even more interesting if there was some comment from a recognized Muslim scholar. Without it I’m afraid it’s only opinion derived from a few cases. I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m just saying the material is rather thin and opinion-based.
However it clearly satisfied the mindless sheeple’s desire for justification for their opinion-based hate. Oh, hear how they howl their self-righteous fury.
the world has been plagued by this bunch of monsters long enough…it’s time eradicate every single one off the planet!
Followers of the “Religion of Peace” need to be encouraged to “Rest in Peace”.
Okay…arselifter, you try that s– with my wife, daughter or granddaughter you will be a dead arselifter…the ONLY good kind of arselifter….You consider it your right to rape my wife, daughter, or granddaughter you worthless shit eating arse lifting lowlife, then iit is MY RIGHT to defend myself and my family!..So, make my day and get blown away arselifter!
I agree
and this president wants to bring these fifthy animals over here??? insanity
Unconstitutionally just writes orders and we have to do it??
Muslims that rape our women deserve a bullet in the brain.
I agree. Deport them before they turn your country into a hell hole like they came from.
why has Putin stopped ? is there some understanding between NATO and RUssia….if someone could send these devils to their leader alla, it is only Mr. Putin who can do that …none else… the way….the christians too did all these…and this is how they also conquered europe and other places…dont forget the inquisitions….both are barbaric cult from mid east…scourge of the world…
So you prefer that in history there were wars and try to defend the Islamic death mutilations bombings and rapes killings child abuses woman abuses in modern civilized world by what occurred in your eyes many many years ago? There is no such defense but if you prefer to be on that illogical has no bearing on crimes today side it is your choice. What of the atheists no god no religion that found Islamic believers want to kill or hurt them too? Brain washed illogical psychopathic leaders Muslims let come into power and then they begin genocide and then they want the world including Christians to help them. Do they appreciate it? No they rape and say that the Christian is inferior to them and their fake religion says it is ok. Islam hates everybody and everything except people who are Islam just like they are.
I dont support the medieval arab terror cult called islam in any manner, but at the same time christians in India preach as though they have descended from heaven…thats why i said that both are the scourge of the world…christianity has nothing to do with europe or amerias….it is also a cult that invaded barbarically….hope you remember all the women who were burnt at the stakes ….and all the inquisitions …. I dont want to accept christianity in India in any manner…it is a servant of multi national corporations expanding their commodity market into hinterlands of our nation cum civilization….
I think that the extremists are slitting their own throat by their sexual actions. By the time they get to the US in prolific numbers the public will be so against them that they will not even have to commit crimes before they are exterminated…. judging by the public attitude evolving.
Maybe now people will begin to understand why after 400+ years of this, the Crusades began.
This has been going on for 1400 years. When will we stop it?
Any (fallen, ok hookers) women with AIDS or Hep C go hang around in muslim areas
do not offer yourselves to these men, resist just enough to put off a good person make it clear you do not want to have sex so they have to rape you. Put your own curse on them and their familles the way they put theirs on good people.when it is realised what is happening these attacks will stop. The good people who live by their proper rules will have nothing to fear. Time for payback!
Nuke um till they glow, use allahs ass and those of his followers for runway lights!
Time to get rid of the politically correct non-believers who let these zoo animals into the West.
We need to put a complete stop to anything to do with Islam & all the insane followers of it must be eliminated from Gods good earth.
I like the idea of shooting all moslime scumbags down like rabbid dogs before it’s too late.
I cant agree with you
Islam never permit to look a woman in the wrong way, be she muslim or not. These monsters who do all the misdeeds and say God said us to do this have nothing to do with Islam. I request you to go through quraan and words of prophet muhammad(s) before blaming them
“Believing” in something and “not agreeing” with its critics frequently means that one rather “likes” it instead of “knowing” it – while one is unaware of its real nature, or simply unwilling to admit it because of his intensive “liking” of it.
Millions “believed” in nazism and in communism as well.
Expand your knowledge.
Women in Islam
Muhammad’s ‘marriage’ to Safiyyah
Muhammad had sex-slaves and allowed sex-slavery
Zum letzten Fall: Der Typ hat Knast bekommen. Und: Er hatte Alkohol getrunken. Kann also schon mal nicht “Muslim” gewesen sein, sondern eher Abschaum der Gesellschaft.
For CHRIST sake understand that ALLAH don’t PLEASED by such acts,how can be?Quran does not permit such behavior with prisoners or any other who at your mercy. ISIS is a creation of non-muslims such as Indian RAW and CIA,they have given a task to earn a bad name for ISLAM and enable some governments to achieve their political and financial goals like natural resources of other countries. So please stop blaming Islam for the acts of ISIS and other such organizations.
They don’t treat their own women any better, quit pretending it is only Christian women who they harm and rape.
Well, in islam your actually not allowed to rape or even look at women for too long, “checking her out” like most men do. These are examples of how terrible and disgusting people can be. Muslim men are not the only ones capable of rape and other horrendous acts like this, people from all walks of life are able to commit crimes against Humanity. You shouldnt blame an entire religion for the actions if a few. Islam does not condone these actions, these men just happen to be disgusting and calling themselves muslims, making the rest of us look and feel like shit. So terrible these girls went through this, my heart goes out to them and their familes. Thanks for reading.
-A nearly 16 year-old muslim women
Neuter these nutjobs!
The fools who favor unrestricted Muslim immigration have no idea or don’t want to know the truth of how barbaric Muslim men are. Keep ’em out, Donald.
No more immigration of these uncivilized people into our civilized communities Deport deport
The Government allowed them here, so they must want it to happen.
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