According to the “Largest Syrian Christian Group on Facebook,” the above is a picture of a young girl in Syria, before (L) and after (R) the U.S.-sponsored jihad reached her. The Arabic caption along with the picture reads: “Syrian child, tortured, raped, her face disfigured at the hands of the Saudis and others from among the psychos and criminals of the revolution.”
In fact, as many as 95% of the “freedom-fighters” in Syria are foreign jihadis trying to carve out an emirate — as they always do — justified by fatwas permitting rape and other perversities in the name of jihad. Meanwhile, it is the average, indigenous Syrians, such as this child and countless others, who suffer in silence.
I am praying from this little angel. I can’t believe any one would do this to a sweet little girl. Lord please heal this sweet girl physically and mentally, shower your love on her sweet soul and restore her stronger than before.
Lord I implore you to show the men that did this to her the way to your peace and understanding. Please show them the wrongs that they have committed and lead them to repent and change their ways. Amen!
We should be ready, more of those stuff is coming.
But worry not she won’t remember anything in heaven.
And God stated that children’s place in heaven are secured
“I can’t believe any one would do this to a sweet little girl”.
Then you don’t know Islam.
she is dead. WHat do you mean by healing her physically & mentally???
This looks very much like a post-mortem photo and this angel now rests in the arms of the Almighty. These are benighted savages without honor.
History and Providence will judge this nation for aiding and arming these beasts.
A sad but true statement.
done by obamas relatives….
One feels a tear rising and a desire to eliminate these evil nauseating barbarians!
I hope that the bastards who did this, and the bastards who claim that their religion forbids this but won’t speak out loud enough, burn in Hell
I’ll be praying for this little angel and her family, and that the perpetrators are brought to swift justice. Filthy barbarians.
I hope the spirit of this child visits each of the perverts that did this to her,Each and every time they try to sleep,and that they will die a terrible death,A slow and painful death begging to be allowed to die,But not being allowed that release.
Once again, Obama’s “peace partners” in the Middle East commits another atrocity. If only the Invisible Children and others like them would truly go after and denounce Islamic apartheid against women and children instead of just focusing on the LRA. If only we had a true denouncement of Islam’s genocide and tyranny. This Antichrist religion needs to be known by all people before it really comes to their door. It’s time we said “Islam=Satanism and Satanism=Islam.”
you got that right>
The religion of peace strikes again. The same belief system that flies airplanes into buildings full of innocent people. the same belief system that perpetrates “work-place violence” at an Army base in Texas. The same belief system that bombs the Boston Marathon, maiming and killing innocents like this one. Wake up America! Islam is dangerous and the more you believe that it is a religion of peace the more you must believe that the Holocaust was a myth. I know that Fox News is owned by the Saudis so they can’t speak the truth and the mainstream news lost their credibility years ago. What is is going to take to wake us up? Obama is a joke and certainly pro Muslim. Those of you who read this and believe that Jesus Christ is the One True God have only one response: Get on your knees and a repent and plead the blood over our country before it is too late and these things are happening to our own children here. We need the Lord here and another great awakening to sweep through our country. Politics is not the answer but God is! The One True God, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob not the perversion called allah who actually condones this abysmal behavior against innocent children.
Actually, religion is the problem. At the moment it is Islam – Throughout history, it’s also been Christians. Religion is divisive and it encourages hatred under the guise of peace. Religion is a fairy story for which human beings will torture and kill each other because of their belief being made undeniable by punishment of their respective deities. It is used by the weak of mind to give them security – a false security that, when threatened, encourages believers to lash out and try to protect. True freedom of thought and mind comes when you divest the falsehood of religion and enables you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. If you need religion to inform you about what is right, or wrong, then you have to examine your own humanity.
so show us your example of how this has actually worked for a nation/country…..i acn think of several that have tried this approach ant the results were absolutley horrifying. “Divesting” of religeon does not bring peace or sanity, it reinforces the worst in us
Religion isn’t the problem, it’s the answer – that is, the Whole Truth revealed by God the Son, Jesus Christ!
Do you actually believe good is inherently learned on its own. It is based on previous laws and civilized behavior learned from your environment. All that has a basis in morality taught by others. And that environment comes from a belief in a higher authority than man. If you worship man w/o religion. what is acceptable is changeable. Examples are communism, Nazi fascism, and especially Islam (and even cursory knowledge of Islam) proves it is not a Religion but a political system.
you are so right. islam is satan at it’s best.
“what is acceptable is changeable.” – and often what is acceptable in certain periods of history require change because the principles that supported such acceptable behaviours are based on unacceptable morals perpetuated by others and often that environment is fostered by a belief in a higher authority.
Slavery, Crusades, colonization and exploitation of the New World, Salem Witch Trials, Spanish Inquisition, racism/segregation in all its forms in the US. These events were all permissible according to the higher authority and were encouraged by the higher authority’s representatives on Earth, the very environment that was the basis of morality taught to others.
“They exchanged the truth for a lie!!”
