In a world where Western leaders and politicians regularly distance themselves from their Christian heritage, preferring to tout “multiculturalism,” United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron’s Easter message is refreshing.
Among other things, Cameron (see video below) made it a point to say “that we should feel proud to say, ‘This is a Christian country.’ Yes, we’re a nation that embraces, welcomes and accepts all faiths and none, but we are still a Christian country.”
In this context, the Islamic Umma – where non-Muslims are not “welcomed” or “accepted” — comes to mind: whereas the West, thanks to its Christian heritage, developed in a way as to be open and tolerant of others, the Islamic world has and likely will not.

In fact, Cameron also urged his fellow citizens to speak out about the persecution of Christians:
We have a duty to speak out about the persecution of Christians around the world too. It is truly shocking that in 2015 there are still Christians being threatened, tortured, even killed because of their faith. From Egypt to Nigeria, Libya to North Korea. Across the Middle East Christians have been hounded out of their homes, forced to flee from village to village; many of them forced to renounce their faith or brutally murdered. To all those brave Christians in Iraq and Syria who practice their faith or shelter others, we will say, “We stand with you.”
Meanwhile, U.S. President Obama—who is on record saying “we are no longer a Christian nation” and, unlike Cameron, never notes the Islamic identity of murderers or the Christian identity of their victims and ignored a recent UN session on Christian persecution—had this to say at the Easter Prayer Breakfast: “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”
This is in keeping with his earlier statements calling on Americans in general Christians in particular to be nonjudgmental of Islamic terrorism.
In other words, those Christians who are critical and speak up against injustices, in this case, Muslim persecution of Christians, need to shut up and be doormats that allow anything and everything. Such is “tolerance.” Christians are being persecuted? That’s okay, turn the other cheek, seems to be the American president’s message at a time when Christians, as Cameron noted, are being slaughtered all throughout the Islamic world.
For all intents and purposes Obama is essentially aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. He is more subtle about his allegiance undoubtedly because of his current status as a U.S. president but his refusal to name the terrorists as Muslims, fanatics or otherwise, coupled with his frequent openly hostile thoughts about the Christian faith he claims to practice are telling and troublesome. About 21 months worth of troublesome.
Obama is a foul, disgusting subhuman maggot. Other than that, he’s a good friend of the LGBT homosexual community.
Jesus Christ gave us many commands and promises, but He never said we should tolerate evil. He spoke boldly to the Pharisees and others like them, calling them “serpents and unwashed cups, graves full of dead men’s bones, (Matthew 23:27)” and said the “world hates you because it hated me (Matthew 10;John 15).”
He never spoke that way to those trying to follow His example.
So, it is clear: Between Jesus Christ and the person quoted in this article as speaking, laughing, joking about “love and Christianity,” just Who is the True Servant of God.
The one claims to be…his claim is hollow and shown to be false.
Christ didn’t have to say Who He is,.. although to the woman at the well, He did say…His actions said it all.
God also said to exterminate the Amalekites.
Obama is NOT a real Christian. Although he want to a church in Chicago (the place where Farrakhan was a revered guest speaker on many occasions), Obama uses his assumed Christianity to elevate him in politics. Espousing pro-Muslim sentiments, promoting anti-western values, and ignoring Christian victims of Islamic terror, it is clear to all observers that his heart and soul are with radical, militant Islam. A true Muslim Brotherhood member, to be sure. Al Jazeera was right.
Obama is a Deomcrat. Therefore he cannot be a real man
Thank you, Mr Cameron. I often do not agree with you but on this point I do!