Dr. Abdullah Badr—an Egyptian Muslim scholar, Al Azhar graduate, and professor of Islamic exegesis, who spent ten years in prison under Mubarak, but, along with any number of Islamic terrorists and agitators, was released under Morsi—recently gave an excellent summation of the second half of the highly divisive Muslim doctrine of wala’ wa bara’ (or, “Love and Hate”)—namely, that the true Muslim should love and help fellow Muslims, while hating and being disgusted by non-Muslims.

During a conference last week (see video below, with English subtitles) he explained how he is so “disgusted” by Christians, to the point that, if a Christian were to touch his cup, he would not drink from it:
[It’s] not a matter of piety, but disgust. I get grossed out. Get that? Disgust, I get grossed out man, I cannot stand their smell or … I don’t like them, it’s my choice. And they gross me out; their smell, their look, everything. I feel disgusted, disgusted. I get disgusted not only by that, but by many things.
He kept stressing that, while Sharia law does not ban Muslims from eating food prepared by Christians, he personally is sickened by them. Badr explained how he once entered a store in Egypt to buy food, but when he saw the crosses and Christian icons on the wall, and understood that the owner was Christian, he immediately gave the food away on the street.
Even so, the pious Badr went on to warn that any Muslim who goes out of his way to make a show of his disgust for Christians is a hypocrite. His logic was perversely similar to Jesus’s teaching that those who show off their piety—Christ was talking about fasting, not hating—are hypocrites.
Instead, according to Badr, the disgust, and as he later explained in the video, the hate for Christians and other infidels, must come from the heart—as it does with him—and not be a mere matter of showing off around other Muslims.
Such is the Islamic doctrine of Love and Hate—a doctrine the West would do well to become acquainted with, a doctrine that sheds light on the alarming extent of Islamist deceit and treachery. (See Ayman Zawahiri’s nearly 60 page treatise, “Loyalty and Enmity,” to use another translation of wala’ wa bara’, in The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 63-115, for a comprehensive review of this doctrine.)
Portions of Badr’s video follow, with English subtitles. If they do not appear, you may need to click on “cc” (closed caption) on YouTube.
Well I guess that’s okay. I’m utterly repulsed by Islam, and by the Muslims who take it seriously.
I’m wondering what he thinks we smell like. Maybe he’s unaccustomed to the smell of soap or shampoo!
It’s the smell of hard work he can’t stand, it’s scum like him who steal USAID aid, our tax dollars that pays for his BMW paid and built by Christians
That is true because he doesn’t shower and all he can smell is his own stink from his body and rotten brain.
bathing, basic hygiene and combing ones shoulder hair is forbidden in islam.
me too, sick of islam and its dirty goat raping ways.
Well, I’m disgusted by him, so that makes us even, I guess.
I once read an article about a Christian man who acidentally drank water from a “Moslem” cup and was beaten to death. That happened in Bangladesh id I remember correctly.
stuff like that happens everywhere but the media is afraid to report it
Kill em all – Satan’s agents – islam is Satan’s lie to the world.
Well, my, my, my how ironic that this guy could take the emmy for UGLY!!!! What a piece of human WASTE!!!! He is repulsive beyond words–as are all of his disgusting sickening muzz compatriots!!!! He should only wish that all of his food were prepared by CHRISTIANS–seeing that muslims have no inkling of the meaning of the words “WASHED” and “CLEAN”!!!!!
Notice that mark on his forehead?
funny hate is because you drink the same water ,walk on the same soil return to the same earth and breathe the same air,i am a man of no religion nor faith and i think everyone is very confused to the point of no cure except starting over.
hate is a feeling stemming from rejection,did your mom not love you?
so when 4 Mexican illegal aliens want to live in your house, you will invite them in and let them live for free. Ive read some of your other posts. one day reality is going to come and bite you on your fairy tale liberal a**.
He only likes people that smell like B.O. and tumeric.
God will avenge Himself upon this camel piss drinker unless he believes in Jesus Christ and asks for baptism before divine justice overtakes him.
lol, if only you got the irony of your comment. Which I’m sure you won’t.
I don’t have to like him either and I have to say that they dress their women in sacks and the men wear their sister’s,wife’s,mothers(?) clothes. That doesn’t mean that my Lord didn’t tell me to love them. It’s just more of a challenge for me,but not for Him.
