On Christmas Day in the West Bank, two Muslims were arrested for setting a Christmas tree on fire in a Christian majority village near Jenin. On the same day in Bethlehem, Muslim rioters greeted the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem with a hail of stones. Authorities subsequently arrested 16 “Salafi radicals” who were planning to carry out terror attacks against tourists celebrating Christmas.

If this was Christmas in Bethlehem—Christ’s birthplace and scene of the Nativity—Christmas in other parts of the world experienced similar and worse abuse, including mass murder, at the hands of Muslims.
In the United States, a 46-year-old Christian mother of three was among the 14 people killed in the San Bernardino terrorist attack targeting a Christmas party. Ironically, Bennetta Bet-Badal had fled Iran to the U.S. at age 18 to escape the persecution of Christians following the 1979 Islamic revolution. Over the course of the next three decades, she graduated college with a degree in chemistry, married and raised three children. But the Islamic jihad finally caught up with her. She was attending a Christmas luncheon and bringing gifts to her co-workers when the Muslim terrorists burst in and massacred them.
Belgium was like Bethlehem: A video appeared showing a number of teenagers lighting a petrol bomb under a Christmas tree in Brussels. Seconds later an explosion can be heard, and the tree is quickly engulfed in flames. As they run away, the teens shout Islam’s war-cry, “Allahu Akbar.” The original uploader, Mohamed Amine, has since taken down his Facebook page.
In Germany, four Eastern Orthodox Christians were accosted in the early morning hours after Christmas Day in Berlin by a man shouting, “I am a Muslim! What are you?” The man and his friends then pounced on and violently beat the Christians.
The few anecdotes of Muslims terrorizing, beating, and even killing Christians on the occasion of Christmas in the West—where Muslims are minorities—were much amplified in Muslim majority nations.
Stifling Christmas
In Syria, the Islamic State “arrested, if not executed, some youth [five] in the city of Raqqa for befriending and greeting Christians on the occasion of Christmas.” ISIS reportedly told the five youth that “they are being detained after an investigation [including through their personal computers] found that they greeted the Christians and wished them a Happy New Year.” When one of the youth tried to exonerate himself, an ISIS member replied: “Shut up! You accompany the Christians—is that not so?” The five youth were then hauled to an unknown location. No information has since surfaced concerning their fate.
Such antipathy for Christmas was not limited to ISIS. The governments of three countries—Somalia, Tajikistan, and Brunei—formally banned Christmas (from celebrating its Gospel message to putting up trees, dressing like Santa Claus, and/or giving gifts). Transgressors can face as much as five years in prison. The Islamic clerics of Brunei summarized the general rationale: “Using religious symbols like crosses, lighting candles, putting up Christmas trees, singing religious songs, sending Christmas greetings … are against Islamic faith.”
In Bangladesh, churches skipped traditional Christmas midnight mass services due to the increasing number of threats against and attacks on Christian leaders. Although comprising less than one percent of the Muslim nation, in the weeks before Christmas, over three dozen church leaders received death threats and at least four narrowly escaped attempts on their lives.
Although not canceled, Christmas church services were tense and on high alert in the reportedly most “moderate” Muslim nation, Indonesia. More than 150,000 security personnel and others were deployed to safeguard churches and other places around the country during Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. Days earlier, on December 20, police arrested six men who had bomb-making materials and jihadi literature.
On December 25 in Iran, a group of about 10 Christians celebrating Christmas in a house were verbally abused and arrested after plain-clothes government agents raided their private home service. Separately, on December 23, agents beat, handcuffed, and arrested another Christian man during a raid on his home. His books, computer, mobile phone, and even decorated Christmas tree were seized.
Christmas Carnage
On December 24 in the Philippines, Muslim jihadis terrorized the Christian-majority nation after they seized and executed 10 Christians. A military spokesman said the terrorist attack was intentionally launched on Christmas Eve “to make a statement.”
On December 25 in Nigeria, the Islamic group Boko Haram slaughtered 16 Christians, including children. The jihadi group has been bombing churches and massacring Christians on Christmas Day for several years in a row. One of the deadliest occurred in 2011, when the jihadis bombed a Catholic church during Christmas mass, killing 39 and wounding hundreds.
On Christmas Eve in the Democratic Republic of Congo, over 50 people of the Christian majority nation were massacred by the Ugandan-based group, ADF-Nalu, which “has acquired in recent years the characterization of a jihadist movement.”
On Christmas Eve in Iraq, the Islamic State bombed ten Christian homes and a convent in the Assyrian village of Tel Kepe. Several people were injured. On December 30, IS bombed several Christian owned restaurants in Syria, leaving 16 people dead.