Obama is not pro muslim obviously, because these are not the teachings of Islam. Obama is a demon just like bush.
Patcnews Aug 30, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomes Jon Voight
And satan was in a rage for he knows is time is short 8/10/05 Shabbat Shuva
nice propaganda
Wish you were there.
Muslims are Demons and don’t feel guilty or shame of what they have done rather the contrary.
They are proud of what they should be ashamed of.
The Muslim Brotherhood, al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, al-Nusra, & al-Qaeda are all Barack Hussein Obama’s Allies.
You need a nurse!
She is in our prayers. The animals need to stop…but we need to pray for them too, irregardless.
Will you do me a favor, send this kind of information to Reuters and other International newspapers. You are preaching to the converted to me. I know these people are savages and I know what they are doing, there needs to be more world coverage. I hope this little girl is dead, her life from then on will not be worth living. Get the message to the EU, the Whitehouse, the UN, Russia, there need to be major features in the Sunday nationals, sure would boost circulation and you may actually manage to turn the tide against Islam and this would be a crusade worth fighting for. I am so sick of high powered politics centering on the destruction of Israel. We need to deprive the damn Arabs of the power they hold because of OIL.
The same Photo of the dead children was used last year in an article about the Houla massacre that was committed by pro-government militiamen. Does anyone know where the picture actually comes from?
There is a picture on wikipedia’s topic on the Houla massacre of dead children, but it is not the same as the picture above. Do you have a link to the picture you are talking about?
Yes it was used in an article from something called the ‘Times of malta’
‘UN blocked from new Syrian massacre’
‘Thursday, June 7, 2012’
The girl in the middle is the same girl who is featured in Raymond Ibrahim’s article.
Yes it is – thanks for pointing that out, Eric
This is your peaceful muslims. They are all supporters of violence and support what has happened above. All of them don’t have the stomach to actually carry out these hateful violent crimes but they support them with their money. Just like the rich Saudis they encourage poor peons to strap bombs onto their children to kill innocent people. Then they give the family $10,00.00 for doing this. In the meantime the rich Saudis kids are living comfortable in big mansions, protected by body guards and the stupid peons are killing their own kids. If these people do not have love for their own children how in the hell do you think they could have love for anyone else? Wake up people, wake up.
oh God..
I am so tired of the FALSE moon god called allah and his child raping prophet mohammed..
Sheesh this is so sick it is beyond comprehension..
and they are emulating their most perfect demon possed man named mohammed
and the lefts / democrats response is?????
silence.. deafening silence..
Admittedly, since 9/11, I’ve become aware of more facts & historic incidents than anyone should ever want to know. The list is endless, but 9/11, the London bombing of the transit bus, & the murderous destruction of the train in Madrid has told the world of the dangers of fringe elements of Islam ( I’m quoting Muslims when I say ‘fringe’ elements.)It doesn’t matter how low the percentage might be of Muslims who devote themselves to extinguishing human lives at will; with a billion on the earth, it doesn’t take more than a few hundred thousand to wreak havoc around the world. What other political or religious movement would pull a young school girl off a school bus & shoot her in the face? Inevitably; most Muslims, I’m sure, would never consider doing such a thing. But there’s too many that would.I’d like to point out that I follow no religion.We see the astonishing arrogance of Islam in assuming itself to be the answer to all problems in life.Yeah, right. When was the last time a Muslim majority country sent billions in aid to the UK, or the USA, or hastened to the site of any natural disaster? It should be noted, however, that many of the comments herein mirror the absolute arrogance of Islam; substituting Christianity for Islam. And please quit blaming “leftists” liberals for the false accusation of accommodating Islam. I am liberal & readily recognize that there must be something dreadfully wrong with an ideology/theology; that seems to be able to create endless numbers of suicide bombers, & that views rape victims as the criminals to be prosecuted. I know I’m going on too long, but one of the most astonishing things I’ve noticed about Islam, even in western societies, if found in local or regional Muslim websites.Most sites have a section where Muslims can submit questions to local religious leaders. And, the questions are almost always about what is or isn’t permissible , & are; in my opinion; patently absurd.
Jihad without mercy. It should earn a Crusade without mercy.
Destroy muslim munafik biadab !
Islam must be destroyed at all costs.
THIS IS A FAKE STORY……… is what REALLY happened to her, her brothers and many other children…in a MASSACRE over a YEAR AGO!!… HORRIBLE!!! but not a rape!!
FAKE!! This was actually killed by Assad’s forces. Details from 1 YEAR AGO.. YES, OLD:
Dear God. Only the devil himself could perpetrate such things on a child. It seems our fearless golfing leader is Satan incarnate.
Dear Lord, please treat this little angle physically and pshychologally by Your true love, in Jesus name, Amen
you are just a mother fucker lier
obama has permitted these jihadis to commit limited rape
just like his limited strikes
the reason her expression in death does not reflect the horrible things done to her, though she was clearly tortured, is because Jesus took her in his arms to Heaven.