Indeed it is. This man was made in the image of God, and we are commanded to love him. I know it is hard, but that kind of love for our enemies does not come from within us, but we have to ask Jesus to loan it to us.
This man is a slave of Satan, but still loved by Jesus. All we can do is to pray for him.
‘Image of God’…I certainly hope God does not look like this guy…
You’re a shit head Abdullah along with your pagan false god allah. go croak on some turds you freaking jerk, and by the way we hate you your king also. so the feeling is mutual
Evil hates Righteousness.
Plain and simple.
Besides- who cares what he likes or hates- he’s not worth it.
Good… i dont like u either ))))) ur smell like camel…ur breather like poop lol…poor ur wifes who must kiss u everyday. Thank to Jesus…i born in christian family n my husband who man full love not anger like u
Quote Instead, according to Badr, the disgust, and as he later explained in the video, the hate for Christians and other infidels, must come from the heart—as it does with him—and not be a mere matter of showing off around other Muslims.
Yet again, Islam corrupts a divine teaching from Jesus into a Satanic one. Which is further evidence that Islam is the work of Satan.
We must pray for Muslims.
Hate is what islam teaches, they even hate each other.
I don’t “hate” anyone or thing. That is a very strong word! I do however find muslim clerics and islam itself absolutely disgusting!
they are. when I was growing up i had to pay visits to those a…holes because my dad was so religious. They make sick. I can spot the conservative muslims from a mile away. watch out for those who trim their mustaches so it is above their lips.
If Badr didn’t want to be the hypocritical Muslim who goes out of his way to make a show of his disgust for Christians, why did he buy food in that “Christian” place just so he could go out and give it away? Surely it would have been enough to have just left as soon as he saw crosses. If he didn’t want to be a hypocrite and all.
We are told by the politically correct media constantly, that Islam is a religion of peace. But why is it, that time and time again the most violent and hateful people in the muslim world are always the most pious and religious. If Islam was a religion of peace you would expect the muslims who pray and read the Koran like Muslim Scholar Dr Abdulla to be the most peacful, but they rarely are. You only need to see how religious the inmates are at Gitmo to understand this.
maybe he should take a shower then…
An Egyptian Muslim BROTHERHOOD is the bottom of society .. I lived around them .. They don’t bath .. They eat rat meat, they have major hyjene problems ..in most case idiots who are no better than their imams who guide them through their radical upbringings and disgust life. I am no Coptic nor I am an Egyptian But I can attest to one thing once you crush the Christians and Muslim liberals in Egyot you can bet it will be stone ages as it best suites the Muslim brotherhood,. And when that happens One must wonder where would this Moran buy his aspirin from.
So here is beavis look alike, cutting down Christians, but if he would take one look around, weather it’s the car he drives, or the pillow he lays on, all has been created by Christians and handed over to peasants like him who justify stealing from Christians as halal.
The most disgusting aspect of this is the complete and total willingness of so called American “liberals” to aid and abet.
They did the same during the Cold War from the prominence of our universities and newspapers of record.
History repeating itself before our very eyes.
the muslim is disgusted by Christians? thats an ironic remark given the facts that without the Christian west the incompetent muslims would have starved a long time ago. the fact is they have ridden on our backs for far too long and hate us for our kindness.
“I get disgusted not only by that, but by many things.”
Like soap? Properly cooked food? Sanitized drinking water? A heliocentric solar system? (These things are not Quran approved)
Why give ANY recognition to this paragon of hatred?
Nobody likes you either you fat, disgusting pig.
Im not going to use foul language but mister i sure would like to shave your head and pour pig fat down your throat
Well, hopefully he’s back in jail now, or will be soon.
Why are we giving these people AID ?
FATHER FORGIVE THEM…………………………………………….
Godly things are hated by satan and its followers. Blood sucking people only like blood. They cannot stand for something that is good as they perceive evil to the righteous way. So there is nothing new. These uneducated, unclean of habits do hate what is clean, good and heavenly.
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This mohamood arse fucker was midwifed by a christian nurse. By birth he was handled by Christians. Now where does he go to bath to remove smell? To pig piss pool Zamzam?