If Western leaders and media claim that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, how does one explain away the fact that Muslim governmental officials—not “ISIS”—in nations as diverse Brunei, Somalia, and Tajikistan have openly and formally expressed their hostility for Christmas (and thus Christianity)? How does one explain away the fact that Muslims—not “ISIS”—terrorized and slaughtered Christians on Christmas in nations as diverse as Bangladesh, Belgium, the Congo, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Philippines, Syria, the West Bank, and even the United States?
Israel “declared war” on CHRIST 2,000 years ago. These muslims are just their PROXIES.
the stated aim is to destroy western civilization — “First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit” – George Soros
Rabbi cheers muslim INVASION & DESTRUCTION of Europe. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0c3_1441769526#6tdYC2cP7kpD5sAx.99 — very short
http://www.dumpert.nl/embed/6695011/28ec7b05/ —- 19 minutes
Jewish multicultural plan to destroy Europe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QU7IoDoVX4 — very short
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ — very short
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc1dzxSWKec — 3.4 min.
Excellent video! saw it displayed on various websites. The EU is history, soon to be declared a caliphate with shiria law and control freak- gestapo like terror forcing conversions or be killed. Many will be killed off and mass destruction of monuments, churches, etc. Women and girls will be raped and the men will stand by doing nothing since they are cowards and idiots for allowing all this over time. People will be thrown out of houses to make room for invaders. Americans for the most part are dumbed down and too self absorbed and Canadians are ultra left under a Marxist leader. We will fall soon, by this year if folks don’t wake up and deport invaders back to their countries. Saudi gov is paying for mosques here and overseas. America’s future is zero. Only 3% Americans will go down fighting, the rest will convert or be slaves or killed.
Blind are the people blaming Jews for everything under the sun. Including Islam. Shame on all of you Israel haters.
I’m with you, and I agree. They will get their reward. If no one prays that they turn from the darkness. But then, satan followers would kill anyone that prays over them.
ISIS never, ever, attacks ISrael
What an interesting lie. ISIS DOES attack Israel, but you are claiming otherwise.
Antisemitism much?
PROsemitism ——- If there is an “antisemitism” there must be : “PROsemitism” PROsemitism must be a supporter of “semitism”, which ODDLY means Judaism even though most Jews are NOT semites and SUNNIsemites and SHIITTEsemites and CHRISTIANsemites are ignored. So, what are you supporting if you are a PROsemite? Well first of all we must define Judaism:
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
So right off the get-go PROsemites hate all NON-Jews, NON-members of YOUR group(TRIBE).
THAT means, that if I am not one of the TRIBE, you do not like me.
Since Jews brand all NON-Jews “gentile” and automatically denigrate them, to be PROsemitic one must by definition be ANTI-GENTILE.
They hate all NON-Jews so fundamentally, that they have to SPECIFICALLY NAME what they grudgingly term “RIGHTEOUS GENTILES”. Those are NON-Jewish HUMANS that went so far out of their way to help/save Jews that the Jews were FORCED to ACKNOWLEDGE the humanity of that specific ‘gentile”. You see, PROsemites do not acknowledge the EQUALITY of spirituality and humanity of “gentiles”
According to the SPLC & ADL an organization is a “HATE GROUP” if it has
“beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people”.
Jews have HATED CHRIST and his followers for 2,000 years. Go ask your Jewish friends to “acknowledge” Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was an anti-semite according to the Temple Priests who HEREM(excommunicated) Him just prior to crucifixion.
JUDAS ISCARIOT was a Jew —- in good standing with the Temple Priests.
THIS is PROSEMITISM “in action”:
Israeli Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs, Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan, from the settler party Habayit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) gave an interview [Heb] to the Israeli daily Ma’ariv 12/30/2013 on his party’s stance against gay marriage.
Here’s a snippet from the interview. Remember, this man is a high ranking government official in the only “democracy” in the Middle East.
Q: What will you do if the Knesset votes on a bill legalizing gay marriage?
A: No way. Also, a Jew cannot marry a gentile.
Q: Is that the same thing?
A: We don’t recognize either of them. And anyway, a Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he’s gay.
Since when are Khazars Semitic?
And then all the Beeblebroxi enter with their new definistion of anti-semitism. That word was created to replace the German word Juden Hass. So Jew Haters will be Jew Haters, always.
There is a story of how Moslems are a product of INBREEDING and incest. The report done in multitude of Moslem countries is estimated at an average of 50% of them are inbred retards.
The inbreeding comes from belief they can marry 1st cousins according to the report. Combine this with altered DNA to be WILD MAN and you have an extreme inhuman creature. Almost animal in behavior.
We have to nuke Mecca…once the totem is obliterated Islam is finished.
Only Israhell has the cojones to carry it out.