THIS STORY IS FALSE. The following link is the original report on this angel’s murder:
Whose really running the world’s agenda? Ithink its satin and the people playing his card which aare” the new world order”. I believe that every religion including Islam promotes peace, this is not Islam or true jihad. Jihad is fighting for peace and love that’s jihad in Islam. Whether you raise your children to love and respect others or simply strive to smile at everyone you meet and truly wish well for for others as you do for yourself from your heart, that’s also jihad. Its utterly sad that the world has come to tie these horrifying actions with the most peaceful religion. I wish that everyone will at least give themselves a chance to know what Islam truly is and at least read the Quran before judging. For their own good not mine. Suffering in Islam does not exist in life or after death. The most beautiful thing I find about Islam is that as a Muslim you respect yourself as well as others in many ways, by the way we talk, dress and behave. I know that this picture of the girl is nothing like how she is in heaven with Allah and the angels. May Allah / god bless her soul and give her family the strength to cope with her loss. Whoever is responsible for what’s happening in Syria will see the day when the same will happen to them. And even though I believe this, what goes around comes back worse, I wish for world peace and I do not wish harm on anyone, because that is what being a Muslim has taught me to believe. Peace.
I stand for all Muslims who believe that those who perpetrate such crimes against any person, Christian, Buddhist or any other creed, are not followers of the Quran or Hadith of the noble Prophet Muhammed SAW. This is not what Islam teaches nor advocates in any way.
May God Almighty guide us all and may He grant understanding to those who have strayed.
To all those affected by such atrocities, I know that God Almighty is all seeing and all knowing. My prayers are with you all.
islam never said to those people go kill innocent people in the name of god those bad people who did this and using islam in this mission you all waiting a chance to blame islam u all sick people islam always straight when it ever say something here is a chapter from quran :
“Whoever kills a person it shall be as if he killed all mankind;
and who saved a life, it shall be as if he has saved the life of all
mankind.”verse 5:32.
and islam Does not contradict himself if u don’t believe get back to the source i’m sure this girl now in heaven forever a place better than this short life which god put us in it to test us
We shall reach the USA soon!! Allah hu Akber!
Sharia law is an integral part of islam. All practicing muslims must accept sharia law
as part of their religious system and beliefs. Sharia law is the antithesis of
Western culture and civilization. Islamic sharia law is based on 16th
century beliefs and it fails to allow its patrons to mature with the rest of
the modern world.
If you are a Christian, you believe in Jesus and your
faith is based on Judeo-Christian roots. We as Christians have the utmost
respect for people’s personal freedoms.
One interesting concept of sin and salvation between
Christianity and Islam is that we as Christians pray, ‘Lead us not into
temptation.’ We teach our children to avoid places with allurements. In Islam,
persons and things that tempt are destroyed or removed. Women are covered,
prostitutes are executed, idols are blown up, and hands are cut off for
In Islam you don’t pray ‘Lead us not into temptation’
because you do not believe in a Holy Spirit to guide your life. You simply
transform societies in such a way that there are no temptations. In this way
the road to the muslim paradise is made easier by destroying personal freedoms.
I for one do not believe all muslims are bad; however,
it’s in the interest of ALL muslims to enforce ‘Sharia Law’ as legal code in
all countries since it is the foundation of their faith.
The biggest misconception muslims have is that sin comes
from the outside. Sin does not come from the outside, it comes from within. You
can not force the sin out of anyone. You can not make someone sinless by
transforming the world around them like Sharia Law suggests.
The good and the bad are already inside each of us to
regulate and manage. It’s our own choice which one we choose to manifest.
Sharia law is an integral part of islam. All practicing muslims must accept sharia law
as part of their religious system and beliefs. Sharia law is the antithesis of
Western culture and civilization. Islamic sharia law is based on 16th
century beliefs and it fails to allow its patrons to mature with the rest of
the modern world.
If you are a Christian, you believe in Jesus and your
faith is based on Judeo-Christian roots. We as Christians have the utmost
respect for people’s personal freedoms.
One interesting concept of sin and salvation between
Christianity and Islam is that we as Christians pray, ‘Lead us not into
temptation.’ We teach our children to avoid places with allurements. In Islam,
persons and things that tempt are destroyed or removed. Women are covered,
prostitutes are executed, idols are blown up, and hands are cut off for
In Islam you don’t pray ‘Lead us not into temptation’
because you do not believe in a Holy Spirit to guide your life. You simply
transform societies in such a way that there are no temptations. In this way
the road to the muslim paradise is made easier by destroying personal freedoms.
I for one do not believe all muslims are bad; however,
it’s in the interest of ALL muslims to enforce ‘Sharia Law’ as legal code in
all countries since it is the foundation of their faith.
The biggest misconception muslims have is that sin comes
from the outside. Sin does not come from the outside, it comes from within. You
can not force the sin out of anyone. You can not make someone sinless by
transforming the world around them like Sharia Law suggests.
The good and the bad are already inside each of us to
regulate and manage. It’s our own choice which one we choose to manifest.